southron is one of the 19th century spellings of southern. we southrons have adopted that spelling for those of us who favor peaceful separation from you HATERS.
given YOUR ignorant hatred of dixie,her culture,her sacred battleflags, her memorials to our war-dead,etc,etc i'm surprised that your're not out RANTING for our secession or for YOURS!
the "smart set" LIBS up there certainly are talking yankee secession RIGHT NOW. the NY SLIMES & washington COMpost have been full of it & have been since 11/03/04 when HANOI-john kerry (the prototypical damnyankee fell on his sword!).
the difference between the sections is:damnyankees want to run everyone elses business & we southrons just want to be left ALONE. we will HAPPILY let you leave. BE GONE!
free dixie,sw
Secession of the brain. You want to be left alone? Who is bothering you where you live? Very strange ...