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American organizations which support Islamic Terrorists in Chechnya
Rossiya ^

Posted on 09/05/2004 4:23:14 AM PDT by bgarid

This list of American organizations which provide financial support to the Chechen terrorists was compiled by Russian intelligence agencies and published in the "Rossiya" newspaper.

Muslim American Bar Association, the post address: 1212 New York Avenue, N.W., Washington D.C., ph.: (202 789-2262 and (202 789-2888. At the end of 1999 was engaged in fund raising for the help to the Chechen Republic;

American Muslim Council, the post address: 1212 New York ave., N.W., suite 400, Washington DC 20005. Supports Chechen extremists, carries out constant monitoring a situation in the Chechen Republic, carries out political actions in the USA " in support of struggling people of the Chechen Republic '';

Islamic American Center, is located in Washington. In October, 1999 took part in fund raising for the Chechen extremists;

American Committee for Chechnya, the post address: 2000 P street, N.W., Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036. Supports to the Chechen extremists, carries out constant monitoring a situation in the Chechen Republic, organizes political actions in the USA " in support of struggling people of the Chechen Republic '';

American Friends Service Committee, the post address: 1501 Cherry st., Philadelphia, PA 19102. On the data for August, 2000 supports to the Chechen extremists;

Muslim American Council, the post address: 1212 New York Avenue, N.W., Washington D.C., ph.: (202 789-2262 and (202 789-2888. At the end of 1999 was engaged in fund raising for rendering assistance to the Chechen Republic;

American Muslim Assistance, AMA, the post address: p.o. box 1065, Fenton, Michigan 48430-9935, ph.: 810-714-2296 and 888-278-6624, a fax: 810-629-1770. The nongovernmental charitable organization registered in the Department of state of the USA. The primary goal - " rendering assistance to Muslim brothers all over the world ". The chapter of the organization - sheikh Hisham Muhammad Kabbani (Shaykh Kisham Muhammad Kabbani), chairman of influential Islamic Supreme Council of America, chairman of As-Sunna Foundation of America, the founder and chairman of the Haqqani Islamic Trust for New Muslims, the author of numerous works under the theory of an islam.

AMA assists Muslim communities of Northern Caucasus, conducts active propaganda campaign on discredit of actions of the Russian federal authority on Northern Caucasus. Organized fund raising in support of the Chechen Republic. Has a site on the Internet (http: //, IP the address - In the beginning of 2000 representatives AMA under Maskhadov's invitation have visited the Chechen Republic.

Work AMA conducts basically under aegis of other Muslim organizations. In particular, the Islamic Supreme body of America, and also of some the Russian nongovernmental organizations. In February - March with. AMA has listed means of the International association of social support of citizens registered in Russia (chairman - Vahid Pirzada) for the help to the Chechen refugees in Ingushetia;

The charitable Islamic fund, headquarters settles down in the USA. On a regular basis organizes performances in mass-media in support of the Chechen extremists, carries out wide propaganda campaign in politologicheskih and the research centers of the USA, initiates hearings in the congress of the USA. Thus actively involves advisers, experts and counselors of administration of the USA;

Benevolence International Foundation, the post address: a. Uort, state of Illinois, the USA, P.O.A. 548 Worth. IL 60482. USA, ph. (708) 233-0062). The proIslamic nongovernmental humanitarian fund, is based in 1987, has a site on the Internet - Purposefully is engaged in fund raising for moslems of the Central Asia, Transcaucasia, the Chechen Republic and Dagestan. On data SVR of Russia, the fund took part in fund raising for the Chechen separatists;

The Islamic charitable organization " the Voice of the Chechen Republic " (Islamic Relief/Chechnya appeal), the post address: p.o. box 6098. Burbank, California, 91510, ph. 1-888-479-4968. It is registered in the Department of state of the USA. At the end of 1999 rendered the various help to Muslim communities in territory of Northern Caucasus;

