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Senator covered up evidence of P.O.W.'s left behind When John Kerry's Courage Went M.I.A.
Village Voice ^ | February 24th, 2004 | Sydney H. Schanberg

Posted on 10/23/2004 1:31:33 PM PDT by Rome2000

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Senator covered up evidence of P.O.W.'s left behind
When John Kerry's Courage Went M.I.A.
by Sydney H. Schanberg
February 24th, 2004 1:00 PM

enator John Kerry, a decorated battle veteran, was courageous as a navy lieutenant in the Vietnam War. But he was not so courageous more than two decades later, when he covered up voluminous evidence that a significant number of live American prisoners—perhaps hundreds—were never acknowledged or returned after the war-ending treaty was signed in January 1973.

The Massachusetts senator, now seeking the presidency, carried out this subterfuge a little over a decade ago— shredding documents, suppressing testimony, and sanitizing the committee's final report—when he was chairman of the Senate Select Committee on P.O.W./ M.I.A. Affairs.

Over the years, an abundance of evidence had come to light that the North Vietnamese, while returning 591 U.S. prisoners of war after the treaty signing, had held back many others as future bargaining chips for the $4 billion or more in war reparations that the Nixon administration had pledged. Hanoi didn't trust Washington to fulfill its pro-mise without pressure. Similarly, Washington didn't trust Hanoi to return all the prisoners and carry out all the treaty provisions. The mistrust on both sides was merited. Hanoi held back prisoners and the U.S. provided no reconstruction funds.

The stated purpose of the special Senate committee—which convened in mid 1991 and concluded in January 1993—was to investigate the evidence about prisoners who were never returned and find out what happened to the missing men. Committee chair Kerry's larger and different goal, though never stated publicly, emerged over time: He wanted to clear a path to normalization of relations with Hanoi. In any other context, that would have been an honorable goal. But getting at the truth of the unaccounted for P.O.W.'s and M.I.A.'s (Missing In Action) was the main obstacle to normalization—and therefore in conflict with his real intent and plan of action.

Kerry denied back then that he disguised his real goal, contending that he supported normalization only as a way to learn more about the missing men. But almost nothing has emerged about these prisoners since diplomatic and economic relations were restored in 1995, and thus it would appear—as most realists expected—that Kerry's explanation was hollow. He has also denied in the past the allegations of a cover-up, either by the Pentagon or himself. Asked for comment on this article, the Kerry campaign sent a quote from the senator: "In the end, I think what we can take pride in is that we put together the most significant, most thorough, most exhaustive accounting for missing and former P.O.W.'s in the history of human warfare."

What was the body of evidence that prisoners were held back? A short list would include more than 1,600 firsthand sightings of live U.S. prisoners; nearly 14,000 secondhand reports; numerous intercepted Communist radio messages from within Vietnam and Laos about American prisoners being moved by their captors from one site to another; a series of satellite photos that continued into the 1990s showing clear prisoner rescue signals carved into the ground in Laos and Vietnam, all labeled inconclusive by the Pentagon; multiple reports about unacknowledged prisoners from North Vietnamese informants working for U.S. intelligence agencies, all ignored or declared unreliable; persistent complaints by senior U.S. intelligence officials (some of them made publicly) that live-prisoner evidence was being suppressed; and clear proof that the Pentagon and other keepers of the "secret" destroyed a variety of files over the years to keep the P.O.W./M.I.A. families and the public from finding out and possibly setting off a major public outcry.

The resignation of Colonel Millard Peck in 1991, the first year of the Kerry committee's tenure, was one of many vivid landmarks in this saga's history. Peck had been the head of the Pentagon's P.O.W./M.I.A. office for only eight months when he resigned in disgust. In his damning departure statement, he wrote: "The mind-set to 'debunk' is alive and well. It is held at all levels . . . Practically all analysis is directed to finding fault with the source. Rarely has there been any effective, active follow-through on any of the sightings . . . The sad fact is that . . . a cover-up may be in progress. The entire charade does not appear to be an honest effort and may never have been."

