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To: anonymoussierra; DaveMSmith; redhead; WaterDragon; Wphile; ohioWfan; Brad's Gramma; ...

Exodus 20

    1 And God spoke all these words, saying:
       2"I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
       3"You shall have no other gods before Me.
       4"You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; 5you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, 6but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.
       7"You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.
       8"Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. 11For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
       12"Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God is giving you.
       13"You shall not murder.
       14"You shall not commit adultery.
       15"You shall not steal.
       16"You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
       17"You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's."

Please remember the following members of the military and their families/friends in prayer:

~ Gogranny ..... grandson Jarrett, deployed
~ Inspectorette ..... son Eric
~ LBGA ..... son is deployed
~ Slip18 ..... nephew is aboard ship - active duty USN
~ mrs tiggywinkle ….. nephew Michael is in the Navy
~ milagro ….. son is deployed in the Mid-East
~ Jewels1091 ….. friend of daughter … Chris (Navy)
~ from hoosiermama …
…..… Shanty & Josh (husband & wife just deployed separately)
…..… Bill and Bill (both military academy grads)
…..(when you teach, they're all your kids)
~ WomanofStandard ….. a dear friend's sons, Troy (Air Force) in Italy and Tyler (Army) at Ft. Bragg, NC
~ Warriormom ….. CIA agents whose plane crashed and may have been kidnapped in Colombia
~ Freeper Per-Ling ….. active duty in the Navy ….. has a wife and 2-year-old
~ leenie312 ….. son Nicholas is in the Marines
~ rintense .…. friend's brother, Brian Z.
…..… friend, Matt (who is a Freeper), deployed to the Mid-East
~ AF_Blue ….. active-duty AF
~ JulieRNR21 ….. a friend's grandson, Wesley in the USAF
~ bigeasy ….. friend’s husband is deployed ….. he asks for prayer for justice, wisdom, swift return home
~ fc2tomschermuly (Navy) … he is a FReeper, as is his sister (mjaneangels@aolcom) and their father is a lurker
~ EuroFrog ….. husband, SSG Mike, deployed to Kuwait
….. SSG Kris, friend of SSG Mike in Kuwait
~ whoever ….. son Adam, on a Navy ship in a “hot zone” … he’s a single father (a widower) with a 10 y/o daughter
~ annyokie ….. son, Ian (Navy)
~ IncPen ….. Sarah (who was IncPen’s maid of honor at her wedding), Air Force flight nurse, just landed in Kuwait
….. friend’s son Matt is in Kuwait
….. brother in law Paul is awaiting deployment
~ TruthNtegrity ….. cousin's son, Andy, is a Midshipman at the US Navy Academy, studying Astronautical Physics; wants to be a pilot
~ RoseofTexas ….. the son of a friend, Leo, an MP in Kuwait
~ goodnesswins ….. neighbor’s husband, Bruce, flying C-17's from Germany to Iraq
~ azGOPgal’s friend’s friend, Jeremy who is in the 10th Mountain Division
~ FresnoArmyBrat ….. a cousin
~ Jim Robinson ….. two nephews
~ Marysecretary ….. grand-nephew, Paul, who is in Iraq
~ tinacart ….. best friend's son, Cody - 4th Infantry
~ DallasDeb ….. niece in Army, posted to Kuwait, may be repairing comm equipment in Iraq
~ hoosiermama ….. Callie, in Iraq; Dawn's brother ??? and George in a tank somewhere
….. … one of our teachers Dan, working stateside to help "process" military and supplies
~ bigghurtt ….. 5 years in the Army, soon-to-be Special Forces
~ JulieRNR21 ..... friend Betty's grandson, Matt, in US Army
~ Scott Speicher from Desert Storm
~ McLynnan ….. Seth, closest friend’s son-in-law, deploying to Iraq
~ PhiKapMom’s daughter, Jennifer, U. S. Navy
~ Cate ….. son David, in Iraq since June with the 4th ID
~ ladyinred ….. Josh, newly deployed to Iraq
….. Also, Josh's sister Pamela
….. their mother now has 2 children over there and one who has just returned home
~ JulieRNR21 ….. J.C., now serving in US Army in Iraq
~ ntnychik ….. the members of the 10th Mountain Division (which will be in Iraq for the long haul) and their families
