Posted on 02/16/2005 12:12:54 PM PST by 1Old Pro
Edited on 02/16/2005 2:03:25 PM PST by Admin Moderator. [history]
So much for Sean knowing who is on the fringe! The "Great One" even called me intelligent.
The more tolerant folks were probably driven off. I'm barely holding on myself.
Hillary on the other hand?
Yes, Hillary is indeed the devil incarnated :-) Far more demonic than her hubby. And I've got her as my senator - yikes!
While I agree with him on some issues and disagree with him on others--particularly where he seems to be willing to compromise principle for Republican compatibility--neither is the point. There are far deeper thinkers, here at Free Republic, than Sean will ever be. That goes both for those who agree with me, where I differ with Sean, and for those who would agree with Sean, but simply have more analytic minds. Allies and foes, alike here, just have more to say than Hannity. I am sorry if that hurts someone's feelings. He is probably a very nice man personally, with a good heart. I am sure his wife, mother and kids love him.
William Flax
That's about when I got tired of listening to him. I'd rather watch old re runs of COPS.. I get to listen to more intelligent dialog that way.
I believe FR is being subjected to some nefarious activities in an attempt to discredit the forum.
1) Have there been global warming and cooling cycles prior to the industrial age?
2) If so, what could have caused these global warming and cooling trends?
Answer these, and you will understand everything you need to know about the current environmental pseudo-science.
How many FReepers went to Hannity's blog site, only because they saw his comments here?
It's such a sacrilegious thing to say....IMO.
Quinn & Rose can eat Vannity's lunch anytime....good listen:
I'll go ahead and file this in the WGAF file. Sean Hannity is an ignoramus, who thinks far more himself than he should. Most times I wish he was on the otherside with all the other fools.
Oh please, let the DUers have their fun with this if they feel the need to. They could use the education. If you feel like you want revenge for their (unwarranted) glee, then go to DU and read their post-election threads.
On cross-board schadenfreude, there's no contest.
Amen to that.
I find the over the top reaction, by some, to be amusing. If you rely on someone like Hannity, Savage, Rush, O'Reilly to form your opinions, it does not say much about your ability to form your own opinions. Yes, I am a conservative, and all four of the listed, plus others, make valid points during their presentations, they all, also, make inane comments. No one is always right or always wrong, even those on the left (though they are wrong far more often than they are right), most have agendas and opinions that are self-serving to some degree.
Do Freepers sometimes attack their own ? If we say no, we are lying. Just like any community, we aren't perfect. So does it really matter that Hannity said something negative about Freepers ? He's not God, nor are we. If we (conservatives) start fighting amongst ourselves, we fall prey to the divide and conquer strategy, and we are doing it to ourselves. The more noise and publicity we give to his comment, the larger the impact. We need to keep a big umbrella approach, allowing some disagreement, as long as the foundation of conservativism and capitalism are advanced. Keep your eye on the big picture, not little skirmishes that are only a distraction.
On a personal note, I find Hannity to be redundant, he has a bad tendency to grab onto one message and repeat it over and over until it becomes tedious and monotonous, and, in the process, he misses even more valid points to support his positions.
Not really, he's just a sophomoric boy.
But, he's well on the way to 1000, unfortunately most of those "1000" posters understand he's merely a self-serving, weak-minded kid.
How many FReepers went to Hannity's blog site, only because they saw his comments here
Not I, said the little red hen!
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