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Gov. Bush Says He's Really, Really Not Running For President
Local 6 (Florida) ^
| November 9, 2004
Posted on 11/09/2004 10:59:18 AM PST by Stoat
Gov. Bush Says He's Really, Really Not Running For President
POSTED: 11:10 am EST November 9, 2004
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- Read his lips. Gov. Jeb Bush really, really isn't interested in succeeding his brother in the White House or running for the U.S. Senate in 2006. He's not kidding. So stop asking. At least until 2008. Bush reiterated Tuesday that he's not going to run for the Senate when Florida has a seat up in '06, has no designs on the 2008 presidential race and he's getting tired of the question.
So the natural follow-up question? "Might you change your mind?" asked a reporter. "No!" the exasperated governor responded as he entered a state Cabinet meeting Tuesday morning. "Why am I not believable on this subject? This is driving me nuts." But before making that clear, he dodged a question on whether he might "eventually" run for president. "Eventually, what's that?" Bush asked after a sigh and before launching into his oft-repeated pledge to finish his second four-year term as governor, which ends in January 2007. "I'm not running for the United States Senate in 2006 and I'm not running for president in 2008." He never got back to the question about "eventually."
TOPICS: Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Florida
KEYWORDS: election2008; governorbush; jebbush
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To: Stoat
And neither is Hildebeast. wink! wink!
posted on
11/09/2004 8:01:00 PM PST
(God is a comedian, with an audience that refuses to laugh.)
To: Stoat
Alright. Listen. The Bush/Clinton pact goes like this- G.H.W. gets one term- face prosecution or give it up to Clinton for two terms, the boy gets two, Hillary gets one, and then Jeb for two.
Three decades of Bush/Clinton.
Don't ask me how I know.
posted on
11/09/2004 8:01:37 PM PST
(GWB is winning wars, not popularity contests.)
To: FBD; Corin Stormhands; AdSimp; Flora McDonald; GottaLuvAkitas1; Landru; ForGod'sSake; BraveMan; ...
"Social in-Security reform, Medical savings accounts, tort reform, income tax reform- (or better yet; the Fair Tax) etc, etc. I'm more interested in seeing results....than I am in seeing the Republican party win elections, merely to drive the left nuts." No argument here, my FRiend...time fer US to lead America to a brighter future...and that brighter future implies a less-Omnipotent Federal Leviathan!!
" the risk of sounding impatient; we have a Republican controlled Senate, Congress, AND the White House. If these guys can't get a whole bunch of reforms, and I mean serious reforms, then I don't give a damn who they want to put up (as a trial ballon) in 2008."
Zackley...we're just havin' some fun here, mi amigo, but we know we've got a hard road ahead of us fer the next 2-4 years, as we convince the American populace that devolving Power from the Federal Leviathan and BACK TO the States, Localities, and Individuals is good fer every non-lazy American!!
"And let's see some conservative Supreme Court Justices!!!"
Werks fer me...interpret the Law, don't make it up...MUD
posted on
11/09/2004 8:05:20 PM PST
Mudboy Slim
(Yep, Lib'rals, Dubyuh's got a FReepin' MANDATE!!)
To: Jon Alvarez
I like the way you think, my man!
posted on
11/09/2004 8:06:30 PM PST
(God is a comedian, with an audience that refuses to laugh.)
To: ForGod'sSake
Supposing Dick Chaney has a relapse with his heart problems, and[I'm not advocating that]and he has to step down as Veep, couldn't George appoint Jeb as his V.P? Say, by 2006 or 2007, and then Jeb could seek the nomination for 2008. Anybody out there in Freepland know anything about this? I'ts only speculation, but it would be a great way to drive the Libs to madness. They're halfway there now, anyway.
posted on
11/09/2004 8:27:32 PM PST
(God is a comedian, with an audience that refuses to laugh.)
To: diss-a-lib
... couldn't George appoint Jeb as his V.P? Say, by 2006 or 2007, and then Jeb could seek the nomination for 2008. From Vice President of the United States (President of the Senate):
Finally, after the death of President John F. Kennedy in 1963 and the resulting vice-presidential vacancy, Congress debated what became the second constitutional amendment related to the structure of the vice-presidency. In 1967, the Twenty-fifth Amendment, addressing presidential vacancy and disability, became part of our Constitution. The absence of any provision for filling a vice-presidential vacancy had become intolerable in the nuclear age. Added impetus for the change came from a growing public concern at the time about the advanced ages of President pro tempore Carl Hayden, who was eighty, and House Speaker John W. McCormack, who was seventy-six. The amendment states that the president may appoint a vice president to fill a vacancy in that office, subject to approval by both houses of Congress. Before a decade had passed, the provision was used twice, first in 1973 when President Nixon appointed Gerald R. Ford to replace Spiro Agnew, who had resigned, and again in 1974, with the appointment of Nelson Rockefeller after Nixon himself resigned and Ford became president. The amendment also sets forth very specifically the steps that would permit the vice president to serve as acting president if a president becomes "unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office." Each of these changes further reflected the increased importance of the office.
So the answer is yes he could but I'm not sure conservatives would even stand for it. The MSM would certainly create a $hitstorm.
