Posted on 09/10/2004 10:16:17 AM PDT by Hank All-American
Can anyone here put the memos back up on screen?
Can anyone here put the memos back up on screen?
Can anyone here put the memos back up on screen?
Can anyone here put the memos back up on screen?
I believe there is a theory of discovering the truth (the title of which escapes me now) which is summed up by the question, "Who benefits?" Don't be so quick to doubt LBJ's involvement in the assassination of JFK either as a willing dupe or a conspirator to cover up after the fact.
I disagree, strongly. The MSM is sinking in public estimation and support, and, with one shark bleeding, the other sharks will turn on the dying one in a fury.
They will also crucify Kerry if it turns out his campaign duped CBS.
It's about survival.
absolutely correct.
I posted that on another thread, talking to some people I work with, they think the "forgery story" is about Bush forging his national guard records.
Rove and the political team needs to get on this fast, and correct the record right away. We don't need to address the Rather scandal, but we do need to make the story clear in people's minds about exactly what these forgeries are.
Is he the Democrat pollster type that lamented in 2000 (or maybe it was impeachment?) that his party had been taken over by a "confederacy of gangsters"?
" When listening to CNN and MSNBC reporting this a.m., the two networks are wording the story as if documents from the official DOD records BUSH released are forgeries, and not stating that the docs came from CBS. This is going to make lots of people think BUSH forged the documents...The crapola continues."
Ann Compton did the same thing on ABC radio news. She said that documents released " by the White House " call into question George Bush's TANG service and that there were questions about authenticity.
To the ininformed listener,Compton wanted to make it seem as if it was the White House that had doctored the records, to give President Bush cover.
I was just trying to illustrate that the Clintons engineered everything that has happened to the Demoncrats in this election cycle... Kerry was their candidate of choice because they knew he was unelectable and would leave a clear field for Hillary in 2008.
Parenthetically, a friend who is a diehard Democrat and a pollster feels that Senator Clinton is too divisive a candidate to be nominated. He also feels that she has created her own enemies within the Party - for example, Senator Schumer would do anything to block her.
None of that matters.
She is married to Bill.
All Demoncrats know that having Hillary and Bill in the White House is the same thing as having Bill and Hillary in the White House.
Bill will do all her campaigning for her. All she will have to do is keep her mouth shut and smile.
It's about how far this bunch will go. We know that skerry had no problem lying about his fellow soldiers in 1971. fast forward, we know that skerry has no problem in lying about G Winner Bush. (with the help of psycho Rather). It's a patern. Now the question is:WHY SHOULD ANYONE BELIEVE ANYTHING HE SAYS ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL.
Can Kerry withdraw his name as the Dem presidential nominee? And what would be the process to replace him? Would Edwards be elevated? Who could, or for that matter would want to try to save this sinking ship?
Just a few questions going through my mind.
You are so consistently wrong about every single political issue you discuss it's astounding.
Rove needs to do nothing but stand back and let these people eat each other. CNN is going to demand that CBS reveal the source, and CBS will have to, once they are convinced these documents are fake.
It will become clear that this was a conspiracy between the DNC and CBS soon enough.
Meanwhile, Bush is laying out his ownership society and giving people a reason to vote for him.
I called all the numbers, one was a CBS store. The lady was very nice and gave me another number. I could hear the phones ringing off the hook
The main number to call is 212-875-2006
or 212-975-4848
I've been saying for weeks, Kerry will drop out. First I figured for his own bogus health reasons, but he's too arrogant and a coward for that. He'll drop out due to Teresa's bogus health reasons. "My wife is more important to me than the presidency.."
Edwards will be the nominee, the only question is whether the VP is Dean or Hillary. The trial balloon polls will decide if Hillary wants it on her resume or not.
But note also that they got out before it caved in, as usual, and, in fact, they will use it to clean out averyone but themselves, gain total control of the party, and then blame it all on the Republicans and Karl Rove and present themselves as the saviors from that which they created.
P.S. D. Norris take especial notice.
If there are any KE04 staffers reading this who still have integrity, step forward into the light and expose those crooks. (What am I saying?)
they had better wake up Scott McClellan and get him to a microphone fast - because they are all doing this now, this is the spin they are trying to use to form people's opinion about this - to make them think the forgeries came from the white house.
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