Finally, Peck said: "From what I have witnessed, it appears that any soldier left in Vietnam, even inadvertently, was in fact abandoned years ago, and that the farce that is being played is no more than political legerdemain done with 'smoke and mirrors' to stall the issue until it dies a natural death."

What did Kerry do in furtherance of the cover-up? An overview would include the following: He allied himself with those carrying it out by treating the Pentagon and other prisoner debunkers as partners in the investigation instead of the targets they were supposed to be. In short, he did their bidding. When Defense Department officials were coming to testify, Kerry would have his staff director, Frances Zwenig, meet with them to "script" the hearings—as detailed in an internal Zwenig memo leaked by others. Zwenig also advised North Vietnamese officials on how to state their case. Further, Kerry never pushed or put up a fight to get key government documents unclassified; he just rolled over, no matter how obvious it was that the documents contained confirming data about prisoners. Moreover, after promising to turn over all committee records to the National Archives when the panel concluded its work, the senator destroyed crucial intelligence information the staff had gathered—to to keep the documents from becoming public. He refused to subpoena past presidents and other key witnesses.

When revelatory sworn testimony was given to the committee by President Reagan's national security adviser, Richard Allen—about a credible proposal from Hanoi in 1981 to return more than 50 prisoners for a $4 billion ransom—Kerry had that testimony taken in a closed door interview, not a public hearing. But word leaked out and a few weeks later, Allen sent a letter to the committee, not under oath, recanting his testimony, saying his memory had played tricks on him. Kerry never did any probe into Allen's original, detailed account, and instead accepted his recantation as gospel truth.

A Secret Service agent then working at the White House, John Syphrit, told committee staffers he had overheard part of a conversation about the Hanoi proposal for ransom. He said he was willing to testify but feared reprisal from his Treasury Department superiors and would need to be subpoenaed so that his appearance could not be regarded as voluntary. Kerry refused to subpoena him. Syphrit told me that four men were involved in that conversation—Reagan, Allen, Vice President George H.W. Bush, and CIA director William Casey. I wrote the story for Newsday.

The final Kerry report brushed off the entire episode like unsightly dust. It said: "The committee found no credible evidence of any such [ransom] offer being made."

A newcomer to this subject matter might reasonably ask why there was no great public outrage, no sustained headlines, no national demand for investigations, no penalties imposed on those who had hidden, and were still hiding, the truth. The simple, overarching explanation was that most Americans wanted to put Vietnam behind them as fast as possible. They wanted to forget this failed war, not deal with its truths or consequences. The press suffered from the same ostrich syndrome; no major media organization ever carried out an in-depth investigation by a reporting team into the prisoner issue. When prisoner stories did get into the press, they would have a one-day life span, never to be followed up on. When three secretaries of defense from the Vietnam era—James Schlesinger, Melvin Laird, and Elliot Richardson—testified before the Kerry committee, under oath, that intelligence they received at the time convinced them that numbers of unacknowledged prisoners were being held by the Communists, the story was reported by the press just that once and then dropped. The New York Times put the story on page one but never pursued it further to explore the obvious ramifications.

At that public hearing on September 21, 1992, toward the end of Schlesinger's testimony, the former defense secretary, who earlier had been CIA chief, was asked a simple question: "In your view, did we leave men behind?"

He replied: "I think that as of now, I can come to no other conclusion."

He was asked to explain why Nixon would have accepted leaving men behind. He said: "One must assume that we had concluded that the bargaining position of the United States . . . was quite weak. We were anxious to get our troops out and we were not going to roil the waters . . . "

Another example of a story not pursued occurred at the Paris peace talks. The North Vietnamese failed to provide a list of the prisoners until the treaty was signed. Afterward, when they turned over the list, U.S. intelligence officials were taken aback by how many believed prisoners were not included. The Vietnamese were returning only nine men from Laos. American records showed that more than 300 were probably being held. A story about this stunning gap, by New York Times Pentagon reporter John W. Finney, appeared on the paper's front page on February 2, 1973. The story said: "Officials emphasized that the United States would be seeking clarification . . . " No meaningful explanation was ever provided by the Vietnamese or by the Laotian Communist guerrillas, the Pathet Lao, who were satellites of Hanoi.

