Posted on 10/24/2004 9:58:28 PM PDT by CWOJackson
Badnarik TV ads target conservative voters
WASHINGTON -- The Libertarian Party launches a TV advertising campaign on Thursday that could boot George Bush out of the White House by appealing for votes from disgruntled conservatives.
"Michael Badnarik is going to bring his small-government message right into the living rooms of 96 million households who have a right to be angry at Bush," said Joseph Seehusen, the Libertarian Party's executive director.
"This ad tells Republican voters that the best way to get the party's attention is to patronize the competition -- and that means voting Libertarian."
The television ads, paid for by the Libertarian National Committee, start running Thursday on the No. 1-rated Fox News Channel, which appeals to a largely conservative audience.
The 30-second spots, titled "Send A Message," feature a couple sitting at their kitchen table agonizing over their choice on Election Day. After agreeing that Bush has betrayed his small-government promises, and that they can't vote for Kerry, they resolve to "send a message" by voting Libertarian. The ads can be seen at:
With Bush and Kerry running neck-and-neck, just a few thousand votes for Badnarik in key states could tip the outcome of the election, according to outside analysts.
Recent polls by Rasmussen Research have shown Badnarik drawing 5 percent in New Mexico, where former Vice President Al Gore beat Bush by 366 votes in 2000, and garnering 3 percent in Nevada, which Bush won by 4 percentage points in 2000.
Political science professor Lawrence Jacobs of the University of Minnesota says: "The Libertarians are drawing somewhere between 1 percent and 3 percent -- not big numbers, but in these very close races like the presidential contest, they could well be the margin of difference. They pose a genuine threat to be the kingmaker in several swing states."
Bush is especially vulnerable in swing states where Nader is not on the ballot, such as Oregon, Ohio, Missouri and Arizona. According to Jacobs, Badnarik's presence on the ballot in those states "creates a drain on Republican voters that the Democrats aren't experiencing."
Notes Seehusen: "In 2000, it's likely that Nader cost Gore the election by getting enough votes in one key state -- Florida," he said. "In 2004 Badnarik has the potential to Naderize Bush in several states.
"This ad campaign is designed to teach an important lesson to lying politicians like George Bush: If you don't start keeping your promises, you won't be keeping your job."
He can put all the litmus tests on he wants - Supreme Court justice contenders still have to get past the US Senate. Even if they *do* get approved, they can do whatever they want once they're in that chair. Further, there have to be enough of them to hopefully make a majority, and that's not a guarantee in any President's term. IOW, the President can't directly "end abortion," even if he claims he can.
Absolutely...something which people should not forget. When you hear someone calling themselves a "conservative" but talking about "sending a message" you know who they are automatically...not on our side.
You don't have to be a newbi to be a troll. Many on this site have been trolling their anti-freedom agenda for years. Attacking anyone who doesn't worship at the authoritarian altar.
LOL! You're always good for a laugh.
That makes one of us. You on the other hand, are just like a liberal. Boring, bitter and predictable.
You obviously have me mistaken for one of the Loonietarians. I don't have any hard feelings towards Conservative America, but yes, they are very boring, bitter and predictable.
I have made no mistake. Authoritarian pretend conservatives are first cousins to liberals.
Boring, bitter and predictable.
Conservatives? We're talking libertarians. But yes, you are boring, bitter and predictable.
Wrongo, but nice try. Your childish attempt at the old "I know you are, but what am I" routine is better suited for the school yard, where you maxxed out your intellectual growth. took you all those hours to come up with that. Very good. The only problem with your premise is the original subject of this thread...the LP's boring, bitter and predictable ads. That's okay, I understand your angst.
Hours? Goofy kids, I sign off everyday at 3:30.
Now crawl back into your hole.
Imagine people rejected from community theatre AND renaissance fayres.
LOL! No thanks...I'm sure you're already very crowded down there.
I believe Protagoras summed it up very well; what more can you expect from the boring, bitter and predictable LP.
I believe it shows plenty about someone's intellect and the quality of their argument when they have to outright lie about what was said. Particularly when it is right in the thread for everyone to see.
The comment was about you and your imbecilic authoritarian pals. Pretend conservatives, first cousins to authoritarian liberals, boring, bitter and predictable.
And for someone who claims that libertarians are so boring, you sure spend a lot of your time obsessing about them. Thread after bitter thread, fixating on your agenda. The hate freedom agenda.
LiberTars - Party Poopers
I try, I really do try to keep an open mind but they keep peeing on everyones parade. Not a good way to win friends and influence.
So? This is a thread dealing with the boring, bitter and predictable rationale behind the LP ad campaign. You should be glad you got it almost half right.
Not all of them are utter fools. Several prominent Libertarians have come out in the last couple of days explaining why they are voting for President Bush.
hopefully you can pull this up, it is on newsmax if not...a funny ad regarding Kerry flip flop...give it back!
" vote, After we legalize dope"
Why? Why bother interacting with the rest of society when it's obvious mind altered advocate libertars don't give a rats patooty about reality any way. Strange very strange.
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