...but it would be a great way to drive the Libs to madness.
They're doing just fine on their own; unneccessary for us to get involved ;^)
posted on
11/09/2004 9:12:16 PM PST
(ABCNNBCBS: An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly.)
To: All; Landru; Mudboy Slim; MeekOneGOP
RE:>..."we're just havin' some fun here, mi amigo,..."<
Sorry guys,
I know this was supposed to be a fun post...but I'm looking for ACTION from the Republicans in all three branches...not EXCUSES.
After all...they won't have little Tommie Dasshole to kick around anymore! {G}
posted on
11/09/2004 10:14:50 PM PST
(Democrats have never learned from the second or third or fifth kick of a mule. - Zell Miller)
To: texasflower
Why? Give me a REAL reason. If there is more than one person in a family who can do the job, what's the problem.
Miss TexasFlower. I agree whole hearted with you about the Bush family. However, I live in Jeb's State, and according to himself he's NOT interested, and I personally wish he would run either 2006 or 2008, but I'm afraid a great deal of the American people do not share your's and my view with a 3rd. Bush in the W.H., sadly!
Another little "obstacle", my wife and I went to Nova University where Jeb's wife was the keynote speaker, and her command of the English language would not be a benefit in Jeb's column. She's Hispanic!!!
posted on
11/09/2004 10:20:05 PM PST
To: diss-a-lib
"...couldn't George appoint Jeb as his V.P? Say, by 2006 or 2007, and then Jeb could seek the nomination for 2008." I heartily discourage any attempt of Dubyuh to annoint his successor in such a way...we need to allow our next nominee to bubble up from the Primary process, imho...MUD
posted on
11/09/2004 10:25:58 PM PST
Mudboy Slim
(Hey Rudy G., RE-IMPEACH the HildaBeast's Hubby!!)
To: danamco
I agree about HIS wishes! From this article he sounds darn sure!
It just confounds me when people say we "shouldn't" have anyone else from that family.
Do you know what I mean?
I didn't realize his little bitty wife didn't speak very well. I knew she was hispanic. Has she adversely affected him there? (Believe me, I understand what is great in Florida might not go well across the nation!)
What are Jeb's approval ratings right now? My ex husband lives in Miami and he's pretty fond of Jeb.
It surprises me because Mike is a federal agent. He never likes anyone!
posted on
11/09/2004 10:27:28 PM PST
(Liberty can change habits. ~ President George W. Bush 10/08/04)
To: Mudboy Slim
Don't you two know,that after JFK died a NO MORE NEPOTISM law was passed? No president can appoint any family member,as JFK did,to a high position in his government.
"I'm looking for ACTION from the Republicans in all three branches...not EXCUSES." We see eye-to-eye here, my FRiend...gotta show dem Lib'rals what conservatism is all about...then, if it fails, let the voters put us outta Power. But let's not waste these next 2-4 years acting timid!!
posted on
11/09/2004 10:29:00 PM PST
Mudboy Slim
(Hey Rudy G., RE-IMPEACH the HildaBeast's Hubby!!)
To: diss-a-lib
NO! It is IMPOSSIBLE/against the law.
Why don't you know this?
To: ForGod'sSake
Thanks for posting that! I just can't believe that everyone here doesn't know about this.
To: Gustafm1000
To: nopardons; Howlin; Burkeman1
"No president can appoint any family member, as JFK did, to a high position in his government." Actually, I did not know that...thanks fer the insight. Well, I didn't get the impression that Dubyuh wanted Jeb hangin' out around the White House anyway...LOL!!
BTW...I was just over at and some ex-FReeper castigated me as a "brownshirt" not unlike Howlin and nopardons...he said we were all "vile" and had "ruined"!!
posted on
11/09/2004 10:33:27 PM PST
Mudboy Slim
(Hey Rudy G., RE-IMPEACH the HildaBeast's Hubby!!)
To: Mudboy Slim
Always happy to supply the facts.:-)
"VILE"? All of us are "brownshirts" and "vile"? "WE" ruined FR?
And I suppose that if ALL of the tinfoil covered,fringe of the fringe of the fringe banned crazies were still on FR,it would be "perfect". ROTFLMSO
To: diss-a-lib
Print up some "
RUSH in '08" stickers.
Make them look twice and foam from the ears.
They know he could beat Hillary.
To: nopardons; Burkeman1
"...if ALL of the tinfoil covered,fringe of the fringe of the fringe banned crazies were still on FR,it would be "perfect"." LOL...yeah, this guy is a charter member of the perpetually-displeased, so I asked him if there had ever been a POTUS in his lifetime who'd been even scarcely adequate and he responded with some moolarkey about the Presidency being too much power for any one man so the question was moot...whatever.
posted on
11/09/2004 10:52:09 PM PST
Mudboy Slim
(Hey Rudy G., RE-IMPEACH the HildaBeast's Hubby!!)
To: Mudboy Slim
He's mentally unstable,doesn't know much about anything at all,but feels it his right to tell everyone else just how stupid and "vile" they are.And he's a drunk,a schizophrenic with multiple personality disorder,and/or several different people use his nic to post.
And that remark about the presidency,has to be THE most moronic thing I have EVER seen him post. Good grief!
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