As a bombshell story for the media, particularly the Washington press corps, it was there for the taking. But there were no takers.

I was drawn to the P.O.W. issue because of my reporting years for The New York Times during the Vietnam War, where I came to believe that our soldiers were being misled and disserved by our government. After the war, military people who knew me and others who knew my work brought me information about live sightings of P.O.W.'s still in captivity and other evidence about their existence. When the Kerry committee was announced (I was by then a columnist at Newsday), I thought the senator—having himself become disillusioned about the Vietnam War, and eventually an advocate against it—might really be committed to digging out the truth. This was wishful thinking.

In the committee's early days, Kerry had given encouraging indications of being a committed investigator. He said he had "leads" to the existence of P.O.W.'s still in captivity. He said the number of these likely survivors was more than 100 and that this was the minimum. But in a very short time, he stopped saying such things and morphed his role into one of full alliance with the executive branch, the Pentagon, and other Washington hierarchies, joining their long-running effort to obscure and deny that a significant number of live American prisoners had not been returned. As many as 700 withheld P.O.W.'s were cited in credible intelligence documents, including a speech by a senior North Vietnamese general that was discovered in Soviet archives by an American scholar.

Here are details of a few of the specific steps Kerry took to hide evidence about these P.O.W.'s.

  • He gave orders to his committee staff to shred crucial intelligence documents. The shredding stopped only when some intelligence staffers staged a protest. Some wrote internal memos calling for a criminal investigation. One such memo—from John F. McCreary, a lawyer and staff intelligence analyst—reported that the committee's chief counsel, J. William Codinha, a longtime Kerry friend, "ridiculed the staff members" and said, "Who's the injured party?" When staffers cited "the 2,494 families of the unaccounted-for U.S. servicemen, among others," the McCreary memo continued, Codinha said: "Who's going to tell them? It's classified."

    Kerry defended the shredding by saying the documents weren't originals, only copies—but the staff's fear was that with the destruction of the copies, the information would never get into the public domain, which it didn't. Kerry had promised the staff that all documents acquired and prepared by the committee would be turned over to the National Archives at the committee's expiration. This didn't happen. Both the staff and independent researchers reported that many critical documents were withheld.

  • Another protest memo from the staff reported: "An internal Department of Defense Memorandum identifies Frances Zwenig [Kerry's staff director] as the conduit to the Department of Defense for the acquisition of sensitive and restricted information from this Committee . . . lines of investigation have been seriously compromised by leaks" to the Pentagon and "other agencies of the executive branch." It also said the Zwenig leaks were "endangering the lives and livelihood of two witnesses."

  • A number of staffers became increasingly upset about Kerry's close relationship with the Department of Defense, which was supposed to be under examination. (Dick Cheney was then defense secretary.) It had become clear that Kerry, Zwenig, and others close to the chairman, such as Senator John McCain of Arizona, a dominant committee member, had gotten cozy with the officials and agencies supposedly being probed for obscuring P.O.W. information over the years. Committee hearings, for example, were being orchestrated to suit the examinees, who were receiving lists of potential questions in advance. Another internal memo from the period, by a staffer who requested anonymity, said: "Speaking for the other investigators, I can say we are sick and tired of this investigation being controlled by those we are supposedly investigating."

  • The Kerry investigative technique was equally soft in many other critical ways. He rejected all suggestions that the committee require former presidents Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and George H.W. Bush to testify. All were in the Oval Office during the Vietnam era and its aftermath. They had information critical to the committee, for each president was carefully and regularly briefed by his national security adviser and others about P.O.W. developments. It was a huge issue at that time.

  • Kerry also refused to subpoena the Nixon office tapes (yes, the Watergate tapes) from the early months of 1973 when the P.O.W.'s were an intense subject because of the peace talks and the prisoner return that followed. (Nixon had rejected committee requests to provide the tapes voluntarily.) Information had seeped out for years that during the Paris talks and afterward, Nixon had been briefed in detail by then national security advisor Brent Scowcroft and others about the existence of P.O.W.'s whom Hanoi was not admitting to. Nixon, distracted by Watergate, apparently decided it was crucial to get out of the Vietnam mess immediately, even if it cost those lives. Maybe he thought there would be other chances down the road to bring these men back. So he approved the peace treaty and on March 29, 1973, the day the last of the 591 acknowledged prisoners were released in Hanoi, Nixon announced on national television: "All of our American P.O.W.'s are on their way home."

