What a fabulous idea. I'm sure every one of us can come up with a local paper that needs to be checked for fairness in reporting.
Bookmarked this one. why do you think they are giving the paper away. baseball stats are the only thing I trust in that liter box liner.
I posted reply to the USS TEXAS, They check the remarks before they are published.
I wrote a small piece about Lincoln Elementary school and
the school children using their pennies and dimes to get
the Battleship.
I believe the blogger have really made the NETWORKS sit up and say WHAT THE HECK..LAUGH..
THE networks are all about ratings, if they get the story right, that is just icing on the cake..now they have the internet watching...now the networks have to earn the big bucks they make...BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING...
Also, i was listing to PBS, they reported on lobbiest, my god one senate member made over $38,000.00 a year in free trips from verious companies...they said that is more the the average yearly income of the state he repesents..geeeze made me sick..and it is leagle..