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Priority 1: Remove Specter from the Judiciary (Day 8)
11-10=04 | Alway Right

Posted on 11/10/2004 2:06:25 AM PST by Always Right

Our Resolve:

Whereas, liberal Senator Arlen Specter is in line to be Chairman of the Judiciary Committee.

Whereas, liberal Arlen Specter has a stated litmus test against pro-abortion judges.

Whereas, liberal Arlen Specter has stated he will fight against conservative judges

Whereas, in the past liberal Arlen Specter has helped defeat great judges like Robert Bork,

Whereas, the Democrats have loaded the Judiciary Committee with extreme liberals such as Kennedy, Feinstein, Leahy, and Schumer.

Whereas, liberal Arlen Specter is in a position to turn our huge and historic election victory into a defeat by killing the nomination of all decent judges,

Be it resolved, that we will do whatever it takes to get liberal Arlen Specter off the Judiciary Committee!


11-10 Update:  The media is trying to tell us that the outrage over Specter's arrogant threat is dying down.  However, inside reports are telling us Senate staffers are still busy full time answering anti-Specter callers.  Phone lines are busy and angry voters are having a difficult time getting through.  Ignoring the media spin, the outrage isn't about to die.  It is important to note that NOT ONE member of the Senate Judiciary Committee has come out in support of Specter.  Senator Cornyn, Kyl, and Graham have expressed serious concern, and are waiting to see how it plays out.  Believe me, these Senators share our same concerns and the Phone Calls are having an impact!  If one Senator is going to come to Specter's defense, it will likely be Senator Hatch.  Outside of Hatch, I don't anticipate Specter getting too much support.  Specter is not out of hot water yet and we are not about to turn down the heat. 

Thomas Sowell:  "It would be a tragedy for him to become chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, where he could mangle nominees, and in the process mangle the Constitution of the United States."

6 More Years?: Specter defenders are saying Specter will be a good soldier and if he does screw up we will oust him.  But how?  Once Specter is in, he is in.  Senate leadership isn't going to pull some unprecedented and undefined action to remove Specter.  Specter will be Chairman for the next 6 years assuming the GOP controls the Senate.  Bank on it.  Now Specter may play good soldier for a year, maybe two.  But what about years 3, 4, 5, and 6?  Specter is going to go back to his old self, there can be no doubt.  Is the smooth sailing in the short term really worth it?  I think the balance of the Supreme Court will be decided in those later years when we will see the real Arlen.  Is the short-term fix worth the long term risk?

Specter Still Not in the Clear:  Fox News story and video!  Fox did a story on the hundreds of web based efforts to stop Specter.  If you watch the video, the second site that is flashed up is FreeRepublic!  According to the video, the White House is not going to help Specter, but leave it all up to Specter.  The effort to stop Specter is still going strong!

11-9 Update:  The response to this effort has been extraordinary.  Senators have reported they have been getting more calls about Specter than anything this year with the exception of gay marriage.  Don't be discouraged by speculation from talking heads or people are fearful of backlash.  There is a process for selecting the chairman and the process is just getting started.  I fully expect the initial selection to follow protocol and select Specter.  The GOP leadership will leave it up to the members of the Judiciary to make a switch.  On November 17th, the GOP judiciary members get to decide if one of them is going to challenge Specter.  Even if none of them decide to challenge in an open vote in committee, it still has to be confirmed by the whole GOP caucus.  If 11 Senators decide they want a closed vote on the Chairmen selection, they will have a closed vote and Specter can be thrown out at that time.  Any talk that someone knows how this process will play out is total BS.  Keep up the pressure! They are conservative Senators out there that will make a stand.

The GOP leadership seems to be taking a stand that they are going to leave it up to the Judiciary Committee members.  For those who claim it is a done deal, let's see where they stand:

Sen. Cornyn:  "We'll have to see where he (Specter) stands."

Sen. Jeff Sessions:  Was a judge 'borked' by Specter from the federal bench back in the Reagan era.  Likely would oppose Specter given an opportunity.

