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OUTED -- How The Post reported it in Thursday's
Pulse: "Does my butt look big in this toga?"


1 posted on 11/20/2004 8:04:49 PM PST by OESY
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Speaking as a female, I see nothing sexy and attractive about Colin Farrell in that cheap wig and toga.

2 posted on 11/20/2004 8:06:56 PM PST by Ciexyz (I use the term Blue Cities, not Blue States. PA is red except for Philly, Pgh & Erie.)
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His mom had a thing for horses. Alexander tended to dabble in the love that dare not speak its name.

History is history, regardless.

3 posted on 11/20/2004 8:07:15 PM PST by Angry Republican (yvan eht nioj!)
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I guess old Ollie must still be letting some of his autobiographical sketches leak into his "art".

4 posted on 11/20/2004 8:08:17 PM PST by Lunkhead_01
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Well, I thought this was pretty well established from the historical record?!?

Then again, it is in an Oliver Stone film, so I suppose that is a fairly strong argument against...

5 posted on 11/20/2004 8:12:20 PM PST by swilhelm73 (Dowd wrote that Kerry was defeated by a "jihad" of Christians...Finally – a jihad liberals oppose!)
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Alexander came from northern Greece, which has long been touchy about most historians' belief that like many men of the era, one of the greatest military leaders of all time swung both ways.

With all the room under those togas, I guess you would swing both ways...

7 posted on 11/20/2004 8:18:13 PM PST by ThreePuttinDude (Hurricanes are gone, so is Betty Castor....yeeehaww)
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We all know that Stone is a sick man and probably posts regularly on DUmmys.

11 posted on 11/20/2004 8:31:50 PM PST by OwnershipSociety
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They are goign to lose a fortune on this movie.
Why does Hollywood insist on coming out with more and more disgusting garbage.
And they wonder why "The Incredibles" is doing so well? Sheesh. It's the only movie out right now thats okay for families.
These hollywood guys are living in a fantasy worls.

12 posted on 11/20/2004 8:32:03 PM PST by Betaille (Harry Potter is a Right-Winger)
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Mary Renault, "The Persian Boy"

14 posted on 11/20/2004 8:32:12 PM PST by Cicero (Nil illegitemus carborundum est)
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Stone is off his gourd. He's the silliest kind of contrarian, the kind that will say anything at all as long as it's transgressively trendy enough.

What a bore the left has become. How petty their "causes."

27 posted on 11/20/2004 9:14:59 PM PST by beckett
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Alexander may have been many things but there has never been any credible proof to suggest he was bisexual but that doesn't stop the homosexual community in its attempt to re-write history. There is plenty of evidence of homosexuality throughout history usually in the form of young men (many times slaves) being taken under the wings of older men. The unflattering history of homosexuality, much of which would be considered indistinguishable from molestation and abuse if today's standards were to be applied, is treated as if it never existed.

29 posted on 11/20/2004 9:16:49 PM PST by Ma3lst0rm
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To: OESY; Cacique
1. Alexander the Great was Alexander II of Macedonia. He was also 1/2 Epirote (his mother Olympia was an Epirote princess). Thus he was only 1/2 Greek.
2. Bisexuality seemed to run in the family. Alexander's father, Phillip II of Macedonia, was murdered by his homosexual lover, Pausanias.

3. Alexander's relationship with Hephaistion was close. When Hephaistion died, Alexander stayed by the body for days without eating.
32 posted on 11/20/2004 9:25:23 PM PST by rmlew (Copperheads and Peaceniks beware! Sedition is a crime.)
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Stephen Pressfield has a new novel out about Alexander. It's called "The Virtues of War". I haven't read it yet but his novel about the Spartans at Thermopylae called "Gates of Fire" was fantastic!

49 posted on 11/20/2004 9:51:30 PM PST by Straight Vermonter (Liberalism: The irrational fear of self reliance.)
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From Howard Veit's Oraculations blog, very slightly edited by me, a review of an Alexander preview:


Remember the scene in "Jurassic Park" when the lawyer got killed and the audience cheered? Get ready. "Alexander," the newest three hour sand and drag queen movie, is so bad that the audience cheers every time a major character gets killed, which unfortunately doesn't start happening til the two hour mark. Actors, a la "Troy," flounce around in their best blouse and skirt ensembles kissing and flirting with each other before going off to conquer the world.

