Hillary is of course a phony, but as her husband proved, sometimes it is enough to simply talk conservative.
Hillary can lay some claim to the federal Defense of Marriage Act that passed Congress overwhelmingly in 1996 and was signed into law by her husband. She will play the disingenuous Dem/Left card that says she personally opposes gay marriage, but doesn't support a Federal Amendment because she thinks it enshrines discrimination into the Constitution (odd reason this is, since it basically means that her alleged 'personal' position is discrimanatory) and because she supports states rights (an apparent first for liberals) to handle the matter. This is of course nothing but a cynical attempt to bide time until the Courts do for the Left what they can't do in a fair democratic, legislative fight. I don't think anyone in their right mind thinks that a President or Senator Hillary would lift a finger to fight such a ruling.
Then there is the military: Hillary has called for increasing the Army by two divisions, and the fact is that we may need such an increase. Sure, for Hillary this is nothing but an attempt to infuse her persona with some masculine, tough, pro-military credentials to counter what would be fears many would have about turning over the role of Commander in Chief to such a woman as Hillary in a time of war. But that doesn't mean the idea itself is a bad one. The GOP should consider doing this in the next couple of years so that she can't make an issue of it.
Then there is immigration: Of course she would never do anything serious about illegal immigration. Why would she or any Dem try and reduce the supply of future Dem voters? But considering how awful Bush and the GOP leadership are on immigration in both policy and their inane, platitude-ridden rhetoric, Hillary could very well sound like a breath of fresh air to many who are tired of having their views on this ignored. And she would have one powerful advantage over any Republican who decided to talk tough on this matter -- and that is that the leftwing, ethnic interest groups would not attack her with the same zeal they would a conservative, if they would attack her at all (I'm sure they could be persuaded to keep their mouths shut). But more importantly, even if she was attacked by these nut groups, the mainstream media would not echo and give credence to them as they would to attacks on a conservative. Can anyone imagine Katie Couric or Matt Lauer implying that Hillary is "anti-immigrant" or "anti-immigration" or "anti-hispanice" as they would a Republican candidate? Of course not. Who knows, the press might even discover that there is another side to the immigration issue if Hillary takes it up.
We should not take the Hillary threat lightly. If Iraq is not stabilized, then the country may be willing to swallow her center-right charade long enought to elect her.
Not withstanding the appeal of the Clintons in some circles, they have become relics of a past we will be foolish to repeat.
This should be the message.
Their failures.
Our achievements.
Oh, have you noticed the demonization of Condi Rice?
Pure Clinton.
Excellent read, but vote for Hillary? No bleepin' way. I'd sooner vote for Nader.
NO WAY...I would even vote for stinky McCain over her....albeit holding my nose all the way.
I would never under any circumstances vote for Hillary!!!!!
Good grief! What's new .. Hillary morphing into whatever she believes her lackeys will buy has been her style for years. I guess the author didn't notice that Hillary been playing the centrist for a few years now. YAWN!
...anyone that doubts Hitlery will be the '08 nominee isn't paying attention...
This winter, we really need to nail down a couple of quality Conservative Americans that want to run and can run a solid center/right-America-first campaign...
If they nominate a RINO like Giuliani, McCain or similar, expect a repeat of the 1992 debacle.
Personally, I think Hillary's chances in 2008 are way overrated. Could you imagine what a massacre that would be? O_o
Look for a threat from someone who is kinda normal, like Phil Bredesen from TN, or that Ken Salazar guy in CO.
And yes, that picture is the one of Hill kissing Suha Arafat ( "wife" of The Littlest Terrorist ) after Suha had accused the Israelis of poisoning Palestinian children...