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Digital Passports a Draw in the Middle East (MARK OF THE BEAST ALERT!)
INTERNET NEWS ^ | 11/11/2004 | Jim Wagner

Posted on 12/03/2004 1:42:38 AM PST by Traianus

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Digital Passports a Draw in the Middle East By Jim Wagner November 11, 2004

Identity rights management (IRM) software vendor Epok said the Kingdom of Jordan will incorporate its ID management platform to process digital passports, or smart cards, officials announced Wednesday.

Jordan is the second country to adopt smart card technology from Dubai-based Datel. Last month, the Dubai Naturalization and Residency Department (DNRD) selected Datel's E-Gate smart card as an alternative to manually processing incoming and outgoing passengers at its international airport.

Both countries will be using Epok's Trusted Data Exchange 4.0 (TDX 4.0) platform to manage the information interface between the two governments, allowing Jordan and Dubai to exchange information on passengers crossing each other's borders without giving up control over the information found in their respective databases.

"We immediately recognized the enhancements E-Gate could add to our border security efforts," said Hanna Najjar, Jordan's Civil Aviation Authority director general, in a statement. "However, we also have an obligation to scrutinize every aspect of such a system. After evaluating the data control capabilities of Epok's TDX and interviewing the Epok team, we are highly confident that the system will give us unprecedented control of the information we intend to share."

Ayman Hariri, Epok president and CEO, said this is the first example of international electronic border security in the world and expects other governments to adopt the technology once it's proven to work.

"Countries are just not into sharing information with each other easily, and to have an automated system to that is a really big deal," he said. "We think in today's world, where security is a major issue, securing travel is one of the top priorities in pretty much every country.

"King Addullah II [of Jordan] has been adamant about using technology for the betterment of a lot of things in the country," Hariri continued. "This is something he's very much a supporter of, certainly to create a more secure environment for travel."

While he wouldn't mention specifics, Hariri said the company is in negotiations with several countries around the world -- mainly in Europe, Asia and the Middle East -- and is confident he will be making similar announcements in the next six to 12 months.

The Bethesda, Md., company adheres to the open standards and protocols in ID management -- such as Passport or the Liberty Alliance -- but isn't particularly married to any one because of its focus on the unification of information within one organization.

Epok's ID management platform is based more on standards that focus on the interaction between different companies: OASIS' Extensible Resource Identifier (XRI), a specification co-authored by Epok; XRI Data Interchange (XDI); and Extensible Name Service (XNS). Taken together, the ID management platform extends on the security of technology like SSL to ensure that necessary data goes to the right individual or agency.

The end goal for Epok, and companies like it, is the eventual replacement of paper passports as an international identification scheme or different smart cards for different countries. While the smart card use is opt-in right now, Hariri said there's the possibility down the road that a single digital passport will become MANDATORY in the future. And that's a good thing for customs agents.

"It's a very empowering concept for immigration agencies around the world," Hariri said. "You're not relying so heavily on an analog way of doing things. There are tons of things that have to go through the mind of a person there who's looking through the stamps on your passport and trying to decipher them."

TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; Technical; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: apocalypse; globalcaliphate; kookburgers; mark666; religion; supernaturalistnuts
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To: Bandaneira
You refer to the quote of Franklin (earlier, up above), and then to the founding fathers --
          "Smart man, Mr.Franklin. The U.S. was blessed with
          truly great people at the time of its creation. I
          think that Franklin, Jefferson, Adams, Washington
          and Hamilton were indeed remarkable people."
Then you say --
          "The minds of some men may drift to disorder,
          instability, malevolence and contraction but that
          was not the creators intention."
In the Bible it's not "some men" who have a problem, it's ALL men (and women). This is the condition of fallen mankind in our present world -- including the world of our founding fathers -- and they knew it. That's why they created what they did, in our government -- to offset the inherent and intractable sin in mankind's heart. See the following from the Bible --
          Romans 3

          10 As it is written: "There is none righteous, no,
             not one;

          11 There is none who understands; There is none who
             seeks after God.

          12 They have all turned aside; They have together
             become unprofitable; There is none who does good,
             no, not one."

