Posted on 03/30/2005 3:49:54 PM PST by SmithL
SACRAMENTO - Former state Sen. Bruce McPherson was sworn in Wednesday as California's 29th secretary of state, and quickly promised to restore public confidence in the beleaguered office just hours after the Assembly voted to confirm him.
McPherson, 61, a Santa Cruz Republican nominated by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to replace former Secretary of State Kevin Shelley, vowed not to let down the state and the office's staff.
"Now our work begins," McPherson said. "This office is going to lead the nation again in innovation, creativity and impartial elections administration."
Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Connie Callahan of San Francisco swore in the former 12-year state lawmaker in a ceremony attended by elections staffers, Republican and Democratic officials and McPherson's family.
The hastily arranged ceremony just blocks from the Capitol ended eight months of turmoil inside the state's top elections office, which found itself battered by allegations of mishandled federal money under Shelley's direction and numerous other accusations into his conduct. Elections workers effusively greeted McPherson at the swearing in, applauding him before and after he took the oath.
McPherson, finishing the remainder of Shelley's term which expires in 2007, will preside over 450 state employees, 58 county elections departments and 16.5 million registered voters.
"This is terrific news for me," said Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who was not present for the swearing-in ceremony, before the Assembly voted 71-0 to confirm McPherson. "I know that Bruce will do a fantastic job as California secretary of state. He's a very experienced man, he's a great leader, unimpeachable integrity, widely respected."
Schwarzenegger nominated McPherson to the $131,250-a-year post after Shelley announced his resignation in February. The Senate approved his confirmation 34-0 nearly two weeks ago.
Before the Assembly vote, Republicans and Democratic leaders alike praised McPherson as an independent thinker and a bridge builder between the parties.
"Now is the day we begin to rebuild the secretary of state's office. Now is the day we begin to bring the trust back," said Assembly Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Bakersfield.
Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, D-Los Angeles, urged a yes vote from his Democratic colleagues, saying, "Bruce is a good man, and we're counting on you, Mr. McPherson, to take a nonpartisan approach to how you govern in this office."
Assemblyman Mervyn Dymally, D-Compton, cast the lone vote against McPherson's confirmation in the Assembly Rules Committee, saying he was troubled by lack of diversity on the transition team, which includes only one black and one Hispanic. He said he was concerned that McPherson wouldn't be able to represent all voters in the diverse state.
McPherson defended his credentials and said he had appointed a team, not a staff, that could get him the information he needed quickly to take over the office.
"I think if there was a more bipartisan member of this Legislature that served in the last 12 years, I'd like to meet him or her," McPherson said.
Many of the criticized transition team members, McPherson said, were members of the staff of two-term Secretary of State Bill Jones, who served from 1995 to 2003. "They led efforts for reform and modernization that has resulted in more people being registered and more people voting than anytime in the history of California."
McPherson hasn't said he will run for a full term in 2006, but he is an experienced statewide campaigner and a proven fund-raiser. He lost a 2002 bid for lieutenant governor to Democrat Cruz Bustamante.
A former newspaper editor, McPherson was also among the first lawmakers to introduce bills to put many secretary of state records online, including political contributions and lobbying information. During Senate hearings and a 90-minute hearing March 17 before the Assembly Rules Committee he expressed support for "paper trails" in electronic voting machines that allow voters to double-check their choices. If confirmed, McPherson will preside over efforts to bring touch-screen voting to many more counties.
At least 11 counties used electronic systems in the November 2004 election.
Shelley's tenure in the office included both the trouble-free 2003 recall election and allegations that he mishandled federal funds, created an abusive work environment, bent state hiring rules to reward political supporters and accepted questionable campaign contributions.
ShmelleyGate Ping
Another worthless career politician gets a pay check off the public dole
Sorry, but your comment is really nonsensical. McPherson is not a career politician.
You preferred Kevin Shelley?
He got confirmed much quicker than I suspected.
Who says Sacramento can't get things done?
If ya stick your pitchforks in their arses enuf as a reminder.. ;-)
Uh... AP... if he hasn't been confirmed we've scheduled the swearing-in too soon.
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