To: Squantos
Kerry is nervous. He just quickly told a joke and then laughed at it briefly. Alone.
I wonder if he's going to cry:
2,755 posted on
10/08/2004 6:53:05 PM PDT by
(KERRY'S GLOBAL TEST: Pleasing those who were bribed by Saddam.)
To: Petronski
He is frightening looking.
To: Petronski
And what a phoney laugh, he is so stiff and pedantic - I can't bear to hear him speak or to watch him lick his lips.
To: Petronski
Kewl pic.............Kerry is toast in this one IMO. He's too much false profit and I have a plan. What's the plan Kerry ? I've listened to Kerry now for almost an hour and he just keeps saying I'm gonna, I have a plan , I'm substance from a zero !
3,550 posted on
10/08/2004 7:07:01 PM PDT by
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