          13 "Their throat is an open tomb; With their
             tongues they have practiced deceit"; "The poison of
             asps is under their lips";

          14 "Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness."

          15 "Their feet are swift to shed blood;

          16 Destruction and misery are in their ways;

          17 And the way of peace they have not known."

          18 "There is no fear of God before their eyes.
This is the condition of fallen mankind. And to make sure we understand this, it's the condition of ALL mankind, according to the Bible. We may be saved (through faith in Jesus Christ, according to the Gospel which is given in the Bible [and none other], this putting us in the category of the "righteous" as the Bible talks about it (i.e., the "righteous"). HOWEVER, even so, the following is still the case, being that while we are saved (those who have Christ according to the Gospel given), we still have the fallen sin nature and the deceitful heart until the time of "perfection" -- when we are taken up to be with Christ forevermore. See the following for the condition of the "heart".
          Jeremiah 17:9

          9 "The heart is deceitful above all things, And
             desperately wicked; Who can know it? ..."
And then a description of the "righteous" (being those who are "in Christ") --

          Proverbs 15:28

          28 The heart of the righteous studies how to
             answer, But the mouth of the wicked pours forth
So, as you say above --
          "The minds of some men may drift to disorder,
          instability, malevolence and contraction but that
          was not the creators intention."
... the only part which is seemingly correct is that it was not the Creator's intention. Otherwise all are desperately wicked, throughout mankind.


Star Traveler

21 posted on 12/03/2004 3:52:33 AM PST by Star Traveler
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To: Bandaneira

*sigh* Goodbye.

22 posted on 12/03/2004 4:09:06 AM PST by Dallas59 ("A weak peace is worse than war" - Tacitcus)
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To: TomSmedley
You say --
          However, the "gospel" of fatalistic defeatism
          reduces the visibility of the real gospel.
I just have to quote Revelation 13. It's pretty clear here what is going on. These are conditions which have NEVER been fulfilled before and are yet to come.
          Revelation 13

          1  Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a
             beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads
             and ten horns,+ and on his horns ten crowns, and on
             his heads a blasphemous name.

          2  Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his
             feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth
             like the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him his
             power, his throne, and great authority.

          3  And I saw one of his heads as if it had been
             mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed.
             And all the world marveled and followed the beast.

          4  So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority
             to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying,
             "Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war
             with him?"

          5  And he was given a mouth speaking great things
             and blasphemies, and he was given authority to
             continue for forty-two months.

          6  Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against
             God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle, and
             those who dwell in heaven.

          7  It was granted to him to make war with the saints
             and to overcome them. And authority was given him
             over every tribe, tongue, and nation.

          8  All who dwell on the earth will worship him,
             whose names have not been written in the Book of
             Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the

          9  If anyone has an ear, let him hear.

          10 He who leads into captivity shall go into
             captivity; he who kills with the sword must be
             killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the
             faith of the saints.

          11 Then I saw another beast coming up out of the
             earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke
             like a dragon.

          12 And he exercises all the authority of the first
             beast in his presence, and causes the earth and
             those who dwell in it to worship the first beast,
             whose deadly wound was healed.

          13 He performs great signs, so that he even makes
             fire come down from heaven on the earth in the
             sight of men.

          14 And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by
             those signs which he was granted to do in the sight
             of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth
             to make an image to the beast who was wounded by
             the sword and lived.

          15 He was granted power to give breath to the image
             of the beast, that the image of the beast should
             both speak and cause as many as would not worship
             the image of the beast to be killed.

          16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and
             poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their
             right hand or on their foreheads,

          17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who
             has the mark or the name of the beast, or the
             number of his name.

          18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding
             calculate the number of the beast, for it is the
             number of a man: His number is 666.

Note the following --
          7  It was granted to him to make war with the saints
             and to overcome them. And authority was given him
             over every tribe, tongue, and nation.

