VERY IMPORTANT: Credit cards have a great deal more consumer protection than ATM or debit cards. You are liable for only $50 if your credit card is stolen and misused. Your entire bank balance is at risk if your ATM or debit card is stolen and misused. Consumer credit laws have not caught up with technology. Most banks will make you whole if your ATM card or debit card are stolen and misused, but they are not legally obligated to do so.
Frankly, i'm shocked they only charged $5.00..
Make sure the thief is charged with theft. No matter if it's misdemenaor.
You mean someone was using your money and they only gave 5 bucks? That's funny.
I would also suggest you file a police report.
While that may seem a bit drastic to some. If your ID has been stolen, you may not discover the full extent until YEARS later.
This is particularly true if the thieves have obtained credit cards with a false adress. Years after they have long disappeared you may be surprised with a lawsuit.
With the police report you will be able to provide this as evidence that you do not owe the debt and that your ID was stollen. This is not the end all be all, but it does have the necessary element of establishing diligence on your part when you have no further information.
In related news, at their annual convention Peru's Shining Path Guerillas have voting overwhelmingly to endorse the candidacy of John F. Kerry.
I've heard thiefs are using "Picture Cell Phones" to take a picture of your Credit Card at Registers and using that information !!!
Be careful out there.
I donated 3 cents to the Clinton Library via credit card.
It cost them 35 cents to process my donation.