unfortunatly nothing about documentation, but who knows?
1 posted on
10/28/2004 11:17:27 AM PDT by
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To: tazannie
We are positive that John Kerry was one of those dishonorably dismissed from the Navy for collaborating with the Viet Cong, after he was released from active duty but still in the Navy, and for a totally unauthorized trip to Hanoi. He later got an "honorable" separation in 1978, some 12 years after joining the Navy, under President Carter's "Amnesty Program" for draft dodgers, deserters, and other malcontents who fled to Canada and Holland, among other places, to avoid military service to our country. WOW...now that's interesting.
To: tazannie
How appropriate. Thursday before 200 election Bush hit by allegations contained in sealed Court records. Lets hope Kerry gets hit the same way on the same day.
4 posted on
10/28/2004 11:27:44 AM PDT by
To: tazannie
9 posted on
10/28/2004 11:30:29 AM PDT by
(John Kerry: Still a traitor after 33 years! johnfkerrysucks.com)
To: tazannie
12 posted on
10/28/2004 11:31:28 AM PDT by
(Marcus Tullius)
To: tazannie
This is going nowhere without publically accessable documantion from an official source, or perhaps the testimony of several officers who actually ruled on the discharge.
14 posted on
10/28/2004 11:31:54 AM PDT by
(D*mn, I Missed!)
To: tazannie
As much as I abhor John Kerry and all he stands for, I have to date seen nothing to indicate that he has received a dishonorable discharge. I have personally never heard of one issued without benefit of a general court martial, which would be in the public record.
If someone has any documentation to the effect that Kerry has received any discharge other than honorable, I would like very much to see it. Until then, I put this in the same category as the missing explosive story...
To: tazannie
Dang! We need sKerry to release his military file. This is explosive. Have forwarded to everyone in my email address book.
22 posted on
10/28/2004 11:36:05 AM PDT by
(Veni, Vidi, Vici)
To: tazannie
OK, how is the best way to send it? Full story or the link to it?
To: tazannie
I have wondered why some of the swiftvets haven't/didn't mention this, some of them were his officers, etc. Why hasn't the officer who signed/filed/whatever the original discharge come forward?
To: tazannie
He was dishonorably discharge and lots of people know it. Gerald Ford Probably knows it, Jimmy Carter Knows it, Bill Clinton sure as hell knows it (he probably pardoned Kerry on his last day in office!), John Warner probably knows, John McCain probably knows it. These Political Ideologue are cowards and will not risk their political career over this. All we can hope for is that someone who is BRAVE and Loves this Country knows about it. And if we are RELLY lucky, Karl Rove Knows about it.
To: tazannie
From the blog: As much as I would like this to be true, I don't see how Carter's amnesty would have gotten Jean Le Kerre off the hook for treating with the enemy. The Carter amnesty only had to do with those who violated the Selective Service (draft) laws. See for yourself: http://www.archives.gov/federal_register/codification/proclamations/04483.html
To: tazannie
unfortunatly nothing about documentation
When has that stopped a story??.. Oh yeah, when it would hurt Kerry.
To: ImaTexan
43 posted on
10/28/2004 11:56:47 AM PDT by
(Don't Sweat the Small Stuff)
To: tazannie
This story has been bandied about here for quite some time. Failing any documentation, it simply doesn't add up as something that will affect the election.
However, if someone like Hannity runs with it, and it's disproven before the election, it could harm Bush.
Either someone puts up the documentation or this should be dropped. It has the potential to do exactly the opposite of what you'd like it to do.
I've seen no credible documentation, and I've been following every thread.
46 posted on
10/28/2004 11:58:55 AM PDT by
(godless atheist)
To: tazannie
It's becoming clear to me how much of a gentleman Bush is. Every time he's challenged about his service, he politely reminds everyone he was honorably discharged. I now realize that this is a subtle reference to a distinction between his service and that of John Kerry's - except, of course, Bush is too much of a gentleman to say it outright.
To: tazannie
It would be amazing to see Freepers fall for the same type of hoaxes that Dan Blather fell for.
Tread carefully people.
57 posted on
10/28/2004 12:16:27 PM PDT by
(Putting government in charge of morality is like putting pedophiles in charge of children.)
To: tazannie
Kerry could be Lt.Caleigh from the Mi Lai Massacre and it wouldn't make a spit of difference in this election.
60 posted on
10/28/2004 12:22:24 PM PDT by
(Can we possibly have just one more "Kidz-Bop"?)
To: tazannie
This story has been out there for months, nothing at this point it going to effect the election, just go vote and let it rest.
63 posted on
10/28/2004 12:31:27 PM PDT by
To: tazannie
Quick - tell Dan Rather so he can slot that information on Sunday Night's 60 Minutes!
To: tazannie
We are positive that John Kerry was one of those dishonorably dismissed from the Navy for collaborating with the Viet Cong, after he was released from active duty but still in the Navy, and for a totally unauthorized trip to Hanoi. He later got an "honorable" separation in 1978, some 12 years after joining the Navy, under President Carter's "Amnesty Program" for draft dodgers, deserters, and other malcontents who fled to Canada and Holland, among other places, to avoid military service to our country. A Dishonorable Discharge ("Dismissal" for officers) may only be awarded by sentence of General Court Martial. If this happened in the 70s it would have been the most publicized trial of the decade. Could he have received an Undesirable Discharge (now called Other than Honorable)? That can only happen either by the officer's request in lieu of trial by court-martial or as the result of an administrative discharge board proceeding.
I would say that the DD did not happen. Was there an OTHD? Possible but I think it unlikely as adverse processing of LT Kerry would have been a political hot potato. Remember his allies on the Senate Armed Services Committee and elsewhere.
LT, USN (Ret)
18 months as Legal Officer, USS PATTERSON (FF-1061)
66 posted on
10/28/2004 12:42:30 PM PDT by
(Cleveland rocks! (My venue for 72 hours in Ohio))
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