Posted on 09/11/2004 6:42:27 PM PDT by Avenger
Drove by the Los Angeles Federal building on Wilshire today. I was expecting to see some people solemnly giving passing vehicles a reminder of the loss of 3000+ people at the hands of Islamic extremist on 9/11. Instead there was a dozen or so idiots with signs exclaiming that the "CIA engineered 9/11", "Bush Knew about 9/11", and so on the corner. I was pretty darn angry so I shouted a few choice words to express my disagreement with their message. Unbelievable that these idiots would stoop to this sort of thing on today of all days. I would have gone into immediate freep mode but my wife was with me and she doesn't like me to do that even though she thought those people were morons too. Anyways, just wanted to give a heads up. I think these individuals would probably benefit from regular doses of lithium carbonate - and boy are they going to need it after President Bush is re-elected! :-)
They're gonna need a lot of things after Bush is reelected.
Yeah, I often enough find myself having to extend the emphatic middle finger when I drive by the protests around the Federal Building on Wilshire and Sepulveda. Apparently, groups get licensed or get permits beforehand for protests by various idiot political activist causes there.
"I think these individuals would probably benefit from regular doses of lithium carbonate - and boy are they going to need it after President Bush is re-elected! :-)"
This is my only salvation when considering the amount of hatred that's been spewed towards our president!! The fact that these scumbags will have to walk around for another 4 years hating Bush!!!!!!!!
I think they should put these people on TV. Nationwide. They are worth a couple of percentage points for Bush.
Oh believe me, I wanted to go back and take pictures but my wife wouldn't let me! ;-) I think I'll keep a camera in my car from now on.
Ah me, just another reminder - that if we were still a dueling society, the insulting morons would be nearly extinct by now..
Semper Fi
Crazy people in California? I'm shocked, I tell you I'm shocked.
IDIOTS, You say???
Then I guess the wouldn't like the Kerry health care plan either, according to Teresa.
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