Posted on 11/11/2004 3:41:41 PM PST by skikvt claims to have a picture of 9/11 hijacker Mohammed Atta and Senior Iraqi Intelligence officer Ahmed Khalil Ibrahim Samir al-Ani in Prague in the Czech Republic, Winter 2000. See the LINK for more info...
"Saddam's spymaster Ahmed Khalil Ibrahim Samir AL-ANI shown here using a camera taking video's/pictures of RFE/RL headquarters located in Prague, of the Czech Republic. This undercover photo was taken in the winter of 2000 by anonymous sources"
Is Mohammed Atta on the left?
"How I arrived at my conclusion First, I found a passport photo that was plastered all over the net and made a copy. I then compared the facial structure of Mohamed Atta's passport photo to the picture taken in Prague. What I have concluded is the following. 1) the hairlines are exactly the same. 2) the raised eyebrow bone structure is the same as the Prague picture below. 3) the recessed eyes exist in both pictures, both show shadows from being recessed. 4) the nose on both pictures appear to have the same shape and size. 5) the upper lip extrudes over the lower lip on both pictures. 6) the ears on both pictures appear to have the same shape as well as dimensions and placement on the head when compared. 7) upon magnification of the photo's, I determined that the adams apple located on the neck of both pictures appear to be identical both is size and shape. 8) the bottom of the jaw bone appears to have the same shape with the only difference being that in the passport photo, he had his head cocked back whereas in the Prague photo he was looking down at AL-ANI. 9) I then copied a second passport photo and applied a mustache (see below) and I then definitely came to the conclusion that this was Mohamed Atta in the photo taken in Prague. I drew this conclusion on my own. No one, told me that. TW 10/22/2002"
Boy, it sure doesn't look like it!
I'm thinking I need to pull up a lot more pictures. He was a lot thinner than you would think and The hairline is a dead on match...
LOL! Me too!!
Post the security camera shots from Logan airport. Those may help for comparison. I'll see if I can find them also.
I also see you picked an appropriate day to sign up!
-Nice find-
I don't think so.
It could be him, but it's hard for me to tell with a profile pic that isn't up close. It would be interesting if it was him.
here's one...
They all look alike to me!lol
Have you been drinking?
Atta in his "college days"
Atta : college again
Same time:
He's the circled one...
All Eirabs look the same!
The face is too long.......the ears are positioned too low on the face-on photo.
This guy's face is not square. MA's was. He was also short. The guy in the photo is tall.
Also the hairline isn't the same.
Soooooo, no, doesn't look like it to me. Maybe I need to clean my contacts....
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