A pharmacist shouldn't be allowed to refuse to fill orders any more than a soldier should be allowed to refuse to go to war. They both knew what they were siging up for. This is ridiculous. And we often hear that businesses are not nonprofits, they are for making money, not doing good or following an agenda.
Birth control is not abortion. And BC pills are often used for other medical conditions, not just to control reproduction. The pharmacists need to do their job or find a new line of work.
What about a pharmacist who owns the pharmacy?
BCP's and Viagra are not the issue. In fact I have never even heard of a pharmacist refusing to fill a script for those two. It is RU-486 that is the problem.
Besides, Planned Parenthood gives them out like candy at Halloween.
There are morning after pills that are like abortions. Pharmacists are people and should be able to follow their conscience. They just should work for someone who shares their philosophy. It is crazy to assume everyone must submit to the PC mindset.
Actually many to most birth control pills are abortion pills. They do NOT prevent conception but prevent a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus thus causing the fertilized egg to die. That is abortion and that is the one major reason why the Catholic church is opposed to the use of BC pills.
In any event ALL morning after pills are abortion pills. Women can get all of their contraception and abortion needs met at Planned Parenthood and PP is always happy to have the business. There is no moral reason to expect life loving people to help women (and indirectly men) in their quest to have a responsibility free sex life.
I agree with you. It isnt only birth control pills that are being held under scrutiny, it is also viagra, cialis, levitra, etc. There is a chain store in the DFW area that has been in and out of the MSM lately due to these issues.