          8  All who dwell on the earth will worship him,
             whose names have not been written in the Book of
             Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the

You see, the beast (as described in Revelation) is given the authority to make war with the "saints" (the saved ones) and to OVERCOME THEM!! This authority is universal -- over the ENTIRE WORLD (as described by "every tribe, tongue and nation").

We see only TWO groups here -- those "whose names have NOT been written in the Book of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world" and those who [...] HAVE BEEN WRITTEN in the Book of the Lamb [...].

Elsewhere we see that no one is saved except that their name is written in the Book of the Lamb.

The saints WILL BE OVERCOME. The Bible tells us so.

The "Gospel" goes with the "whole counsel of God".


Star Traveler

23 posted on 12/03/2004 4:23:51 AM PST by Star Traveler
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To: Bandaneira

The antichrist has been around since the time of Paul.

24 posted on 12/03/2004 4:26:52 AM PST by ET(end tyranny)
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To: ET(end tyranny)

You say -- "The antichrist has been around since the time of Paul."

It's actually the spirit of antichrist who has been around since then. that's what the Bible tells us.

HOWEVER, the one as described in Revelation 13 (up above in an earlier quote) is one and only one. He is the one who will be cast into the Lake of Fire, as described (further forward), in the book of Revelation. With that person -- who is cast into the Lake of Fire -- there is *ONE* and *ONLY ONE*.

There is a person who is coming who is the ANTICHRIST.


Star Traveler

25 posted on 12/03/2004 4:35:33 AM PST by Star Traveler
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To: Bandaneira
You say -- "Numerology is an interesting pastime." Guess where it first came to light? It's in "God's Word", as given to all the saved -- of which we are told --

2nd Timothy 3

          16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God,
             and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for
             correction, for instruction in righteousness,

          17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly
             equipped for every good work.
It's in Scripture that these things are given to us. Therefore --

2 Timothy 2

          15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God,
             a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly
             dividing the word of truth.
Of course -- on the other hand -- this doesn't apply to those who do not believe God and His Word. To them it's all "foolishness".


Star Traveler

26 posted on 12/03/2004 4:49:39 AM PST by Star Traveler
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To: Star Traveler

Been there, done that, got the tee shirt. Maybe it does a man good to get that fortune-telling doomsaying nonsense out of his system while in his early 20s, so that he can look decades 50-80 in the eye with joyful confidence in God, God's Work, and God's purposes for his life. Let's see -- I have two more children to home school for the glory of God over the next 10 years, while you keep updating your stupid charts, as each one is rendered obsolete by events. Being a dispensational premillenialist means never having to say your sorry. Your false predictions get flushed down the memory hole, like Hal Lindsey's first couple of marriages.

27 posted on 12/03/2004 5:52:14 AM PST by TomSmedley (Calvinist, optimist, home schooling dad, exuberant husband, technical writer)
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To: Star Traveler
"Rightly dividing...." now there's a concept....

I would like to direct your attention to the unusual characteristics of the symbolic beast mentioned in 13:11.
How is this beast different from all others mentioned?
What does the difference signify?
Do other biblical texts give clues to the identity and actions of the AC? (See Matt. 24:15 referring to - for one, Daniel 7:25)
Notice also that Jesus himself specifically mentions - parenthetically - to 'pay attention' to what? in Daniel.
Does Rev 12:17 and 14:12 give additional information regarding the actions of the AC spoken of (by Daniel)?
Regarding prophetic time, do the texts in Ezekiel 4:6 and Numbers 14:13 provide the "measure"?
How is the measure applied? (rightly divided)

Just a few things for you sir, your mileage may vary :)

28 posted on 12/03/2004 6:14:16 AM PST by 1john2 3and4
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To: Traianus
Probably similar technology to what will be used inevitably but not 'the beast' quite yet.

There has been a thousand years of incremental technological advances made that are all necessary for the day the beast causes many to take 'his' mark. This is just one more headed in the general direction...albeit a little closer to the day...

This has about as much to do with 'the mark' as airplanes have to do with 09-11

When the day comes most won't even blink...It will be sold as a good thing to do...a necessary thing..perhaps in the name of anti terrorism...or financial security...