The Kerry committee's final report, issued in January 1993, delivered the ultimate insult to history. The 1,223-page document said there was "no compelling evidence that proves" there is anyone still in captivity. As for the primary investigative question —what happened to the men left behind in 1973—the report conceded only that there is "evidence . . . that indicates the possibility of survival, at least for a small number" of prisoners 31 years ago, after Hanoi released the 591 P.O.W.'s it had admitted to.

With these word games, the committee report buried the issue—and the men.

The huge document contained no findings about what happened to the supposedly "small number." If they were no longer alive, then how did they die? Were they executed when ransom offers were rejected by Washington?

Kerry now slides past all the radio messages, satellite photos, live sightings, and boxes of intelligence documents—all the evidence. In his comments for this piece, this candidate for the presidency said: "No nation has gone to the lengths that we did to account for their dead. None—ever in history."

Of the so-called "possibility" of a "small number" of men left behind, the committee report went on to say that if this did happen, the men were not "knowingly abandoned," just "shunted aside." How do you put that on a gravestone?

In the end, the fact that Senator Kerry covered up crucial evidence as committee chairman didn't seem to bother too many Massachusetts voters when he came up for re-election—or the recent voters in primary states. So I wouldn't predict it will be much of an issue in the presidential election come November. It seems there is no constituency in America for missing Vietnam P.O.W.'s except for their families and some veterans of that war.

A year after he issued the committee report, on the night of January 26, 1994, Kerry was on the Senate floor pushing through a resolution calling on President Clinton to lift the 19-year-old trade embargo against Vietnam. In the debate, Kerry belittled the opposition, saying that those who still believed in abandoned P.O.W.'s were perpetrating a hoax. "This process," he declaimed, "has been led by a certain number of charlatans and exploiters, and we should not allow fiction to cloud what we are trying to do here."

Kerry's resolution passed, by a vote of 62 to 38. Sadly for him, the passage of ten thousand resolutions cannot make up for wants in a man's character.

Additional research: Jennifer Suh

TOPICS: Front Page News; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: 229; coverup; kerry; kerrypowcoverup; kerryrecord; powmia; villagevoice
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To: Rome2000


81 posted on 10/23/2004 4:02:39 PM PDT by kimmie7 (I saw a Kerry bumper sticker on a trash can today. FINALLY, truth in advertising!)
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To: OldFriend

I suspect that kerry blackmailed McCain into defending him as a war hero. These guys know where the bodies are buried. Literally. They worked together on selling out the POW-MIAs. And if kerry has some of hillary's FBI files, he may know something about McCain's conduct while he was a POW.

82 posted on 10/23/2004 4:07:39 PM PDT by Cicero (Marcus Tullius)
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To: Cicero
McCain and Kerry are the 2 most treacherous SOB's on Capitol Hill.

McCain literally is directly responsible for the new infusion of cash into rat coffers via the 527's

Maniacs both of them.

83 posted on 10/23/2004 4:13:00 PM PDT by Rome2000 (The ENEMY for Kerry!!!)
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To: Cicero

There was money to be made in Viet Nam. They worked hard to normalize relations with that country which meant sweeping the POW issue under the table.

84 posted on 10/23/2004 4:13:17 PM PDT by OldFriend (It's the soldier, not the reporter who has given US freedom of the press)
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To: Iowa Granny

There are formal documents available, I may have them still in my file, about this matter.

POW families absolutely HATE Kerry. It's made McCain's tepid criticism of Kerry all the more perplexing.

85 posted on 10/23/2004 4:16:04 PM PDT by Peach (The Clintons pardoned more terrorists than they ever captured or killed.)
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To: Peach

"Here are details of a few of the specific steps Kerry took to hide evidence about these P.O.W.'s.