Sen. Graham:  "The original comments attributed to Senator Specter were very unnerving…. His statement clarifying his position is reassuring, and I hope we will work our way through this."

Sen. Kyl:  Indicated in an interview he would be the one to challenge Specter, but will have to wait to see what happens.  Said the calls to his office were about 1000-1 against Specter.

This doesn't sound like a done deal.  Keep up the Pressure folks!

11-8 Update:  We are in a critical week.  A fellow Freeper has informed me that there will be LOTS of activity this week. The Committee on Committees will be formed and important committee assignments will be made.  There will be one or two new spots on the Judicial Committee for the GOP.  These spots must be filled by rock solid conservatives.  Frisk of course will be a key player here, and so will Senator Kyl.  E-mail and fax them and tell them the kind of committee members we need.  They will also make initial selections on who the committee chairmen will be.  I assume they will follow the seniority rules, but they probably don't have to.  The actual GOP Judicial Committee members will meet and vote on their Chairman next week, November 17.  If someone in the Committee wants to challenge for the Chairman's job, it will be done there.  A final vote on committee Chairmen will be done later by all the GOP Senators.

*****URGENT:  Things are happening now!  Committee assignments, initial Chairman selections.  Keep Sen. Frist and Sen. Kyl informed that we want Conservative appointments on Judiciary and no Arlen Specter.

Karl Rove's Comments:  "What I do know is that he told the president that, if he, Senator Specter, were to become chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, that every one of the president's nominees would receive a prompt hearing, a vote in the committee within a reasonable period of time, and that his appellate nominees would all be brought to the floor for an up-or-down decision on the floor. And we're in — Senator Specter's a man of his word, and we'll take him at his word if he becomes chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee."

One thing to note, Rove said 'if' not once, but twice!  Something tells me Specter is not out of the woods.  However, Rove and Bush seem to put too much faith in Arlen Specter's word.  But  which Arlen is telling the truth, the one who promised Bush or the one who promised his liberal media friends that none of Bush's extremist judges would be approved to the Bench?

My Question:  Why is Specter, a man who opposes everything the GOP stands for on judicial nominations, even on the Judicial Committee????  It really makes no sense. 

James Dobson:  "There are many, many members of that committee that are more qualified and less of a problem than Senator Specter....He is a problem, and he must be derailed."

11-7 Update:  According to an information from an interview on Concerned Women for America website, the GOP members of the Senate Judiciary Committee meet on Wednesday, November 17 to vote on who they select for Chairman.  This is an open vote so everyone on the committee will know where they stand.  There needs to be someone to CHALLENGE Specter for the Chairman's role.  Anyone on the committee would be far superior to Specter.  Grassley has removed himself from consideration, but Kyl or Sessions seem like good candidates. We must contact their offices of ALL the GOP committee members and plant some seeds and get some feedback on this.  We only have 9 days left on this.

Focus:  Drafting a CHALLENGER to Specter - E-mail, fax, phone GOP Committee Members! - Only 9 days left tell they vote!  Any feedback you get from any Senate office is appreciated.

Once each committee selects their Chairman, all GOP Senators vote up or down on these Chairmen in a closed vote.  Details on when this happens are not known.  It is important to contact your GOP Senator's office and voice your opposition to Specter.  They will get to vote on it!

Keep up the Good Work:  We are being heard!  Numerous stories out there prove that we are making a difference. 

Grassley somewhat defends Specter:  Grassley came out yesterday and told us we don't need to worry about Specter.  Not exactly a strong endorsement.  His reason, "you know, he led the fight to confirm Justice Thomas, and he's been behind all of the President's appointments the last four years."  Really?  Specter hindered the nomination of Leon Holmes and expressed serious doubts about him.  Specter's position meant that Holmes went up for a vote without a recommendation from the Judiciary Committee.  And for Justice Thomas, Specter supported Thomas out of political necessity.  Specter was taking a beating for what he did to Robert Bork and was facing a tough re-election.  Specter was forced to redeem himself or would have been  voted out of office.  Specter is not a wild card here, even before last's week press conference where Specter warned Bush about his nominees, Specter has made in position clear during this election.  Seeking Post-Gazette's endorsement, Specter went to their editorial board, and promised that no extremists would be approved for the bench.  Extremist judges in Specter language are those like Scalia.