Islamic Relief, headquarters is located in Birmingham (Great Britain) and in the USA (the address: P.O.A. 3610, W6 TM, Suite 362. Los Angeles. CA, 90020. ph. (818) 509-1014, since August, 2000 - 1919 W.Magnolia BLVD Burbank, CA 91506). Not state organization, is created in 1984. Has branches in Azerbaijan, Albania, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Germany, Italy, Kazakhstan, Netherlands, Pakistan, Russia, the USA, Sudan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Finland, France, Croatia, Sweden, Switzerland. The chapter of the organization - Gani the Al-bath which father participated in attempt at the president of Egypt Abdel Nasera and subsequently has been executed.

On operative data SVR of Russia, the key element " Islamic Relief " is supervised and financed by special services of the Great Britain. On the same data, the Al-bath in September, 1997 illegally left to the Chechen Republic and met Maskhadov. At the end of 1999 the branch of the organization operated in Kabardino-Balkariya (16.01.1999 are registered in Ministry of Justice of Russia, reg. ? 3473, it is created on June, 1, 1997, the legal address: Nalchik, street. Kabardian, d. 189a). Nalchikskoe the branch is financed from the Great Britain, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.

In the beginning of this year " Islamic Relief " has opened mission in Nazran. The chapter of mission - Magomed-Ali, arrived from Saudi Arabia;

The Islamic Supreme Council of America, the post address: 1201 Pennsylvania ave, NW, suite 300, Washington. DC 20004 ph. (202) 661-4654, a fax (202 661-4655. Unites 15 million the moslems living in the USA. Chairman of the organization - sheikh Kabbani. By some estimations, IVSA is the basic channel of financing from the USA to the Chechen Republic. On data SB the Russian Federation, IVSA organizes regular proChechen performances in mass-media, wide propaganda campaigns and the research centers of the USA, initiates hearings in the congress of the USA.

In 1998 on Maskhadov's trip to USA IVSA acted as the inviting party. In December 1999. organization has officially addressed to Gosdepu the USA with the request to render the humanitarian help to the refugees who are taking place in territory of Ingushetia. In particular, all moslems of the USA were offered to list through IVSA donations in size not less $150 .

In February, 2000. IVSA accepted in the USA Minister for Foreign Affairs of Chechen Republic Ahmadova with whom were negotiated for rendering of the financial help to so-called armed forces of Ichkeria. On the available data, now IVSA continues to support to the Chechen extremists;

Islamic-American Zakat Foundation, the post address: 4323 Rosedale av, Bathesda. MD 20814. ph.: 301-907-0997. Influential Muslim public organization. The president of fund - Imad Ahmad. At the end of 1999 on channels of the organization it was assisted by the victim during military actions in the Chechen Republic;

Islamic Action Center, the post address: 1129 20th Street, N.W., Washington D.C., ph. (202) 463-6691. At the end of 1999 was engaged in fund raising for rendering assistance to the Chechen Republic;

Islamic Circle of North America, the post address: 166-26 89 th ave., Jamaica, NY 11432. Supports to the Chechen extremists, is engaged in gathering of the finance and the humanitarian help for the Chechen refugees in Ingushetia, carries out political actions in the USA;

Amnesty International USA - Mid-Atlantic regional office, the post address: 1118 22nd street N.W., Washington D.C., ph. (202) 775-5161; the Helsinki Group - representation in the USA (Helsinki Watch Committee), the post address: 1522k st., N.W., Washington D.C., ph. (202) 371-6592. Both organizations are engaged in financing from the USA to address of " representation of the Chechen Republic " in Krakow through the branches in Poland;

Council on American-Islamic Relations. Forms and the purposes of activity the same, as at Charitable Islamic fund (see above);