* He gave orders to his committee staff to shred crucial intelligence documents. The shredding stopped only when some intelligence staffers staged a protest. Some wrote internal memos calling for a criminal investigation. One such memo—from John F. McCreary, a lawyer and staff intelligence analyst—reported that the committee's chief counsel, J. William Codinha, a longtime Kerry friend, "ridiculed the staff members" and said, "Who's the injured party?" When staffers cited "the 2,494 families of the unaccounted-for U.S. servicemen, among others," the McCreary memo continued, Codinha said: "Who's going to tell them? It's classified."

Kerry defended the shredding by saying the documents weren't originals, only copies—but the staff's fear was that with the destruction of the copies, the information would never get into the public domain, which it didn't. Kerry had promised the staff that all documents acquired and prepared by the committee would be turned over to the National Archives at the committee's expiration. This didn't happen. Both the staff and independent researchers reported that many critical documents were withheld.

* Another protest memo from the staff reported: "An internal Department of Defense Memorandum identifies Frances Zwenig [Kerry's staff director] as the conduit to the Department of Defense for the acquisition of sensitive and restricted information from this Committee . . . lines of investigation have been seriously compromised by leaks" to the Pentagon and "other agencies of the executive branch." It also said the Zwenig leaks were "endangering the lives and livelihood of two witnesses."

* A number of staffers became increasingly upset about Kerry's close relationship with the Department of Defense, which was supposed to be under examination. (Dick Cheney was then defense secretary.) It had become clear that Kerry, Zwenig, and others close to the chairman, such as Senator John McCain of Arizona, a dominant committee member, had gotten cozy with the officials and agencies supposedly being probed for obscuring P.O.W. information over the years. Committee hearings, for example, were being orchestrated to suit the examinees, who were receiving lists of potential questions in advance. Another internal memo from the period, by a staffer who requested anonymity, said: "Speaking for the other investigators, I can say we are sick and tired of this investigation being controlled by those we are supposedly investigating."

* The Kerry investigative technique was equally soft in many other critical ways. He rejected all suggestions that the committee require former presidents Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and George H.W. Bush to testify. All were in the Oval Office during the Vietnam era and its aftermath. They had information critical to the committee, for each president was carefully and regularly briefed by his national security adviser and others about P.O.W. developments. It was a huge issue at that time.

* Kerry also refused to subpoena the Nixon office tapes (yes, the Watergate tapes) from the early months of 1973 when the P.O.W.'s were an intense subject because of the peace talks and the prisoner return that followed. (Nixon had rejected committee requests to provide the tapes voluntarily.) Information had seeped out for years that during the Paris talks and afterward, Nixon had been briefed in detail by then national security advisor Brent Scowcroft and others about the existence of P.O.W.'s whom Hanoi was not admitting to. Nixon, distracted by Watergate, apparently decided it was crucial to get out of the Vietnam mess immediately, even if it cost those lives. Maybe he thought there would be other chances down the road to bring these men back. So he approved the peace treaty and on March 29, 1973, the day the last of the 591 acknowledged prisoners were released in Hanoi, Nixon announced on national television: "All of our American P.O.W.'s are on their way home."

The Kerry committee's final report, issued in January 1993, delivered the ultimate insult to history. The 1,223-page document said there was "no compelling evidence that proves" there is anyone still in captivity. As for the primary investigative question —what happened to the men left behind in 1973—the report conceded only that there is "evidence . . . that indicates the possibility of survival, at least for a small number" of prisoners 31 years ago, after Hanoi released the 591 P.O.W.'s it had admitted to.

With these word games, the committee report buried the issue—and the men."

86 posted on 10/23/2004 4:19:02 PM PDT by Rome2000 (The ENEMY for Kerry!!!)
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To: AuntB
I had posted this about a week ago.

It explained a lot of why perhaps McCain never criticized Kerry's activities in the 1970's. The Kerry Kamp may have something on McCain that relates to this P.O.W. committee activities.

It may be wild speculation, but would give some validity as to why these two brothers (Kerry & McCain) once talked about being on the DEM ticket early in the game.

Let's see what happens.