~ Pan_Yan & Pan_Yans Wife ….. friend, Mike, stateside now but expects to go back to Iraq in late winter
~ Jewels1091 ….. Nick (friend of youngest daughter) going to Iraq for 18 months
~ MS.BEHAVIN ….. friend's son-in-law, Scott, has been deployed to Iraq
~ hoosier_RW_conspirator ….. son Jake
~ Happy2BMe ….. son Aaron has just left for a year in Iraq
~ Jaguar Girl ….. nephew Jimmy is serving in the Air Force
~ hoosierpearl ….. friend Robert, deployed to Afghanistan in March. He has three small children and a wife at home and has a particularly dangerous job
~ Lunatic Fringe ….. brother deployed with the 2/7 Cavalry
~ Lunatic Fringe ….. best friend from high school, deployed with the 1/7 Field Artillery
~ ODC-GIRL ... part of her unit is in Iraq
~ Jaguar Girl ….. her cousin, Peter (Marines), has just been deployed to Iraq
~ Keith Matthew Maupin, the soldier who has been taken hostage. Prayers for his well-being and for his safe release and for strength and courage for his family.
~ alaska-sgt ….. asks for prayers for himself, his brother, and his brother-in-law, all members of the US Air Force
~ Kewlhand Tek, a FReeper, is currently serving in Iraq
~ bethelgrad, a FReeper, who is leaving for Rhode Island to train this summer as a Navy Chaplain. He especially asks for prayers for his wife and 2 young sons while he is gone.
~ notpoliticallycorewrecked ….. CD (Marines) has returned to (light) active duty while his wounds continue to heal. Prayers for his continued recuperation!
~ St.Mark ….. nephew, somewhere between Syria and Fallujha (Marines); and son, in Twentynine Palms CA in training (Marines)
~ savagesusie ….. son Cory is in Afghanistan
~ redhead ….. granddaughter & husband (Stephanie and Josh) serving in Iraq
~ stand 4 something ….. son Cade has joined the Air Guard and is in training.
~ Freeper firstiamaussoldier classified assignment, stateside
….. ….. Sister-in-law, Deanna, USAF active duty HAFB
….. ….. Ex-husband, Benton, 161st Air refueling FT ANG Sky Harbor … (All second to fourth generation military.)
~ Texagirl4W ….. nephew, Jesse (Navy)
~ Militiaman7 ..... son, Jonathan, who is a FReeper, is in Afghanistan with the Virginia Army National Guard.
~ jonsie ….. son Ryan has been in Iraq as a medic with 1st Cav since Sept. 2003, he is now guarding the green zone
~ elder5 ….. brother-in-law W0-2 Brian F., Army Reserve Chopper pilot, on his 2nd tour in Iraq
~ firstiamaussoldier ….. son has been sworn in as a Marine Reserve in the delayed entry program as he finishes up high school
~ Don'tMessWithTexas ….. 2 brothers-in-law in the service
….. … a Lt.Cmdr in US Navy deployed in Guam
….. … a Major in US Army deployed in the Sunni Triangle outside Baghdad.
~ notpoliticallycorewrecked ….. scoutmaster of our BSA troop, Rick (Army National Guard). His unit will be leaving for training in Sept. and shipping over to Iraq before the end of the year though he will not be going with them.
~ reformed_dem ….. Luke (Marine), the son of a good friend, who is shipping out to Iraq in early Sept.
~ Texas Princess ….. nephew Roland, (Air Force), currently stationed in Korea
~ Himyar ..... son, Robert, is deployed to the Mideast
~ W04Man ….. Jared, the son of a high school friend, is in Iraq with the Louisiana National Guard
~ an anonymous FReeper ….. son, Stephen (Army), in Baghdad
~ spotbust1 ….. husband CW2 Frank (LAARNG), serving in Iraq
~ Ladysmith ….. nephew, Elliott, starts bootcamp on 10/19/04 for the Army Reserves
~ LUV W ….. son David is a Captain in the Air Force, stationed right now in Florida.
~ CyberAnt ….. nephew Jody (USMC) … is home from Japan but will be redeployed elsewhere in January.
~ Kentucky ….. has a request for prayer from a Marine Mom whose son, Ramsey, is in Iraq
~ W04Man ….. wife’s niece's son, Brooks, is in Iraq
~ Trust but Verify ….. friend’s husband, Donald, infantry scout with the 1st ID
~ snowtigger ….. Peter, 1/24 INF (he drives a Stryker armored vehicle) ….. just shipped out to Mosul
~ marylina ….. friend’s son, Brandon (Navy) – stationed on a destroyer that will be deployed to the MidEast in December
~ Reagan79 ….. brother, Chris, a Marine Reservist from MS, will be leaving Jan 5th for Iraq
~ homemom ….. Kelsey, a young lady now serving in Iraq
~ Sea2ShiningSea ….. cousin’s son, James, is in Iraq