Chechen-Ingush Society of America (CISA), other name Chechen relief expenses), the post address: P.O.A. 611, Piscat-way, NY 08855-0611; ph. (908) 247-1989. Has branches with name Chechen Relief (the post address: p.o. box 611, Piscat, n108855-0611, ph. 908-247-1989, a fax 908-247-1574, p.o. box 7615 (7617) North Brunswick, NL08902). The president - doctor Mohammed Musa Adele Shishani (Mohkammed Musa Shishani). Actively participates in gathering financial assets, medicines, etc. for rendering support to " the Chechen business ";

Advantage Associates, inc., the post address: 1850 m street. N.W., Suite 280, Washington, D.C., 20036. It is registered in the Ministry of Justice of the USA as " the foreign agent ". At the end of 1999 conducted in the USA active propaganda and political activity in interests of the Chechen separatists. In the contract, prisoner Aslan Maskhadov and ambassador CHRI in USA Lemoj Osmurovym with Advantage associates, it was stipulated, that Aassotsiatsija will put pressure upon the government of the USA with the purpose of support of efforts CHRI on a gain of independence and branch from Russia;

Al-Ehsan Charitable Relief Organisation, the international Muslim organization, headquarters is located in Washington. On the data for November, 1999, supports to separatists of the Chechen Republic;

Amina Network (Internet-firm), office in Washington. In 1999 of special service marked regular contacts of firm to the Chechen emissaries;

International Relief Association, the address: Dearborn, state of Michigan USA); Islamic Relief Worldwide, the address: a. Berbank, state of California (USA). Both organizations purposefully are engaged in fund raising for moslems of the Central Asia, Transcaucasia, the Chechen Republic and Dagestan;

Islamic City Relief. Took part in campaign on fund raising for the Chechen separatists;

Human Assistance Development International (HADI), the post address: P.O. 45 98-Culver City, Ca 90231, USA; ph. (310) 937, a fax (310 937-9846. The Muslim nongovernmental organization which was taking part in campaign on fund raising for the Chechen separatists. In the beginning of 2000 has opened the Islamic information server (http: // for development and distribution of ideas of an islam on the Internet;

Mercy International, the headquarters is located to the address: Plymouth, state of Michigan, the USA. Purposefully was engaged in gathering of financial assets for rendering assistance to moslems of Asia, Transcaucasia and Northern Caucasus;

Ruder Finn inc., the office on public relations, is located in Washington. It is known about the support rendered OAK, and also about occurrence in agency at various times the Chechen emissaries;

The American-Cnechenian Friendship and Economic Association, the post address: 47 Canal run west, Washington crossing, Pennsylvania, 18977. It is registered in the Ministry of Justice of the USA as " the foreign agent ". At the end of 1999 carried out in the USA purposeful propaganda and political activity in interests of the Chechen separatists;

Waterman Associates, inc., the post address: 1700e st., N.W., Suite 405, Washington, D.C., 2006. It is registered in the Ministry of Justice of the USA as " the foreign agent ". In the USA the Association carried out purposeful propaganda and political activity in interests of the Chechen separatists.

TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: americanjihadis; charities; chechnya; traitors
Sorry for translation quality
1 posted on 09/05/2004 4:23:14 AM PDT by bgarid
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To: bgarid

I think there are many Chechens who do not subscribe to the terrorists Islamofascism and atrocities...nevertheless the money may be headed right to the people who do...very disturbing.

2 posted on 09/05/2004 4:32:41 AM PDT by MEG33 (John Kerry has been AWOL for two decades on issues of National Security)
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To: MEG33

Just as there were many whites in the South that didn't lynch blacks. However, there support for segragation is what made it possible.

My point is that "you're with us or against us". If you can't get off the fence, then you have to live with guilt by association.

I don't recall abolitionists killing schools full of southern white children.

3 posted on 09/05/2004 4:37:49 AM PDT by SampleMan
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To: bgarid

That's odd. No mention of the Democratic Party. I guess tacit support through fundamental weakness doesn't count.