Watch out for Specter:  Specter knows he is in trouble.  Specter is going on the talk show circuit to make his case.  Don't buy into his BS.  Specter will point out that he has supported Bush's nominees.  He voted for Thomas.  He voted for Scalia.  Of course, so did Senator Kerry and 96 other Senators.  Like Senator Kerry, Specter wants to maintain the liberal balance on the court.  They will only support a conservative judge if it does not threaten Roe v. Wade.  Senator Specter says he doesn't have a litmus test.  But just ask Specter what he would do if the court were divided 5-4 on abortion.  I am 100% convinced Specter would pull out any and all stops to make sure a pro-abortion judge is appointed.  The more I learn about Specter, the more I see that protecting Roe v. Wade is his number one priority.  This is why Specter will do and say ANYTHING to get the Judiciary Chairman assignment.  Specter is a snake, when he goes to pat you on the back watch out for the knife in his hand.  Specter flat out hates social conservatives and 'strict constructionist' judges.  Specter is a 'living document' guy.

Ann Coulter was Right:  Back in April, Ann warned us that the election between Toomey and Specter was the second most important election of the year.  In hindsight, it must be concluded that Ann was dead on.  Specter was worthless in helping Bush carry Pennsylvania, but now will be a big thorn in our side on getting judicial nominees confirmed.


Thomas Sowell

Laura Ingraham


Coalition for a Fair Judiciary

Stop Specter Now!

National Right to Life Committee

NRO - The Corner

The Conservative Voice

Focus on the Family

Confused Conservatives:

Hugh Hewitt

Petitions on the Web:

We Want a Strong Leader on the Senate Judiciary Committee - GOPUSA

"New Pro-Abortion Senate Judiciary Chair?" - Voices Heard

Arlen Specter MUST NOT become Chairman of the Judiciary Committee. - nospecter

Pull chair out from under RINO Arlen Specter - Conservative Petitions

 Petition to Republican Senators Opposing the Election of Senator Arlen Specter - AFA

THE FAIR JUDICIARY OATH - Coalition for Fair Judiciary

On-line Petition -

Latest News Stories:

NEW! An ominous Specter - Thomas Sowell 11-10  Part II

NEW! Specter Still Not in the Clear - Fox News 11-9

NEW! Spat over Specter may be subsiding - Pittsburg Post-Gazette 11-9

NEW! Conservatives target Specter - Washington Times 11-9

NEW! GOP Senators Struggle with Specter Chairmanship Focus on the Family 11-9

NEW! Under Fire, Specter Gets Only Tepid White House Support NY Times 11-9

NEW! Why the Specter flap matters - Boston Globe 11-9

The Left's View on Specter - Limbaugh 11-9

Specter Campaign Crumbling - Human Events 11-8

Senate Chairmanship in Question for Specter - NPR 11-8

Specter blunders on Roe vs. Wade - Chicago Tribune (Novak) 11-8

Specter Opponents Pressing Senate Leaders - AP 11-8

A Specter of Trouble - OpinionEditorials 11-8

Specter: "I not only voted against Bork, I led the charge aGrassroots PAgainst him." - Grassroots.PA 11-7

Specter says he won't slow anti-abortion court nominees - CNN 11-7

Arlen Specter - "Bork" Him - Intellectual Conservative 11-6

Judges Following No Law (why Arlen Specter must go) - ****Robert Bork, 8-12-04

Keep Arlen Specter off chair of Judiciary Committee! - WND 11-6

Who's spinning? Specter or reporter? - WND 11-5

All eyes on Sen. Specter - Washington Times 11-5

Conservative wing raises fuss over Specter's views - New York Times 11-5

Specter faces battle for Judiciary chair - Washington Times 11-5

Sen. Specter Ignites Firestorm of Opposition - NewsMax 11-5

Suffering Specter - Pittsburg Tribune Review 11-5

Specter's Remarks Trigger Protest - Focus on the Family 11-5

Lawmaker wants Grassley on judiciary panel - Des Moines Register 11-5

Specter 'Borked' Himself from Senate Judiciary Committee - Concerned Women for America 11-5