Perhaps...The day will come on the heels of some disaster or a series of disasters or e terror attacks... many will be joking and make fun of those who will not take the mark...(like people who did not trust banks after the depression) those who wont take the mark will be called superstitious, paranoid, or right wing religious fanatics' or traitors or worse. etc...

At first the beast (and friends) will be tolerant but will grow increasingly less so until every letter....what Jesus said was 'every jot and tittle', every period quotation mark and exclamation point of prophecy in scripture will be fulfilled..

Only by the grace of God and His Holy Spirit will anyone even know the difference or have the courage to resist...

The news will certainly not reflect any reality of what is actually going on...reality will be the beast

The spirit of anti Christ will cause many...both great and small rich and poor free and bond to take the the right hand or one will be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast...the name of the beast or the number of his name Rev 13 :16-17

"If any
man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of
the wrath of God...and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angles and in the presence of
the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship
the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name." Revelation 14: 9-11

If God says can take it to the bank...even without the Mark of the Beast

with no worries mate


29 posted on 12/03/2004 6:35:50 AM PST by joesnuffy ("The merit of our Constitution was, not that it promotes democracy, but checks it." Horatio Seymour)
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To: joesnuffy
It will be sold as a good thing to do

The frog in a pot of water set to boil analogy.

It is surprising to me that many who make a study of prophecy & eschatology do not quite see that.

A system of false worship. Worship of a counterfeit. Satan's M.O., to manufacture faux pearls.

Thinking they "do right" by persecuting those who do not accept the mark.

30 posted on 12/03/2004 7:11:31 AM PST by 1john2 3and4
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To: Traianus

31 posted on 12/03/2004 8:33:25 AM PST by Cacique (quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat)
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To: Cacique

