Posted on 03/19/2005 7:09:55 PM PST by L,TOWM
With apologies to Doug From Upland -- (Sung to the tune of "The Beverley Hillbillies" theme)
Let me tell 'ya a little story
'bout a Freeper named Bob
Could'nt buy a house
though he had a good job
then one day he asked his wife
"Do we have to stay here for the rest of our lives?"
"No" she said
"Let's go"
"LA sucks"
Well the next thing you know
'Ol Bob is on the net
Scoutin' out a place
that would be a good bet
His company said "If some one else quits,
than to our Dallas office, you can then split."
Texas that is,
Bush Voters
Swimming Pools
Any North Dallas/Collin County people pinged to this thread -- My first priority is to find a Bible Thumping, Spirit Filled Jesus Freak style church. If that church has an active homeschool ministry and a Choir that has room for an average (at best) bass singer, that would be great. Any suggestions on churches would be great. Also, suggestions on the utilities situation, things to help my family get settled in, and particulars on the community would be welcome.
To the CA crew, it was fun shooting at Burro Canyon and Freeping the antiwar wackjobs in September 2001. I'll miss CA, but I am already a home owner in Texas. Which is something that some one in CA will not be able to say for quite some time, unless they already are one. Keep up the good fight, and hold Ahhhnold's feet to the fire. I'm outta here.
My best friend and her husband live in Allen, and I hope you move in next to them, because you will bug the hell out of them -- they're libs.
Good choice, Texas. Allen is a good place, although I prefer the East Texas-Piney Woods, myself. (Of course, right now I live on the Gulf Coast.)
Moved to Texas from Michigan in '79. Have not regretted the move. You won't either.
How y'all doin, neighbors?
I have a feeling I'll like it. I had a good feeling about Dallas when we visited a couple of months ago.
If your wife is a shopper; she will be in hog heaven!! (hide the checkbook and the credit cards!)
Welcome to Texas!
Allen's a great place. I hope you work on the North side of Dallas; that commute down Central Expressway is a bear.
Welcome to Texas. However, regarding your tagline line about being an official Texan next week...well we need to talk. Official Texan can have many different meanings, I had to live here for over 10 years before I qualified for the Bubba label. Just kidding of course, being a Texan is a state of mind.
I think 1/2 of Michigan followed you. The other half went to Florida's gulf coast.
Darn. At first I thought it said Austin. We need more conservatives here. Allen is nice though. We used to live in North Dallas/Garland area. If a job doesn't develop here soon we may join you up in Allen. Enjoy Texas!
Welcome home brother.
We have many such churches in the area that meet that description. I don't think you'll have to look far. Some of these churches are enormous. There's one in particular in Plano that is literally larger than some stadiums. And on the other end of the spectrum, we have little storefront churches with only a few dozen members.
Get used to seeing the "CHURCH" yellow diamond warning signs. There's a lot of them here.
635 and 75 -- about a 20 mile commute for me. If its the same as the 110 here in LA, I can deal. If its not as bad, than that is gravy.
Please keep me posted on any local events, if you'd be so kind.
I have felt out of place in CA for a while. I really enjoyed Dallas when I visited.
Thank you for your welcome.
I used to work at the phone company office off of Pipeline in Hurst. I was raised on the west side of Fort Worth.
Best of luck in the Great State of Texas. I may have went to Arizona, but I greatly enjoy the time I spend in Texas. I can completely relate to getting out of where you are currently at, because it sounds like the place our family left. Actually, to this day we don't say we left the area...the area left us.
Once again, best of luck.
"I'm from Texas, ya'll"
Say it.
Feels good, doesn't it?
There is not much better in life than getting out of California. My magic moment was 10/10/03 at 7:03am ...crossed the state line on my way out and never looked back.
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