Pro-Life Pray-In Planned to Stop Specter - CNSNEWS 11-5

Will Specter Chair Judiciary? - Human Events 11-5

Thank You, Arlen - National Review 11-3

GOP Sen. Specter Vows to Block Bush's Nominees - NewsMax 10-29

The Northeastern Liberal (Kerry and Specter, two peas in a pod.) - Evan-Novak 3-11-04


Actual Transcript of News Conference Wherein Specter Threatens Bush's Judicial Nominees

Specter's "Clarification" of his Threats to Pres. Bush's Judicial Nominees

Another Soros Specter Connection (The Bush-Soros Pick)


Senate Judiciary Committee .

Contact Information:

Bill Frist:  E-mail:
PHONE: (202) 224-3344
Web Form (Email his office):

Contact Information for all Senators

Sen. Orrin Hatch, UT, current Committee Chair PH: 202-224-5251 FX: 202-224-6331

Sen. Jon Kyl, AZ PH: 202-224-4521 FX: 202-224-2207

Sen. John Cornyn, TX PH: 202-224-2934 FX: 202-228-2856

Sen. Charles Grassley, IA PH: 202-224-3744 FX: 319-363-7179

Sen. Mike DeWine, OH PH: 202-224-2315 FX: 202-224-6519

Sen. Jeff Sessions, AL PH: 202-224-4124 FX: 202-224-3149

Sen. Lindsey Graham, SC PH: 202-224-5972 FX: 202-224-3808

Sen. Larry Craig, ID PH: 202-224-2752 FX: 202-228-1067

Sen. Saxby Chambliss, GA PH: 202-224-3521 FX: 202-224-0103

Homepages of Judiciary Committe Members:

Orrin Hatch   Chuck Grassley     Jon Kyl    Mike DeWine    Jeff Sessions     Lindsey Graham    Larry Craig    Saxby Chambliss    John Cornyn    Arlen Specter

Media Contacts:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Previous Threads:

Priority 1: Remove Specter from Judiciary (Thread 1)

Priority 1: Remove Specter from the Judciary (Day 2)

Priority 1: Remove Specter from Judiciary (Day 3)

Priority 1: Remove Specter from the Judiciary (Day 4)

Priority 1: Remove Specter from the Judiciary (Day 5)

Priority 1:  Remove Specter from the Judiciary (Day 6)

Priority 1:  Remove Specter from the Judiciary (Day 7)



Specter = Kerry (from 'The Northeast Liberal' - Evans-Novak)


The Kerry-Specter alliance began with a bang, voting against the Bork nomination. But here, no one can accuse Specter of following Kerry. No, Specter was the point man in sinking Bork. Bork's handler, Tom Korologos, credits Specter with the "game-winning RBI" in sinking the conservative nominee.

Bork's approach to reading the Constitution was too "narrow," and Bork didn't appreciate it as "a living, growing document" in Specter's words. Don't forget this is the man in line to chair the Judiciary Committee next year.


In 1990, Specter joined Kerry in opposing parental notification for minors' abortions. This was not a vote requiring parental consent, merely notification. Not only that, this was not a broad regulation on abortions, it was a condition on federally appropriated money.

Yes, Democrats were sending tax dollars to abortion clinics, and Republicans wanted to add a condition to that money. If an abortionist wanted to abort a minor's unborn child without the parents' knowledge, he could reject the federal funding.

One more detail: the notification rule was waived in the case of "medical emergencies," a broad term which went largely undefined. Still, Kerry and Specter agreed that this was too restrictive. Taxpayer funding for abortionists ought to come with no strings attached, the two concurred.


Specter and Kerry were both in the minorities of their respective parties in voting to slash defense spending by $3.1 billion in 1991. Specter was one of three Republicans to support this amendment.

Neither Senator could point to deficit reduction as their rationale-the bill simply shifted the money to domestic federal programs.