The Status of Dhimmis in the Ottoman Empire
By Bekir Aksoy
The Ottoman Empire recognized three groups of non-Muslim minorities: ahl al-kitab
(People of the Book), ahl al-dhimma (protected minorities), and non- Muslims. They are
not forced to follow Islamic law, have considerable freedom of choice, and have their
own religious organizations.1 This system has been considered the Ottoman Empire's
greatest strength and weakness.2
Historical background
Dhimmi designates an indefinitely renewed contract through which non-Muslims have a
specific status (but are not full citizens), have their property protected, and are ensured
safe conduct in return for acknowledging Islams domination and paying the jizya (poll
tax).3 In early Islam, they were Christians, Jews, Magians, Samaritans, and Sabians.4
The Prophet and the early caliphs showed religious tolerance and caution toward
religious minorities.5 The Ottoman sultans made slight changes, but basically followed
the same attitude in a more structured fashion.
Dhimmis in the Ottoman State
Some assert that Ottoman society was divided into ruling (Muslim) and (non-Muslim)
raaya classes. But it was more complicated than that, for Muslims and non-Muslims
were referred to as raaya (followers, the ruled, or non-participants in government). As
the Ottoman State was semi-theocratic, raaya should be understood in the biblical sense
as the shepherd and the flock.6
Government personnel worked in three areas: religion and law, war and statecraft, and
the bureaucracy. The first branch was restricted to Muslim-born subjects. The ulema
devoted long years to theological, scholastic, and legal studies in order to become judges
and professors. The latter two branches were reserved mainly for non-Muslims. Neither
group was inferior to the Muslims.
The Ottoman system was so complex that we cannot determine whether there was
religious or racial discrimination. After reforms during the nineteenth century, many
intellectuals and ecclesiastics argued that applying a unified law would deprive them of
their privileges.7 The Ottoman system of government was holistic, considered all
branches interwoven and interconnected, and was fairly well integrated, in
socioeconomic matters but not in religious matters, at least in Turkish-majority areas.
The Millet System
Three days after Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror entered Constantinople (1453), he told
everyone to go home and continue his or her occupation and religion. He supervised the
election of a new Greek Patriarch, a monk named Genadius, who was elected by Synod
and consecrated. He proclaimed the patriarch-elect in the most honorific terms, gave
him the pastoral staff with his own hands, and said: Be patriarch, live with us in peace,
and enjoy all the privileges of your predecessors.8 Though other communities later were
recognized in the same terms, the Greek Orthodox Church always had more privileges
and stronger ties with the central government.
Gradually, dealing with minorities engendered the millet system. Controlling the
minority communities through their local bishops and rabbis stopped, and the whole
Orthodox Church was organized as Rum Milleti (Roman people). The patriarch
collected and allocated the poll tax and served as his communitys temporal leader. He
was assigned a ceremonial rank with three tugs (horsetails), allowed his own court and
prison in Istanbuls Fener district, and had unlimited civil jurisdiction over and
responsibility for his community. The State assigned him other duties and enforced the
laws that he laid down for his community.
Since Islamic law is corporate (not territorial) and Ottoman society was corporate in
nature, the Ottoman State dealt with dhimmis as members of a community and not as
individuals.9 A community member was directly responsible for and accountable to the
community. Thus the government protected the communities from internal and external
aggression, while the communitys leaders managed its affairs. The Porte had to ratify
the chosen leader, but this was a mere formality. Each millets leader represented his
people, and these matters were dealt with through the Foreign Ministry. The Greek
Orthodox Patriarch had the rank of vizier and was provided with a guard of Janissaries
The Christian Millet. Most Orthodox Christian Balkan territories had been included in
the Patriarchate of Constantinoples jurisdiction. But by the time of Ottoman conquest,
the Slavonic branch in the Sultans dominion had split into three patriarchates: Ochrida,
Trnovo, and Ipek. These divisions were racial, dynastic, and nationalistic, and not
doctrinal. Thus the Conqueror placed all Orthodox Christians under the authority of the
Ecumenical Patriarch in Constantinople and let him decide how to apportion the tax
among them.
The sixteenth-century conquests in the Islamic lands and the capture of Cyprus and
Crete brought many Orthodox Christians and the ancient patriarchates of Jerusalem,
Antioch, and Alexandria under Muslim control. As the patriarch was influential with the
sultan, the Porte made arrangements through which the Greek elements became
The Jewish Millet. The Conqueror allowed the Jews, recognized as another millet, to
settle in Istanbul. He appointed a haham basi (Chief Rabbi) with powers similar to those
enjoyed by the patriarch. The haham basi was given precedence over the patriarch next
to the head of ulema, and after the conquest, the Jewsposition improved. Although
outcasts under the Byzantines, they now started holding various public offices.11 Jews
fleeing persecution in Spain and elsewhere were welcomed into Ottoman lands.
Each minority community was treated according to how it had been incorporated into
the Ottoman State. Under Bayezid II and Mehmed the Conqueror, Muslims seem to
have favored Jews over Christians, since Christians were suspected of being too
sympathetic to Christian Europe. The Jews had no central authority to follow and be
instigated by, save that of the office of haham basi, which the Porte could check easily.
Almost all Jews were immigrants and brought their distinctive rituals, habits, and
customs with them, Therefore, different regions inhabited by homogeneous groups were
represented by different synagogues.
The Armenian Millet. In 1462, the Armenians became the last community recognized as
a separate millet until the period of decline. Whereas the Patriarch was the most
prominent ecclesiastical figure in the Orthodox Church and the Jews had no spiritual
universal director, the head of Armenian Church did not reside within the Empire.
The Orthodox Church considered the Armenian church (Gregorian) heretical. Earlier, it
had been as powerful as Orthodoxy. When the Armenians became a separate millet,
neither little Armenia nor the Armenian provinces of the East, two important seats, were
ruled by the Ottomans. Therefore, Mehmed II chose Horaghim, Gregorian bishop of
Bursa, as the Armenian patriarch of Istanbul and gave him powers similar to those of the
Orthodox patriarch and the haham basi.
Also belonging to this millet were all unclassified subjects, such as the Bogomils and
the Paulicans, two heretical sects that originated from the Armenian church. Most
