Posted on 01/11/2005 1:53:12 PM PST by Howlin
Former U.S. Representative Gary Condit: I swear to tell the whole truth, and nothing but the truth
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Too bad there is no reason to question why he threw away that watch case miles from his home, or what he was doing in the hills of VA that one day when he missed his first House votes in years.
He is suing Dominick Dunne for saying he killed Chandra so he has to be deposed, too. Hence, his sworn deposition (in his own suit) where it appears he's telling some whoppers.
I've always felt that government should be conducted by mail and pony express to cut out the seduction of concentrated power. Our founding fathers knew what they were doing.
Did Chandra's family try to dissuade her? Monica's mother seemed proud of her daughter giving Clinton a Lewinsky.
Liar, liar, pants on fire.
He is one creepy guy. I think Dominick Dunne might have had access to some truth about Condit, and Condit is now panicking.
I read that everyone in her family knew about it except her parents (old story, that) and that her aunt told an interviewer she tried to persuade Chandra to bail.
Remember his dingdong progeny, Cadee and Chad? They were both making big bucks working for Grayout Davis. I thought that was a scandal all by itself once we got a load of those two on LKL.
Remember that weirdo Chung interview? Man, oh, man. What a bunch of creeps!
It was clear the idiotic Lewinskys had actually entertained the notion that Bill Clinton would one day be their son-in-law.
"Creeps" is the word. Creepy creeps!
I should add to my mocking of the Lewinskys, the Levys did NOT approve of their daughter cavorting with a married man.
I was wondering that part myself
He's lying out his rear end ... amazing that he thinks no one would catch him in his lies
Last time Condit's name was worthy and in the news...we had 9-11....let's hope the curse does not come again.
Wood says that Dunne broke the law when he "transformed an allegation of sexual misconduct into criminal accusations." Seemingly, then, Condit is not going to take issue with the allegation of sexual misconduct.
Great article. Too late, though: Condidit's back in the news again, lying as pathologically as only he can. He missed his chance to withdraw before discovery.
Yes, I remember you said that, and I agree. Suing Dunne is just as stupid as Oscar Wilde suing his boyfriend's family for defamation of character. All sorts of dirt tumbled out at the trial. As a result, Wilde ended up in Reading Gaol.
And do remember that they called him Gary and gave him thumbs up signs on bimbos he'd be dancing with. (While he was "happily married" to their mother... and still is)
One way to confirm are Chandra's parents, and her friends Her father, a doctor, was writing birth control prescriptions for her. He must know something. And women ususally tell their girlfriends all about their lovelife.
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