The only thing better would be the release or a leak of Kerry's 180.
87 posted on 10/23/2004 4:24:09 PM PDT by not2worry (What goes around comes around!)
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To: Txsleuth

I think truth ought to out, no matter what unless it is in time of war. This stuff is years old. The thought that those guys were not only abandoned but abandoned again and buried is so terrrible. I am just saying that no power that be wants this out including GWB. His father was mentioned in the article as being among those who talked of a ransom attempt.

88 posted on 10/23/2004 4:25:13 PM PDT by cajungirl (Jammies Up!!)
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To: Tucker39

McCain, like kerry, is touted as some "war hero" - I never understood why, unless shootdown and capture in and of themselves qualify as heroism. He had landed on the wrong carrier once, and crashed on his own. I am aware of nothing prior to capture being cited as heroism, so his heroism (if real) must have occurred while a prisoner, unless there is something I am unaware of prior to his capture. I also know that the code of conduct was rewritten largely as a result of McCains activities as a POW. To THIS Vietnam Veteran, McCain is no more heroic and honorable than kerry.

Here is some background info:

John McCain: The Manchurian Candidate

Why McCain defends Kerry

U.S. Sen. John McCain is no War Hero

A Presidential commission was appointed after the Vietnam War, in 1976, to reevaluate the code of 1955. After a study, the commission recommended a subtle revision to Article V which, in its original form, stated: "When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am bound to only give name, rank, service number, and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause." President Carter ordered the revision in 1977. The word "bound" was changed to "required" and the word "only" was deleted.

Meet John McCain:

He was shot down over Vietnam and held as a Prisoner of War for 5-1/2 years.

His then wife was a member of the National League of Families and she fought to make sure that John McCain came home.

John McCain claims that he was "broken" by the Vietnamese, yet he was accorded Soviet Surgeons to tend his wounds received in the shoot down of his aircraft, something not accorded other PoWs.

He was shot down 26 October 1967, and by 9 November 1967 he was giving interviews to foreign correspondents providing information on his prior command, cassualties and tactics in direct violation of the Code of Conduct.

He was one of the lucky PoWs that came home.

89 posted on 10/23/2004 4:32:39 PM PDT by Vn_survivor_67-68
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To: cajungirl

Do you think that is why Bush/Cheney hasn't used any of Kerry's Vietnam history against him. I can understand the in country service since Bush and Cheney didn't fight but the protests, Winter Soldier stuff and the Senate Hearings?

They are afraid of stuff that Kerry has against Cheneyand or Bush 41? We all know Kerry would blackmail anyone to gain power but if he "supposedly" shredded all of the evidence, what does he have that couldn't hurt him but would hurt others?

90 posted on 10/23/2004 4:33:42 PM PDT by Txsleuth (!!)
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To: Txsleuth

Also, if you read it all, Tom Daschle was part of the committee that Kerry and McCain were on. That is another one that needs to be taken down.

91 posted on 10/23/2004 4:37:40 PM PDT by Txsleuth (!!)
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To: Txsleuth

who knows/ I just think noone wants to open that can of worms. When you think about it, if the sightings, pics, etc in the article were going on for years, then for years nobody in government would deal with it. Sickening. Sort of like slavery going on for almost a hundred years and nobody really confronting it. Pragmatic bunch our leaders I guess.

92 posted on 10/23/2004 4:37:52 PM PDT by cajungirl (Jammies Up!!)
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To: Rome2000; BulletBobCo

My thanks to BulletBobCo for the concept of this
pic and to Conspiracy Guy for the captions!

93 posted on 10/23/2004 4:45:56 PM PDT by MeekOneGOP (There is only one GOOD 'RAT: one that has been voted OUT of POWER !! Straight ticket GOP!)
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To: Vn_survivor_67-68

Continuation of post 89:

He was one of the lucky PoWs that came home.

The Communist Vietnamese erected a bust of John McCain inside Vietnam. His defenders say that it is in tribute to the PAVN gunners that shot him down. When was the last time you visited a memorial to the American Military where there was a bust of the enemy?

In the May 14, 1973 edition of U.S. News & World Report, under the byline of "Inside Story, How The POW's Fought Back," the author details how John McCain told the guard to "Call the Officer" and then he told the officer, 'The Bug,' " a psychotic torturer, one of the worst fiends we had to deal with." "Take me to the hospital and I will give you military information." The author of this article? John McCain!