Balkan Armenians accepted Islam after the area was overrun by the Ottoman armies.
Remaining subjects have retained their particular faith until today. Other members
included various Catholic and other Christian groups that the Orthodox Church
considered heretical.
The devshirme and ghulam systems
This devshirme system was based on traditional views of dealing with prisoners of war.
In the classical Islamic period, jurists advised immediate execution, allowing some or all
to be ransomed or freed, exchanges for Muslim prisoners, or enslavement.12
Islam allowed slaves to be emancipated; the Ottomans did not. One-fifth of all captives
entered the ghulam system (the sultans slave family), and were trained and allowed to
rise within the system. Such slaves were recruited from Christians aged 10 to 20 years.
The preferred ages were probably between 14 and 18, and boys younger than 12 or older
than 20 were considered only in exceptional cases.13
Recruits were obtained through capture, purchase, gift, or tribute. Slaves not bought for
the sultan or given to him were usually either captives or levied with the tribute boys.
There was hardly any other way, since slaves passed too rapidly into the Muslim fold to
have their children available for the system. The sons of the recruits (though already
themselves Muslim) were eligible, but not their grandsons, because by then the
grandchildren would most likely be Muslims. Reliable statistical data is rare, but based
on contemporary accounts, in the sixteenth century probably 3,000 children were
recruited annually. Those within the system might have reached as high as 80,000, and
the total number recruited throughout the centuries might have been close to 2 million.
This exclusion of all other Muslimschildren and grandchildren lasted until Suleyman the
Magnificent broke them. He allowed the Janissarieschildren to join their ranks or other
parts of the system. This proved to be a fatal move, for it became the only hereditary
institution after the sultanate.
At first, parents were anxious to keep their children out of the system. But later on, even
Muslim families tried to get their children into it because of the prestige it conferred.
Originally restricted to the sons of villagers and poor families, it eventually spread to the
townsmens children. The earlier practice resulted in great social upward mobility; the
later practice opened up a new way of accumulating wealth and prestige, and thus
undermined the State.
This tribute system brought children from Austria, the Caucasus, the Crimea, and the
Balkans. Those captured by raiders and corsairs were presented to the sultan as gifts.
Otherwise, recruiting officers visited some villages every 4 years to fill their quota. The
officer summoned the priest and got a list of children, visited the houses, and took the
most suitable children. If he received more than required, the surplus was sold
elsewhere.14 Contemporary accounts say that it produced the ablest and most talented
These children became known as ghilman. The sultan had the absolute sovereignty over
them. However, they felt honored by this title and tried to show their loyalty to him. The
Ottoman system raised slaves to ministers of state, courtiers, husbands of princesses,
rulers of the Islamic state, soldiers and generals, bureaucrats and prime ministers. Race
was irrelevant, for only potential talent was considered.15
They were taught Turkish, Arabic, Persian, physical training, war affairs, administration,
the Ottoman governing institutions, and so on. The successful and meritorious could
expect to serve in some of the Empires highest positions. Its graduates became fully
Muslim, as did those who served in the Ottoman armed forces. However, many non-
Muslims served in respectable positions during the reigns of Murad II, Mehmed the
Conqueror, and Salim I. Muslims and non-Muslims held provincial administration
positions and were members of court slave families (e.g., the grand vizier, governors,
princes, military officers, and so on).
Dhimmis paid two special taxes: jizya (a tribute or a poll tax) and kharaj (land tax).
Ottoman ulema ruled that this rule still was in use, but since all agricultural land
belonged to the State, it applied to private holdings. Another tax was taken from all
peasants. Many other dues levied on peasants and traders were heavier for dhimmis than
for Muslims. Though the land tax was discontinued during the early days of Islam, the
Ottomans continued to levy the poll tax in lieu of military service.16 Interestingly
enough, it was confused with land tax and the dhimmis were confused with the masses.
The massespayment of the land tax thus was actually the dhimmispayment of the poll
Originally it was levied only on free men who could earn and afford to pay it. But later
on, ministers, rabbinical representatives, the chief rabbi, teachers, slaughterers, and a
few Jewish families in Istanbul were excluded. Many Christian families obtained a
decree from the sultan that made them exempt. Gibb and Bowen estimate that probably
only one-third of all eligible dhimmis paid this tax during the States later period.18
During the nineteenth century, the land tax was abolished (in principle) and yet retained
as a compensation for military duty. Shortly thereafter, Istanbuls people were exempted
from it in toto, although it was still collected in the provinces. Until the republican era,
all non- Muslims (except for Istanbul residents) paid only a military and a road tax.
The Ottoman State acted according to Islam and its own interests. It recognized each
communitys rights and frequently protected them at the expense of its own citizens. It
opened up state offices to non-Muslims as an incentive to become Muslim. Such a
policy was unknown to the Europe of that time. However, the Ottomans did not spread
the Islamic educational system among the non-Muslims to encourage their conversion,
which constituted the states very raison detre.
1 Abu Jaber, 213.
2 H.A.R. Gibb and Harold Bowen, Islamic Society and the West (London and New
York: Oxford University Press, 1950-), 1:43.
3 H.A.R. Gibb et al., eds., Encyclopedia of Islam, Dhimma(Leiden: Brill, 1960-).
4 M. Khadduri, War and Peace in the Law of Islam (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press,
1955), 176-77.
5 Ibid., 173.
6 Abu Jaber, 212.
7 Carel Bertram, 127.
8 Ibid.
9 Stanford J. Shaw and Ezel K. Shaw, History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern
Turkey (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1976-77), 1:151.
10 Ibid., 153.
11 Cyrus Adler et al., eds., The Jewish Encyclopedia, Turkey(New York and London:
Funk & Wagnalls, 1901-06).
12 A. H. Lybyer, The Government of the Ottoman Empire in the Time of Suleiman the
Magnificent (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1913).
13 Ibid., 54.
14 Ibid., 46.
15 Vernon Parry, Elite Elements in the Ottoman Empire,in Governing Elites: Studies in
Training and Selection, ed. Rupert Wilkinson (New York: Oxford University Press,
1969), 50-73.
16 Gibb and Bowen, Islamic Society, 253.
17 The Jewish Encyclopedia, Turkey.
18 Gibb and Bowen, Islamic Society, 255.
Copyright © 2002 The Fountain Magazine. All rights reserved.

