To: StoneGiant
Very well written article.
She summed it up perfectly.
2 posted on
11/07/2004 5:19:21 AM PST by
(We childproofed our home, but they are still getting in)
To: StoneGiant
SHHHHH! Kathleen you are giving away the store! Please do not help the RATs out like this! I much prefer that they stay in circular firing squad mode for the next four years.
3 posted on
11/07/2004 5:20:49 AM PST by
( He who has the guns, makes the rules)
To: StoneGiant
I'm having soooooo much fun watching these people as they busy themselves reading the tea leaves and eating their young on the C-Span panels.
4 posted on
11/07/2004 5:27:55 AM PST by
(split up and charge both ways !!)
To: StoneGiant
I tend to just shake my head as Libs use "Fly-Over Country" and "Red Neck" in the same sentence. Having grown up and lived a major portion of my life in Indiana, I worked as a Mortgage Broker. It was always funny when these East coast companies would come to town thinking they were gonna give us a run for our money. In every case they were sent packing. James Dean, Jane Pauley, Michael Jackson, David Letterman (although I'm not proud of any of them) and a lot more came from "hicksville". I moved to California and The fat-necked liberal men and the clip-haired, scarved-necked liberal females are easy to spot.
They are the ones with their nose in the air...
...while flyover country has it's nose to the grind stone.
5 posted on
11/07/2004 5:28:41 AM PST by
(Proud member of the Geo. W. Bush Reelection Team)
To: StoneGiant
There came a point in this particular election process when I simply shut the left's opinion out...
Several weeks ago, I posted about how I found it enjoyable to debate politics with an intelligent liberal. An intelligent liberal really feels from his/her heart and has valid, debatable points.
These debates never came down to name-calling and insults.
This mostly happened on a political website from my old hometown.
Then I began getting insulting emails and pictures from my left-wing in-laws. They would not entertain debate at all. They were the epitome of the irrational..."The Earth is doomed"..."Bush is Hitler"...""If we get attacked, it's the right's fault"...etc, etc, etc.
6 posted on
11/07/2004 5:30:24 AM PST by
(I wasn't built for comfort, I was built for speed.)
To: StoneGiant
Out of touch, out of mind, out of reality, traitor to his country, a leech in the Senate, wrong values, wrong actions and words, disrespectful, nutzo "scumbag" wife....
7 posted on
11/07/2004 5:38:13 AM PST by
("A weak peace is worse than war" - Tacitcus)
To: StoneGiant
We are off to our Mega church. I hope that we have a big praise and thank you service this morning.
8 posted on
11/07/2004 5:38:52 AM PST by
Coldwater Creek
("we voted like we prayed")
To: StoneGiant
New Yorkers are more sophisticated and at a level of consciousness where we realize we have to think of globalization, of one mankind, that whats going to injure masses of people is not good for us, said Joseph, as he shared coffee and cigarettes with Cohn at an outdoor cafe. You cannot get funnier that this. This guy is a grown up? A retired psychiatrist? This guy's is dummer than crap and he thinks he is more intelligent than thou, it is beyond hysterical.
11 posted on
11/07/2004 5:45:00 AM PST by
(Fight them THERE and NOW. HERE and LATER will only cost more lives.)
To: StoneGiant
"In Josephs words, Bush voters are obtuse, short-sighted, shoot-from-the-hip ."
Better than shooting from the rear (smirking like crazy)
To: StoneGiant
The folks who reelected Bush not only voted for the man they felt best represents their interests, but also against a culture they see as alien and hostile."
That's it. That's all she needed to write.
18 posted on
11/07/2004 6:15:55 AM PST by
To: StoneGiant
Bravo Kathleen!
I know the many sides of America. I live in Boston and have for 40 years. I grew up in the inner-city in a blue-collar home. My jobs have taken me all over the country and the world. I was also educated in some of the "elite" universities here. So, I have a foot firmly planted in blue and red America.
In blue America, it is like an echo chamber - all they hear are their own voices. The press, politicians, activists, etc., feed off and reinforce each other's opinions.
They have no idea what the real America is like or what the average American feels or thinks. It is like a nice warm cocoon and there is no great desire to see what is outside of it since it is filled with knuckle-dragging, neanderthal, monsters.
Traditional voices inside the echo chambers are oppressed. They are called racists, homophobes, Jesus freaks, bigots, intolerant, greedy, etc., etc. They are kept from expressing their opinions except through outlets like talk radio and the Net. Political correctness is forced upon them to help silence any dissent. Their children are turned against them through a systematic public school indoctrination program which dampens honest discussion even in the home.
Some leave the cocoon for a more accepting environment in a Red State while others, simply keep their mouths shut.
Red America knows what blue America is all about because they have it forced fed to them everyday through the media. They know it and now, they have rejected it as never before.
The good news is, the open-minded, diversity loving fascistic liberals don't get it at all and are not likely to any time soon. This guarantees Republican control over the Federal Government for generations to come. This increased national power holds out hope that the the oppressed majority stuck inside these cocoons will find a way to rise up and be heard.
To: StoneGiant
Ordinary Americans find the left's values disgusting.
Ops4 God BLess America!
22 posted on
11/07/2004 6:37:35 AM PST by
(worth repeating)
To: StoneGiant
There is hope. I spoke to my brother who traditionally has voted Democrat. I had to tell him how happy I was that my son, who is serving as a member of the Army's Striker Brigade in Iraq, would not have to endure the sight of Muslims celebrating a Bush defeat. He informed me that he had voted for President Bush. He knew I was surprised and said he made his decision based on the DNC's decision to give Michael Moore a prominent role in their convention.
Thank you MM!
To: StoneGiant
I saw some obscure Democrat strategist on TV the other day saying, with a smirk on his face, that Democrats will be "going to Bible school" now.
We have nothing to worry about. The left in this country are so blind they will never see, will never understand. When they begin to see the solution to their constant electoral defeat as going to Bible school to, I suppose, "learn the lingo", for the purpose of deceiving people into believing that they have become Ordinary Americans, they are hopelessly lost and will remain that way for some time to come.
That's the thing about true Christianity. When a person has truly repented of their rebellion against God, and has turned from it and to Christ, and the heart has been changed, that is not something that can be faked. The Democrats can put on any mask they think will help them, but until the rot underneath is dealt with, they will be as transparent as glass. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson