"When he decided to crawl into bed with a woman not his wife, he did forfeit any right to decide her life.
Schiavo had already had an affair by the time he was suing for malpractice.
Which means he might have been lying under oath when he testified, during the malpractice trial, that he believed in his marriage vows. (Caveat: Perhaps at the moment Michael testified, he had decided to try to be true)"
We know of the woman in mid-1991. Then there's the restraining/stalking order thing, which may be tied to the next one, or, maybe not. Then, there's the present one. These are the ones we know of, and don't count one night stands or other 'thank you, ma'ams.' Ole' boys can say that well, he was in his mid-twenties.
I'm sure every woman wants to run out and fall all over him......but not under.