My thought too. I don't want teachers armed. I'm about to become one. I wouldn't be one of the liberals, but I don't want to have a loaded gun with me. I don't know what I would fear the most--terrorists or mentally unbalanced students, or teachers like the ones we've got carrying a loaded weapon. While I agree something needs to be done, this is not the way to go.
yes it is.
the way to go.
arm the teachers, or fire the pacifists.
Children have to KNOW there are strong, trained adults in proximity to defend them against terrorists.
The only thing better would be to have national guard retirees and such, patrolling the halls and watching the egress points. In uniform, armed with automatic rifles, com gear and pistols.
The terrorists need to know we are on to them.
STRAP on your pistol and keep it bolted to the holster until or unless you know something is going on.
Guns save lives. They are NOT dangerous at all. It's the people that wield them who can be.
I can understand why you don't want guns in class but wouldn't it be easier to get rid of the murderous students and teachers? Then everybody could relax a little.
I have never once felt a moment's fear that I was going to be killed when I have attended gun shows, competitions, gone down to the range, or gone out hunting (well, maybe). Guns, like cars, are only tools.
Somehow I don't think putting up signs saying, "Hostage-Free Zone" is going to cut it. It sure didn't work for drugs.
OK, I don't support you having a loaded weapon, but there are teachers in every school whom I would support. They know how to protect and use lethal hardware, and they would be on the inside if trouble broke out. As for deranged students getting a weapon, do you suppose they could get one somewhere today? If they do would you like to see a fellow teacher armed when they come after you? think it over. (Former "unarmed" teacher for weapons in schools.)
"I don't want to have a loaded gun with me"
How confident do you think the terrorists would have been if every teacher had a loaded wheelgun strapped on each hip.
How many school rampages do you think would have happened in the US if every teacher was obviously armed.
How many school crimes do you think would happen if each teacher were similarly armed.
How about none.