The leftist elite in Europe understand that Bush represents Capitalism and Free Markets. The trend in the past 15 years in Europe, maybe longer, is to surpress the Free Market and subvert Capitalism to the State in much the same way the former East Bloc Soviet economies managed to do so.... Europe is spoon fed a daily dose of superior economic hype, superior society, superior statesmanship, etc. with no counter balance in the media. Should Bush be reelected, Elitists will have to face an American Government invigorated by a desire to ensure the Free Markets are fair, that the Political Process at the UN is exposed for its cronism and corruption, and most essential is to OPEN the EU Markets with their barriers to Free Trade to American Products. The EU has insulated herself into an economic bubble, complete with a diplomacy centered on countering America at the expense of free markets and to America's deteriment at the UN and in global forums.
American's love Bush because he is centered on first the Family, a love of his God which is not forced onto the Left, and then his America First approach to all aspects of diplomacy, trade and relations in the world. Bush does not appologise for the ills of the world as if they were of America's making, but rather has a simple "lets fix it" attitude and he wants to know why European's don't put up and then won't shut up when bringing nothing but mouth to the table. Four more years of Bush effectively turns back all the anti-American trade legistation and laws run amuck from the EU and UN.