Posted on 03/05/2005 7:06:16 AM PST by AmericanInTokyo
SLAIN AGENT: I DON'T BELIEVE U.S. VERSION-COMMUNIST LEADER (AGI) - Rome, Italy, March 5 - "A day that was supposed to be happy changed into pain and anger. I don't believe a word of the American version. It's clear that they are trying to hide what really happened. The Americans deliberately shot at the Italians. It's huge," said the secretary of the Italian Communist Party, Oliviero Diliberto, commenting on what took place after the liberation of the journalist Giuliana Sgrena. Diliberto said that "the entire centre left (in Italy) should ask the withdrawal of our troops in Parliament. Enough with this servitude towards the United States." (AGI) - 051409 MAR 05
They probably wanted it to look like an entirely Italian operation, no American help. Well they made a mistake and they payed for it.
If you were finally released after threatened daily with beheading for a month
She told her colleagues at the daily Il Manifesto newspaper that she was never treated badly by her Iraqi abductors. She talks very highly of her abductors, for somebody who was threatened daily with beheading. This is BULL$#!T, its war she went to a war zone to write anti-American stories, she should be happy; she got what she wanted.
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Oh, come on. The trees have been overflowing trolls since the election. |
Very possible - wouldn't surprise me at all.
Why not? Our irrational Libs are reflexive against our military and theirs would be no different. Anyone not hostile to us on the basis we are Americans, is subject to a biased press this journalist represents. I guarentee right now they are being hit hard with propaganda, most twisted and some untrue. The question is whether they have a strong alternative news media to combat it. Somehow I doubt whatever exists there is as strong as ours.
Part of the reason the world is hostile to America is a direct result of the press.
Apparantly, these people felt it was their obligation (as comrades in good standing) to continue the struggle against the capitalist dogs of the United States in even the most moronic and obviously suicidal manner. To slow down would have been viewed by all good communists as an act of capitulation.
I repeat my original post: Duh!
These Communists must assume Americans are stupid.
They want you to believe that the driver was in compliance with the regulations, and the soldiers fired on the car without provocation. But why would the soldiers do that? What would they have to gain by creating an international incident?
It would be helpful to get the internet site of a Conservative or Right Wing (not Fascist!) newspaper in Italy that is getting to the bottom of this, and can counter the propaganda put out by Reuters, il Manifesto, CNN, NYT and all the other symps.
an italian might know of such a sight.
Duh what? If you were finally released after threatened daily with beheading for a month, would you want your driver to go down a well known dangerous road at the speed limit or would you have the pedal to the metal? Geesh! It was an accident...that's all..........DCPatriot
This was not the case of a frightened journalist driven by a driver who substituted a frightened woman's judgment for his own. Italian agents were involved.
It was not an "accident".
It was the logical consequence of piss-poor and amateurish planning on the part of the Italian agents.
If those agents were going to pick up the journalist and take her to Baghdad Airport, they should have taken the steps to previously coordinate their actions with all American unit commanders along their intended route.
In the modern battle field of instant death for a two second lapse of judgment, IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) is Rule Number One for Staying Alive.
The Italian agents, of all people, should have realized that approaching a U.S. checkpoint without IFF and at a high rate of speed and refusing to stop would earn them an immediate Darwin Award.
Most of Europe has been at peace for too long and Europeans have lost the basic skills to survive in a battlefield.
Or am I confusing that with the missing woman who was married to an Iraqi?
The focus of this story is all wrong.
The focus should be
"Italian Government Bank Rolling Iraq Terrorists"
5 million dollars now another 7 or 8 million more. These Italian agents should have been arrested. It is immaterial if you give terrorists 12 million dollars because you are Iran and hat the USA or Italy and supposedly our ally.
Is there any doubt that for every million dollars you give to terrorists you are buying the deaths of dozens if not hundreds of innocent people. What is the logic you ransom one person and virtually guarantee numerous other kidnappings and the deaths of other people.
I have to believe that this ransom money will inevitably cost several American Soldiers their lives. I would also guess this money they are giving will cause far more harm than the pitiful little help the Italians are giving us.
I saw one analyst say that many of the so-called insurgents were really basically criminals and not necessarily people with political motives who were being paid X number of dollars per bomb.
The amounts of alleged ransoms I quoted may be too high. It may be in the range of a million or two.
You present solid logic clearly based upon knowledge and experience. Thank you for elaborating on my previous point.
You're right!
Boy, every time this wench opens her mouth she shoots herself in the foot.
FWIW, I hope she keeps talking.
"I don't know why Italy is whining. They(assuming you mean the people in the woman's car?)are completely responsible for this incident."
1st, the video of her begging for her life is very strange without the usual AK pointed at her head and the masked morons with the islamic gibberish, then running the road block to instigate an attack to keep the "News" going about her "ordeal".
Then the MSM jumps all over this story and reports it exactly to plan it seems. How many Americans are going to swallow this load of tripe, and how many anti-Americans, here and abroad, are going to use this for their big demonstrations and protest parties?
Nah, you don't smell a rat, that's her perfume "musk de rodente".
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