Ah, an interesting and intriguing comparison here. It is a fact that Kennedy's election was badly tainted, and smacked of Maffia influence in some States. I'll point a few significative differences, though, like :
- Kennedy did not ask Khrouchtchev (or Mac Millan or de Gaulle) to intervene either diplomatically or militarily to ensure his victory.
- I don't remember the disgruntled voters sieging government buildings (or Democratic headquarters) and appealing to the world's public opinion. In fact, Nixon himself conceded victory to Kennedy.
- I don't remember Nixon being poisoned either.
Also, why do you not assume The "Russian" side poisoned Yushchenko? The type of poison used makes it more likely the plotters wanted the man to be alive and martyred and too sock to rule and thus leaving somene else in charge, a likely scenario.