4 posted on 09/05/2004 4:37:56 AM PDT by Thane_Banquo ("Armed with what? Spitballs?")
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To: Thane_Banquo

I guess the Democrats support terrorists through American Committee for Peace in Chechnya, "a bipartisan coalition of distinguished Americans dedicated to promoting a peaceful end to the war in Chechnya"

5 posted on 09/05/2004 4:47:40 AM PDT by bgarid
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To: MEG33

>there are many Chechens who do not subscribe to the terrorists Islamofascism and atrocities...

I think they are all fighting on Russia's side now.

6 posted on 09/05/2004 4:49:42 AM PDT by bgarid
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To: bgarid

Every time we fill up our vehicles we fund terrorists and the Islamic takeover of America


7 posted on 09/05/2004 4:49:59 AM PDT by joesnuffy (Moderate Islam Is For Dilettantes)
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To: bgarid

I read what a cesspool of thugs, rapists and thieves, clan leader fights and total chaos Chechnya is...This is not your normal breakaway republic fight..

It looks like a real mess and the citizens need some kind of just society...The Islamofascists moved in and aligned themselves with a clan leader and the atrocities are organized and committed...This time the world watched in horror.

The whole thing becomes another extremist, baby murdering effort to form an Islamic nightmare society and fight against the infidels..They aren't freedom fighters, they are terrorists.

8 posted on 09/05/2004 5:02:37 AM PDT by MEG33 (John Kerry has been AWOL for two decades on issues of National Security)
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To: MEG33

Oh yeah, money from America going to Muslims in Chechnya only "may" be going to terrorists.

Wake up dude.

9 posted on 09/05/2004 5:04:43 AM PDT by Guillermo (It's the 99% of Mohammedans that make the other 1% look bad.)
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To: Guillermo

I say may because I assume they are but cannot on my own verify that ALL of the funds go to fund terrorists..see #8...

10 posted on 09/05/2004 5:11:05 AM PDT by MEG33 (John Kerry has been AWOL for two decades on issues of National Security)
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To: bgarid

Good Post bump! Save for reference! ;-)

11 posted on 09/05/2004 5:17:05 AM PDT by Tunehead54 (Where are the islamic cries of outrage? I;m waiting ...)
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To: Tunehead54

Let me break it down shotgun style of those of us that are on tight schedules:

If it has Muslim, Islam, or Chechnya in the name of the organization, don't give them money.

12 posted on 09/05/2004 6:18:04 AM PDT by lt.america (Captain was already taken)
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To: lt.america

Obviously there's some major weeding to be done in DC.

13 posted on 09/05/2004 6:58:09 AM PDT by Eric in the Ozarks
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To: bgarid

I make it a point to never contribute to any Arab/Islamic charities; "Amnesty" International long ago lost my respect as well. With any luck, some of these "charities" will be raided by federal authorities and their assets frozen. That's what they finally did to many of the Islamic "charities" after 9/11. A few internet providers were shut down, too, most notably one in Texas.

14 posted on 09/05/2004 7:34:22 AM PDT by MizSterious (First, the journalists, THEN the lawyers.)
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To: bgarid

I wonder if United Way gives to any of these organizations

15 posted on 09/05/2004 7:49:59 AM PDT by Damagro (Kerry posesses all the best traits of a dog... well, except loyalty)
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To: Damagro

Now there's an excellent question. With all the pressure to donate to the UW by American workers through their paychecks, I wonder, too.

16 posted on 09/05/2004 7:11:02 PM PDT by combat_boots (Dug in and not budging an inch)
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To: MEG33

For everyone of these outfits, there is a bank and banker responsible for wiring the funds..... got any names to post?

17 posted on 09/05/2004 7:28:03 PM PDT by pointsal
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To: Destro; FreeReign


18 posted on 10/11/2004 7:49:41 AM PDT by MarMema (Sharon is my hero)
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To: Sober 4 Today

historical ping

19 posted on 07/31/2005 5:16:06 PM PDT by MarMema
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