32 posted on 12/03/2004 8:47:35 AM PST by Traianus
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To: All

Ec 1:9 ¶ The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

33 posted on 12/03/2004 9:00:14 AM PST by Traianus
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To: Cacique

Ec 1:9 ¶ The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

34 posted on 12/03/2004 9:01:10 AM PST by Traianus
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To: TomSmedley
You say --
          Been there, done that, got the tee shirt. Maybe it does a man good to
          get that fortune-telling doomsaying nonsense out of his system while in
          his early 20s, so that he can look decades 50-80 in the eye with joyful
          confidence in God, God's Work, and God's purposes for his life.

Well, the nice thing about God's Word is that when we read it, we know that it was predetermined to say what it does from thousands of years before -- even from before the forming of the earth. God's Word was settled then. And so, even with God's Word written a couple of thousand years ago -- it still doesn't change and it has always meant the same thing. There are no two ways about it. That's our anchor and our foundation -- never to change. God never changes and His Word to us never changes either.

Thus any understanding that we have of what God is saying to us will remain constant and unchanging with that understanding being the true one -- that of believing what He says is true exactly as He says it.

I can rest in that supreme confidence of knowing that He is never wrong and He knows the beginning from the end, even before the beginning was present.

As far as your kids, I'm glad they are being home-schooled. I would do so myself, if I had the chance now. But, that's something long ago for me. For over 50 years I've read the Bible and it remains that same Word as when I first started reading. That word has never changed. It's only been my understanding which became deeper as I understood more of His Word.

It's unfortunate that your kids (who are remaining) will not see families of their own -- to grow up and teach -- as you have. They will be the ones who will see only a limited life, as Christ will return long before they have a chance to retire.