In January of 1992, Kerry and Specter teamed up on the first two contested votes of the session. First, on a non-binding resolution, they joined in support of Supreme Court rulings banning voluntary prayer in school.

Then, on the fifth roll-call vote of the year, Kerry and Specter helped defeat a pilot program for school choice for poor families only. The provision came with authorization of new funds, and so it could not be accused of draining the public schools.


Specter and Kerry are two of the favorites of the trial lawyer lobby for a reason. The RNC drew out of Kerry's past a 1995 vote where he and Specter helped defeat a measure that would have capped punitive damages on medical-malpractice and product-liability cases at two times the compensatory damages. This is not a hard cap at all because compensatory damages would not be capped.

On that same day, the two voted hand-in-hand a number of times against the GOP leadership to protect the lawyers.


This 1997 GOP-sponsored budget resolution combined spending cuts with tax cuts for net deficit reduction. Thirteen other Republicans voted no, but those were the likes of Phil Gramm and Jesse Helms, who objected that the budget was too large. Specter's objections were far closer to those of Kerry.


Almost precisely five years to the day before scientists first made and killed a human life through cloning, John Kerry and Arlen Specter voted to kill a bill that would have banned human cloning in the U.S.


While they couldn't defeat the $792 billion tax cut on Capitol Hill (during a time of budget surplus in 1999), Kerry and Specter provided enough support to President Clinton to sustain his veto. Specter was one of only two Republicans to join Kerry and the Democrats. Even Jim Jeffords voted Yes.

Specter, of course, changed his tune on tax cuts last year (during a time of budget deficts), when Pat Toomey announced his primary challenge.


Not only did Kerry and Specter agree in 2000 that crimes against homosexuals or bisexuals should be treated differently than crimes against heterosexuals, they both decided that a defense bill was the appropriate place to push their discriminatory federal power grab.


Finally, Specter was one of four Republicans to vote to shrink Bush's tax cut. The amendment passed with 53 votes. Very simply, this means that your taxes are higher now because of liberal Republicans such as Arlen Specter.

George W. Bush thinks he can win Pennsylvania. He seems to think having Arlen Specter on the ticket below him will help. Trying to convince voters to vote for Bush and Specter will be a tough row to hoe, especially when it comes to explaining his positions on taxes, cloning, school choice, the life of the unborn, and the direction of the federal courts. Kerry and Specter would be the more natural pair for voters to choose.

Pennsylvania Republicans have a chance this April 27 to help the Bush campaign in the Keystone State have a clear coherent message on life, the strength of the military, and federal budget.

Otherwise, Bush will need to explain why Kerry's positions the wrong ones for a president to take, but just dandy for a senator.


TOPICS: Activism/Chapters; Culture/Society; Free Republic; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: babykiller; rino; snake; specter
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To: Switzer

See the link at post #60.

He does not believe in the Constitution !

61 posted on 11/10/2004 3:12:58 PM PST by Ernest_at_the_Beach (A Proud member of Free Republic ~~The New Face of the Fourth Estate since 1996.)
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To: Elkiejg

Allen for President in 2008.

62 posted on 11/10/2004 3:14:58 PM PST by Ernest_at_the_Beach (A Proud member of Free Republic ~~The New Face of the Fourth Estate since 1996.)
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To: editor-surveyor

Thanks for the ping.

Do any FReepers have Specter ping lists? I've already signed up with Stop Specter Now, and am getting updates already.

I also check

63 posted on 11/10/2004 3:18:38 PM PST by Lauren BaRecall (Specter needs to see a 3-D sonogram image.)
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To: Always Right
The media is trying to tell us that the outrage over Specter's arrogant threat is dying down. However, inside reports are telling us Senate staffers are still busy full time answering anti-Specter callers.

Shades of Jefferson Smith v. the Taylor Machine!

64 posted on 11/10/2004 3:22:46 PM PST by Lauren BaRecall (Specter needs to see a 3-D sonogram image.)
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To: editor-surveyor

To anyone who has a ping list for Borking Specter, please sign me up!

