The 2 on the right are pretty cute.
So what is the deal? In Israel you get to be armed?
I have seen some really great looking women at some of the resorts like Ein Gedi and Elat packing M-16s, Galil's, or Uzis while wearing nothing more than string bikinis.
They are all 3 Active Duty IDF and are required to be armed 24/7!
Ummmmm YUP. They have learned about terrorists and criminals the hard way. There are lots of bombings but dang few shootings and not much street crime for just this reason. Israelis kill bad guys (not terrorists alone) on a regular basis. I remember reading one such account in the Miami Herald back in the late 80's where an outdoor cafe was robbed by a bad guy waving a pistol. About a dozen customers stood, drew and RIDDLED him with over 30 rds total. Nobody else was hit, and the diners simply reholstered and resumed the meal while waiting for the cops to come clean up the mess.
Terrorists hitting schools was a big problem in the 1970's in Israel, but when they started issuing Uzi's to educators that all stopped PDQ. Remember all Israeli citizens are military trained and must serve in the military, both male and female. In fact most of the trainers for firearms and hand to hand combat in the Israeli boot camps are female. I'll bet there's not much date rape there, either.
uh... does that question need to be answered?