Would I be sad that those kids would never have the same chances at a family as you have had? No, not at all. It's much better for them to be in God's Kingdom -- when it arrives here on this earth -- than it is for them to go through the trials and tribulations of this life on earth. What a joy for them (given that they will have chosen Christ as their own personal Savior) -- that they will be with Him "forevermore" (when He returns for us) -- than to be here on this earth. That's a much better result -- for them and for us.


Star Traveler

35 posted on 12/03/2004 12:25:22 PM PST by Star Traveler
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To: 1john2 3and4
You say --
          I would like to direct your attention to the unusual characteristics of
          the symbolic beast mentioned in 13:11.

          How is this beast different from all others mentioned?

          What does the difference signify?

One beast comes from the sea and the other comes from the earth. One is a kingdom (along with its powers) and the other is a man -- who is the Antichrist (as we see him as an individual who is thrown into the lake of fire, along with the false prophet, later in Revelation).

Jesus never disputed Satan's right or possession of all the kingdoms of the world. He has them at this last time and Satan gives this to whomever he choses -- namely, the Antichrist.

It's when Jesus returns that judgement is made against Satan and his Antichrist. The one is thrown into the lake of fire, while Satan is bound for 1,000 years -- to be let loose one more time to deceive the nations.

The "times" are referenced in many different ways. There is a "time, times and half a time (referring to seven years); there is 42 months (equal to 3-1/2 years); there is 1,260 days (again 3-1/2 years).

These are all references to this one period of time -- of 7 years of Tribulation -- just before Christ returns again to set up His kingdom upon this earth. The middle of the Tribulation is when the abomination of desolation happens, which leaves 42 months of God's judgement upon this earth, which has been saved up from the beginning. Then Christ returns and His kindgdom is established upon this earth. He reigns for 1,000 years, during which time Satan is bound and not allowed to deceive the nations.

At the end of the 1,000 years Satan is released once more and a rebellion happens once again. After that, comes the Great White Throne Judgement and eternity hereafter. All is fulfilled after that time.


Star Traveler

36 posted on 12/03/2004 1:19:35 PM PST by Star Traveler
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To: joesnuffy
You say --
          When the day comes most won't even blink...It will be sold as a good
          thing to do...a necessary thing..perhaps in the name of anti
          terrorism...or financial security...

Well, there won't be any mistaking of what is going on. I mean -- how can one mistake angels flying over the world, giving a messages like these (shown below). One will not be mistaken as to what is involved. There will be no "accidental" occurences of the taking of the mark of the beast.

Revelation 14

          6 Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of
            heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to
            those who dwell on the earth--to every nation,
            tribe, tongue, and people--

          7 saying with a loud voice, "Fear God and give
            glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has
            come; and worship Him who made heaven and earth,
            the sea and springs of water."

          8 And another angel followed, saying, "Babylon is
            fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she has
            made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of
            her fornication."

          9 Then a third angel followed them, saying with a
            loud voice, "If anyone worships the beast and his
            image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on
            his hand,

          10 he himself shall also drink of the wine of the
             wrath of God, which is poured out full strength
             into the cup of His indignation. He shall be
             tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence
             of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.

          11 And the smoke of their torment ascends forever
             and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who
             worship the beast and his image, and whoever
             receives the mark of his name."

          12 Here is the patience of the saints; here are
             those who keep the commandments of God and the
             faith of Jesus.

FINALLY -- it will happen that the "everlasting gospel" is preached to all the people and nations -- as it says in Revelation 14. It's kind of hard to miss an angel "flying in the midst of heaven" preaching the everlasting gospel "to every nation, tongue and people ..."

The second angel will announce the falling of Babylon.

And most specifically (in regards to the mark of the beast) -- it is made clear by the third angel --

           "If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on
           his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of
           the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His
           indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the
           presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the
           smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest
           day or night, who worship the beat and his image, and whoever receives
           the mark of his name."

It's kinda hard to miss those angels flying around. The Bible makes it clear that these messages are given "to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people ..."


Star Traveler

37 posted on 12/03/2004 1:52:43 PM PST by Star Traveler
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