"Yoo hoo, Darius. Ready or not, here we come," and they skip into battle. This is strictly a Blue State epic for the gay marriage set. A full quarter of a "straight" non-paying preview audience at a college showing walked out after the first 45 minutes and the rest remained to cheer and laugh at the dialogue. The script is so bad that normally good actors like Val Kilmer look horrible. Viewers report that the script wanders off into stealing from "Citizen Kane's" rosebud recollections to a blatant "Braveheart" reconstruction.

People who tout the movie as honest, artistically brave (you can bet it doesn't deal with Islamofascism), and truthful to history, actually mean that men kissing each other on the mouth, ogling one another, and going to bed with each other is what passes for artistic bravery in anti-Bush Hollywood. The "truth" of Alexander's homosexuality or "bi-sexuality" is on graphic display. The reality of the Greeks kidnapping young boys and raping them is not included in this historically accurate movie, but wife raping is included, presumably for the bi-sexual Northeast and Malibu crowds.

Then there is the sheer boredom that co-writer, co-producer, and director Oliver Stone manages to convey through such clever devices as endless speeches and battle scenes that you can't see because they are filmed through dust and sand. Everyone who has seen it comments about a shot of an eagle interrupting a battle scene that makes no sense and then cutting back to the hazy combat. In the business they call it "cutting to the moon." Every director worth his salt always has some extra footage he can "cut to" when a scene is missing footage that matches the master shot. When a director is bad or egotistical he has no "moon" and instead of a door or a breast he has to use a ten second shot of a bird flying, squirrels f***ing, or a lion walking. Oliver Stone (co-writer, co-producer, and director) shot no moon to which he could cut if he had no matching footage. Audiences who saw the movie for free also comment on the horrid dialogue and acting, the age of Alexander's mother (Angelina Jolie would have had to give birth when she was eight years old), and the impossible age of Ptolemy.

It is generally recognized that a Spaniard named Lope de Vega, a 16th century dramatist who wrote two thousand three hundred plays, scribed the absolute worst soliloquies ever written. Til now. This movie will probably top de Vega's reputation for agonizingly long and tedious monologues. Actors clad in skimpy dresses emote them while doing their best to feign masculinity til they can date one another after the day is done.. Most attendees writing "reviews" seem to be sorry that Anthony Hopkins, of all people, is forced to shuffle around in a back lot sand dune uttering the skunkiest solo dialogue since Ethan Hawke butchered Hamlet back in 2000.

This is another example of the decadent Hollywood Left handing $150 million to the "Hate America" near Communist Oliver Stone knowing his track record for wallowing in blood, fictionalizing history, and losing money. All the viewers reporting compare it with "Troy" except that it's three times as gay. The movie will eventually cost in excess of $200 million in AOL/Time Warner shareholder money if you include prints and marketing. This means that it will have to gross $400 mil to break even and at $8 per ticket it means that fifty million people will have to see it. I guess the DNC poll takers told Time Warner execs that "the Red State a******s are all secret fags" and are dying to see men sodomizing each other in the desert. Guys who believed the financial statements of former AOL founder Steve Case will believe anything. Still.

Summing it up: short AOL/Time Warner stock or buy put options. Right now.

Hey, I hope Howard's title didn't give anything away.

56 posted on 11/20/2004 10:36:24 PM PST by TheMole
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By Jeannette Walls
Updated: 2:43 a.m. ET Nov. 11, 2004Maybe they should call it “Alexander the Grating.”

The Oliver Stone-directed epic starring Colin Farrell doesn’t open until November 24, but Stone quietly screened it to some audiences this week — and the early reaction seems to be a big thumbs down.

“This movie is a mess,” writes a reviewer on the movie site “According to Stone he just finished this film on Friday and, in my opinion, it looks like he rushed it out the door. . . . The story is incohesive, the acting is uninspired, and the whole look is incredibly pieced together.”

A few viewers did find something to like about the film: “The Rosario Dawson nude scene will make you worship her,” writes one.

