My point is---and I' could be all wet---I think she, and many of the GOP insiders, KNOWS SOMETHING, that much more excrement is about to hit the rotating blades, and that she was perfectly willing to keep dragging this out.
Also, on Hannity and Colmes last night, they had Gordon van Sauter, former head of CBS news, who, while admitting terrible mistakes were made, refused STILL to admit that this was done out of bias or partisanship.
So CBS is in denial, and the Kerry campaign may only be in the opening stages of Rathergate.
It's the old "Don't interupt the enemy while he's making a mistake" routine. Must be pretty bad, even CNN came out and impaled the rats this morning.
PJ-Comix, I hope you washed your hands after visiting DUh!
Can you say "hidden agenda".