Posted on 03/31/2005 6:55:11 AM PST by Eurotwit
Breaking now on CNN
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Or to be more specific the Netherlands, where doctors are already carrying out euthanasia on babies without the parents' permission in certain cases.
Pray for her, and the millions more aborted at the hands of evil.
Our constitutiion that guarantees "Life, Liberty..." has been turned into an instrument of death by activist judges.
My rage is seething. BUT I will reserve my thoughts about Mr. Shiavo for the appropriate mourning time ...
If you look closely, it was not a threat but a suggestion :-)
May she rest in peace.
Re: outlawing starvation, I agree! The Supreme Court and others say we should observe international law, public opinion, and that nonsense. Well human rights guidelines state no person shall be denied food or water. How about observing those rules for the sick and disabled??
May her soul rest in peace...and may God give her family the strenght to face this moment
"We didn't fail her. MICHAEL SCHIAVO failed her.."
I feel like I too failed her. In America the people have the ultimate power and the people did not assemble in a meaningful way. A few children and old folks got themselves arrested but where was I?
The people should have taken matters in hand.
SIMPLY JUDICIAL HOMOCIDE..................................
May his kindness be repaid ten-fold in the bowels of Hell.
Amighty God, to whom all hearts are open,
All Desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid,
Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of Thy Holy Spirit,
That we may perfectly Love Thee,
And Worthily Magnify Thy Holy Name,
Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.
No, they're not. We have become the New Weimar Republic. Unless we rediscover that our nation must be guided by God, we will go down the same road as the Germans.
Go away... this is NOT the time for your vitriol.
"May MS one day realize his cruelty."
and his supporters.....
I think Spouses can love each other but I don't think it is comparable to a CHILD/PARENT Love...
It's a whole different thing, but the intensity, if you are fortunate in both relationships, can be equal. I would take issue with your statement most of the time, but in this case, certainly agree.
What has that got to do with Terri? She's the one we're mourning for and she herself is beyond reproach.
Rest in peace Terri, you've gone on to a better place than this world.
A crucifix was the accepted death for crimals. Christ, though not a criminal, was crucified for our sins. Terri, though not a criminal, was killed to cover the sins of her husband and a host of lawyers and judges and who knows who else who wanted her dead. May she rest in peace.
She held on no longer than expected. The length of her body's continued function after the tube's removal was not even a record which I've heard is 19 days.
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