….. … Chad, her “adopted” soldier
~ TruthNtegrity ….. friend from church heading to Iraq for 3 months as a Civilian Analyst. In addition to praying for her safety, please pray for her husband, a retired Navy pilot who is very jittery about his wife going into harm's way.
~ mamaduck ….. cousin, Carl, is a Sargeant Major stationed in FL right now and will deployed to Iraq after the new year
~ Pippin ….. niece’s husband, Sung, (Air Force and brand new American citizen) is deployed to S. Korea
…..niece, Melissa, is in the AirForce, currently stationed in GA
~ Blue Scourge ….. a Freeper (Air Force), leaving for basic training
~ Collier ….. friend, Jim, father of 3 girls....Iowa National Guard, currently in Afghanistan
~ repubmom ….. son Brian has enlisted as a Special Forces recruit - he leaves for Basic right after Christmas
~ GOP-Pat ….. cousin's husband Tommy, retired from sheriff's department in July to volunteer to go to Iraq to train the Iraqi troops.
~ SE Mom ….. son Tommy, 101st AB, home now in Florida undergoing chemotherapy
~ pGfwabf ….. son Tom is in Bagdad; son Mark is at boot camp in San Diego (Marines). He should graduate Feb. 11, do his advanced training and then ship to Iraq.
~ Severa ….. husband, Jason (FR screen name Hostel), USN P-3 Aircraft Mechanic
….. ….. brother Wes, USAF First Lieutenant
….. ….. Jason's cousin David, 101st Airborne
~ BonnieJ ….. cousin Doug (Army) has returned from an extended tour in Iraq and a minor injury and is now scheduled to go to Afghanistan early in the new year.
~ FReeper MikeinIraq
~ OldSarge ….. a FReeper, Kentucky National Guard, leaving for Iraq in July (18 month deployment) after several months training in MS
~ WVNan ….. friend and lurker Kathey's son, Brian (U.S. Army), deploying to Iraq in February
~ reformed_dem ….. brother Drew has shipped out for Kuwait on his way to a year in Iraq
~ Ladysmith ….. brother's fiance's son, Shane, is stationed in Germany and will eventually head to Iraq
~ arbee4bush ….. daughter Kristen (FReeper KB4W) has left for Air Force basic
~ patriciaruth …..
…..* In Mosul, Ron, Mac and Sean
…..* In Baghdad, Rusty, Jonathan, Tim and Marwin
…..* In Kirkuk, Armando and Antonio
…..* In Balad, Paula, Claire, Jon, and Bobbie
…..* Somewhere in Iraq, Michael, Eric, Jon
…..* In Bagram, Mark
…..* Somewhere in Afghanistan, Jerry, Dennis, Mark
…..* Released from Walter Reed, now undergoing outpatient rehab, DJ
…..* Charles, Nicole and Sean are safely home from Kirkuk
* ~ ntnychik ….. friend's son, Erik, an Army Ranger, who just got back from Iraq, re-upped, and is going back
* ~ gatorbait ….. brother-in-law (Army) and nephew (Marine) in the mid-East and a nephew-in-law who has returned home safely.
* ~ nelibeli ….. nephew Tres (Army), is serving his 2nd deployment to Iraq (he volunteered to go back!)
* ~ Pippin ….. niece in the Air Force …. nephew in the Army and his daughter, Jazmine … back in the states now.
* ~ Pippin ….. nephew's wife is back home from the Far East. (USArmy)
* ~ TejasRose ….. Candice (U.S. Army), daughter of a close friend, has just returned home after 14 months in Iraq

* denotes change to the list (an addition or sometimes, thankfully, someone who has come home safely)

(Please FReepmail me with changes to the list because I may miss pings. Thanks.)
134 posted on 03/02/2005 7:16:37 PM PST by kayak (Have you prayed for your President today?)
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To: kayak

The least known commandment is "don't covet".

In my mind, this is one of the wisest of the commandments, and one of my reasons for believing they came from God.

What human (except Hannibal Lector) would realize that coveting is the easiest way to undermine a society and a soul.

160 posted on 03/02/2005 7:43:44 PM PST by patriciaruth (They are all Mike Spanns)
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To: kayak; Wolfstar; snugs; All; silent_jonny

Good Morning very good photograph Thank you all Thank you"kayak"Thank you good friend Be strong America strong President!!!

237 posted on 03/02/2005 9:23:56 PM PST by anonymoussierra (Lux Mea Christus!!!"Totus tuss" Quo Vadis Domine?Thank you)
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