Stone has a lot riding on the epic pic — which reportedly cost a staggering $150 million to make — and a source says the director seemed uncharacteristically subdued when he was answering questions at a screening

58 posted on 11/20/2004 11:00:46 PM PST by ultima ratio
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Readers may find the following enlightening; I use these highly respected sources in my classes, by the way. I had to smile when Kerry responded in the debate he did not think homosexuality is a choice, for the ancients who practiced it as well as heterosexuality certainly thought of it as optional behavior (and obligatory, even, in the mentoring relationship as one will see through research). With boys, sex was intracural, not penetrative, so a code of conduct existed in regards to pederasty.

Thanks for the post . . . Penny

Most ancient Greeks lived openly bisexual and polyamorous lifestyles. While the Greek man was expected to marry and raise children, he was also expected to enter into erotic and mentoring relationships with worthy youths. Intimate relationships between older adult men and male youth were not only common, they were considered a social duty to the state. Even though male homosexual relations were common, there were certain guidelines to be adhered to. Greek homosexuality was largely intergenerational. Relationships between two adult men of similar age were ununsual, and open to riducle, as were relations with overly young boys. The ancient Greeks believed in an age of consent, marked by a young man's ability to "think for himself". This age of consent ranged from adolescence to early adulthood.

These relationships were both erotic and educational. A male youth would be courted by many men, and then he would choose one to be his lover. The goal of Greek education was the attainment of male perfection -- both physical and mental perfection. This education took place in the gymnasium. The gymnasium was the center of every Greek town, and served a far greater purpose than the modern gym. The gymnasium was an elaborate structure with many rooms, baths, and hallways decorated with all sorts of art work including statues of gods and heroes. Philosophers, poets, and other intellectuals would come together in these places. Boys and men would spend their days in both intellectual and physical exercises. Youth weren't just valued for their bodies, but also for their minds -- their ability to reason and debate. Sports and even the public olympics were performed in the nude. In fact, public nudity was not at all uncommon. The body was something to be proud of. It did not elicit the feelings of shame or modesty that many of us feel in modern society.

Greek homosexuality was largely a male phenomenon, and Greek society was largely patriarchal and male dominated. The Greek ideal of beauty and intellectualism was embodied in young men. Women were viewed as mothers of a man's children, and generally excluded from public life and intellectual affairs. There were a few exceptions, as in the case of Sappho who taught at her own all girls school.



Greek Homosexuality from the Harvard University Press

Gay Warriors: A Documentary History from the Ancient World to the Present from the New York University Press

One Hundred Years of Homosexuality by David Halperin

Web Sites:

The World History of Male Love: Male Love in Ancient Greece

A Gay History of the World: Same-Sex Love Common in Ancient Cultures


60 posted on 11/20/2004 11:13:07 PM PST by Penny ((Proud member of the Free Republic Negligee Brigade for Truth and Justice!))
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Sounds like this film will be a gay soft-porn love-fest, yuck!

I guess it will go over good in the blue states and bomb everywhere else.

I sure wouldn't waste money on Oliver Stone's sicko fantasies.

Two bad, a film about Alexander's military conquest of the known world would have been fascinating.

63 posted on 11/20/2004 11:58:07 PM PST by Walkin Man
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Was just reading an article about this Alexander the Great ,and this movie, in the Smithsonian magazine. It also mentioned that Oliver Stone created the JFK movie, that supported multi gun theories in the Assasination of JFK.

Guess Oliver Stone , like most liberals considers the facts, not that important.

64 posted on 11/21/2004 12:04:23 AM PST by AmericanMade1776
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I thought it was common knowledge that Alexander was bisexual.

74 posted on 11/21/2004 6:24:35 AM PST by LoudRepublicangirl (loudrepublicangirl)
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This movie will go down as the biggest bomb of the year! You can already see the writing on the wall.

77 posted on 11/21/2004 6:33:51 AM PST by truthandlife ("Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God." (Ps 20:7))
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JFK didn't play for the Lakers. He played guard for the Celtics.
Or was that Cousy? Now I'm confused.

83 posted on 11/21/2004 9:11:52 AM PST by TheLawyerFormerlyKnownAsAl
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