To: Palladin
Hell, I'd rather watch American Idol than FOX from 8 to 10 p.m. Or almost anything else in that time slot.
FOX is getting stale.
They need some new hosts for the evening hours. Let's see...LauraIngraham, Annie Coulter, Linda Vesper...and ANYBODY but screechy Greta harping on Michael Jackson.
I do like O'Reilly and Hannity & Colmes although if there is nothing much that interests me, I listen to Michael Savage. I do agree with Greta, they need to lose Greta and put on someone like Anne Coulter, Laura Ingraham , etc., I'm tired of Michael Jackson, Scott Peterson (when he was on) and so on. Heck, even Judge Napolitano would be cool or even Mark Levin.
790 posted on
02/16/2005 1:45:40 PM PST by
Nowhere Man
(We have enough youth, how about a Fountain of Smart?)
To: All
I can't listen to Sean Hannity on the radio but I do like him on FoxNews. Hannity and Colmes is awesome! Mark Levin would be a great addition to FoxNews.
Though I'm no fan, I think it's good to keep Greta because she attracts other viewers to Fox. I do think Fox could improve their weekend line-up. Perhaps a weekend version of Hannity and Colmes with weekend hosts.
Who would be a good independent conservative to replace Bill O'Reilly in the NO SPIN ZONE... if he ever quit???
820 posted on
02/16/2005 1:51:38 PM PST by
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