Click here for the exact text from the article. (Make sure you hit your browsers back button)

Yet in the interview that he gave on 9 Nov 1967 to VNA International, he claims that when he bailed out and landed in the lake, people grabbed him out of the lake and took him to the hospital.

He stayed in the Navy to retire at the rank of captain.

He repaid his wife's loyalty by divorcing her when she became an invalid, and she still remains loyal! We have to wonder if she and Mary Jo Buttafuoco are friends.

He went on to become a United States Congressmen and then a United States Senator

He has consistently been an advocate of lenient treatment of Vietnam, even though their Prime Minister is responsible for the executions of at least three American PoWs during the war.

While a member of the Senate Select Committee on PoW/MIA Affairs (1991-1993) he consistently referred to PoW/MIA Family Members and PoW/MIA Activists as whiners and vultures and the lunatic fringe.

While a member of the Senate Select Committee on PoW/MIA Affairs, he reduced a family member, a sister of a missing serviceman, who had come to testify before the Committee to tears berating her for holding on to false hope and being a cog in the wheel of progress.

After this incident, also testifying before the Senate Select Committee was the man McCain claims was responsible for his own torture, McCains interrogator, "The Bug". The moment of confrontation came and McCain rose from his seat and walked from the podium onto the floor of the chamber to stand face to face with the man who was responsible for torturing Prisoners of War. McCain grabbed the man and embraced him.

Although the Senate Select Committee concluded that we left men behind, McCain crossed party lines to help lead the charge toward lifting the embargo and toward normalizing with Vietnam.

He disregarded testimony from professional analysts that stated that Vietnam was not cooperating and he often berated their analysis.

He ignored a letter drafted by one of the most brutally tortured PoWs, Capt. Eugene "Red" McDaniel and co-signed by FIFTY former PoWs which asked that we not lift the embargo and not normalize relations and McCain pushed for the lifting of the embargo and toward normalization.

Although only 8 remains were repatriated between the time the embargo was lifted to the time that Clinton signed the normalization order, McCain did all the talk shows using his status as a former PoW to push normalization down the throats of the American Public.

When the Missing Service Personnel Act of 1996 came on the Senate Floor for debate, Senator McCain called this bill "un-necessary" and "burdensome" even though the MSPA was sponsored by the then majority leader and the man who had considered asking John McCain to run with him, Sen. Bob Dole.

McCain has successfully mounted an attack, ammending the MSPA by removing criminal liability and several articles of the MSPA that are important to PoW/MIA Family Memebers.

McCain stated his reason for ammending the MSPA of 1996 is because ". . .General's do not have time to worry about Sergeants or Lieutenants."

He denied knowledge of his own ammendment when he was approached by family member Carol Hrdlicka, who ended up chasing him into the Senate Elevator screaming at him that he was a "Traitor!" He pushed passed several other family members, actually knocking one of them to the floor!

Although President Clinton signed into Law a bill that called for the Department of Defense to give to Congress a comprehensive review of all MIAs on a case-by-case analysis, and although the Department of Defense has been in flagrant disregard of that law, Senator McCain makes excuses for the bureaucrats instead of demanding answers on behalf of the family members.

Let's not forget that he was one of the Keating Five.

At the recent senate hearing on the confirmation of an US Envoy to Vietnam, he greeted a family member by referring to him as, "Scumbag!", while that family member was seated next to the female head of a national PoW/MIA family organization. Talk about conduct unbecoming. . .

He is willing to disregard how the majority of family members and virtually all of the veterans organizations feel about normalizing with Communist Vietnam in favor of those businesses that see Vietnam as a "viable market."

He is at it again, writing a "Dear Colleague" letter asking fellow Senator's not to co-sponsor Senate Bill 755 which would restore the provisions to the MSPA that he removed. At the time he wrote his Dear Colleague letter, there were only 12 co-sponsor's of S 755. So our question is why? Why did he feel compelled to write this letter?

He states that he speaks for the families and yet he disregards everything requested of him by the very families that he claims to represent.