65 posted on 11/10/2004 3:36:58 PM PST by TAdams8591 (BORK SPECTER!!!)
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P.S.: I'm not implying that Specter is a Jefferson Smith - just that the MSM has always tried to do its best to manipulate the public.

66 posted on 11/10/2004 3:37:07 PM PST by Lauren BaRecall (Specter needs to see a 3-D sonogram image.)
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To: editor-surveyor

Also we need some protesting on the capitol steps!!!!!!!

67 posted on 11/10/2004 3:40:04 PM PST by TAdams8591 (BORK SPECTER!!!)
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To: Elkiejg
would like to incorporate them in emails to the GOP.

Forgive my tardiness in my reply. Had to go to the doctor today. I have rheumatoid arthritis and some times it takes me a while to reply.

Thanks for your kind remarks and you're more than welcome to use anything I have written in any way you think may help.

I'd like to thank you and everyone else for your efforts on this vital issue.

I see that some of the very information that's at the top of this thread on Specter's background is starting to make it into the evening news on Fox.

Very good work.

68 posted on 11/10/2004 4:40:56 PM PST by mississippi red-neck
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To: Always Right
I called Trent Lott's and Thad Cochran's offices a few hours ago to update my opposition.

The lady in Lott's office said they had been getting thousands of calls and contacts and they where still getting them.

I asked if she wanted my name and address as they usually do.

She said I could give her my name but they have been getting so many calls and contacts that they had given up trying to get all the information and where doing their best to keep a running tally of the all the calls.

It was basically the same in Thad Cochran's office. Thanks to you and all the others hard work. Make sure I'm on your ping List on this issue. MRN

69 posted on 11/10/2004 5:18:00 PM PST by mississippi red-neck
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To: Always Right

I appreciate all the efforts by everyone here at FR...let's keep the calls going.

This is really not right that the GOP is prolonging this ordeal. Forget the seniority deal. Specter is not wanted by a large number of conservatives--so the GOP needs to do the right thing and give the Chairmanship to someone else. Seems like after years of getting stung by Specter, they would be eager to work out a change.

This doesn't speak well for their treatment towards the conservative base that just voted them an increased majority.

Do they really think they can just do what they want and stay in office? They better remember Daschle.

70 posted on 11/10/2004 5:54:15 PM PST by Cedar
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To: Always Right
Please see (and bump :-) this thread:

SPECTER supported subjecting our troops to trials by the International Criminal Court (ICC)!

71 posted on 11/10/2004 5:58:41 PM PST by k2blader (It is neither compassionate nor conservative to support the expansion of socialism.)
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To: Always Right

After we kill Specter's seat on the Judciary - we need to make calls to kill Bush's illegal alien amnesty.

72 posted on 11/10/2004 5:59:41 PM PST by FrankRepublican (Arlen Specter = Democrat Bush=Open Borders w/ Mexico)
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To: Always Right
Well, there will be votes in January, 2005. Should you need to contact the newly elected Senators, here is how:

FL -- Mel Martinez, 305-443-3611 fax: 407-897-8595

GA -- Johnny Isakson, 202-225-4501, 404-252-5239 email:

LA -- David Vitter, 504-833-1163; fax: 202-225-0739

NC -- Richard Burr, 336-777-1170; email:

OK -- Tom Coburn, 918-684-4308, 405-721-4281, 580-353-2858; fax: 918-294-8380 or 580-353-1978 * There may be a problem with some of the numbers as they are from 2 sources. Better than -0- numbers

SC -- Jim DeMint, 866-546-2004; fax: 202-226-1177

SD -- John Thune, 605-221-1010, 605-718-7000; email:


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73 posted on 11/10/2004 6:24:33 PM PST by Henchman (BORK SPECTER. Email your friends and relatives. PLEASE do it now!)
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To: Elkiejg

Okay, I contacted another Senator this evening, by e-mail. All of my letters are individually written from scratch for that specific Senator. I will write to another one before bed.

74 posted on 11/10/2004 11:00:26 PM PST by Lexinom (ANYBODY BUT ARLEN)
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