or say "don't blame us" while secretly supporting their murderous ways, then, and only then, will your argument maybe hold some water.
One does get tired of the phony "all fundamentalists are the same" argument. Only one major religion has so-called fundamentalists engaging in this totally non-spiritual murderous and sinful behavior on a regular basis in huge numbers and in only one religion have they gained such dominance. Everyone, including Muslims who do not believe in this barbarism, needs to come out into open dialogue about the problem.
The Niemoller quote is a notorious leftist screed that has been repeated endlessly for years. Note that among the genuine victims we have listed communists - as if the communists, the single most bloodthirsty movement in world history and responsible for the murder of some 120 million since its first taste of power in 1918 - are simply some innocent political group. Unlike the Nazis, most of whom were brought to justice at Nuerenburg, the communists have largely escped justice.
Radical Islam shares many of the bloodthirsty characteristics of communism. There is even a long history of communist and leftist support with the jihadis.
My view to a "T"....not to mention the hundreds of Muslim "religious leaders" who preach for the killing of all who are not Muslim.