He had the unmitigated gall to speak at PoW/MIA Recognition Day cermonies in Washington DC September 19, 1997 although both the National Alliance of Families and the Korea-Cold War Association requested that he be replaced with a speaker more sympathetic to the families.

To View What these two organizations had to say, click on their names.

National Alliance of Families

Korea-Cold War Association

Click here for some REVEALING information on McCain.

John McCain is incapable of loyalty. He has demonstrated it time and again. He demonstrated it when he adandoned the woman who helped make sure he would be released.

He demonstrated it when he berated a family member and then hugged the man responsible for the torture of McCain and the brutal torture McCain's fellow Prisoners of War.

He demonstrated it by pushing the lifting of the embargo and normalization disregarding the fact that the Vietnamese have not been forthcoming with their war time records to help bring the answers as to what happened to the PoWs that were in their custody.

He demonstrated it when he decided that the desires of big business outwieghed the only recourse that Family members had--the only carrot to hold out to the Vietnamese.

He demonstrated it when he stifled the MSPA on the floor of the Senate even though it was sponsored by his own party and the man who may ask him to be part of the Cabinet.

He demonstrated it by introducing an ammendment to scuttle the effectiveness of this very same bill.

John McCain does not care if there is even one American left alive and being held against his/her will. McCain does the bidding of big business and big business comes before what he has to understand is a living hell.

Could it be that the Vietnamese have a bust of John McCain in Vietnam not as a tribute to the PAVN gunners that shot him down, but to a "progressive thinker"?

See what the Vietnamese termed as Progressive Thinkers while discussing the numbers of PoWs that they held in 1972.
See the bio on this Republican's good Friend, Democrat John Kerry

94 posted on 10/23/2004 4:53:26 PM PDT by Vn_survivor_67-68
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To: MeekOneGOP

95 posted on 10/23/2004 4:53:40 PM PDT by Rome2000 (The ENEMY for Kerry!!!)
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To: Vn_survivor_67-68

96 posted on 10/23/2004 5:03:22 PM PDT by Rome2000 (The ENEMY for Kerry!!!)
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To: cajungirl

In the Senate debate itself, Kerry, rather than embarass Vietnam by demanding the truth, launched a highly publicized diversionary investigation of the POW/MIA families and activists, who were demanding an honest accounting.

Kerry labeled them "professional malcontents, conspiracy mongers, con artists, and dime-store Rambos" who were only involved in the POW/MIA issue for money. Pictured left, Sen. John Kerry in Hanoi seated under a bust of Communist Vietnam's deceased leader, Ho Chi Minh.

97 posted on 10/23/2004 5:08:05 PM PDT by Rome2000 (The ENEMY for Kerry!!!)
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To: Vn_survivor_67-68

I bet you have collected a lot of material haven't you. Its funny but my husband had pretty much put Vietnam behind him, but Kerry's nomination and more importantly, his treatment of the SBVTs and POWS, has brought up an anger he didn't realize he still had. He said it is a shame that I feel more anger towards a fellow US veteran at this time than the "enemy". He then said, "McCain too, huh, well its a shame for the SBVTs,POWs, and familys of POW/MIAs.

98 posted on 10/23/2004 5:09:16 PM PDT by Txsleuth (!!)
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To: Rome2000

...he was not so courageous more than two decades later, when he covered up voluminous evidence that a significant number of live American prisoners?perhaps hundreds?were never acknowledged or returned after the war-ending treaty was signed in January 1973...

Let's not forget the other manchurian candidate John McCain's role in this.

99 posted on 10/23/2004 5:28:59 PM PDT by the
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To: Iowa Granny
Oh yes, this is about sKerry and his experience shredding documents that supported evidence that POW's remained in VietNam. McCain was in on this as well, which I'll never understand.....don't even want to contemplate why he was.

Newsmax has an bit on this in an article Why Families Say Kerry Betrayed POWs and MIAs

And also the Wash Times has a piece about the "rush" to normalize Vietnamese/US relations by sKerry and McCain.Come back Kerry?

100 posted on 10/23/2004 5:51:39 PM PDT by prairiebreeze (The SwiftBoat Veterans are STILL SERVING THEIR COUNTRY!!)
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