Posted on 08/27/2004 7:11:15 AM PDT by igoramus987
French Suspended By Nick Voll (August 27, 2004)
Oregon City - The Clackamas County Prosecutor who appeared in an ad against John Kerry has been suspended from his job, but not for speaking out. Al French has been the target of local protests after his appearance in a political ad questioning the the Democratic candidate's war record.
On Thursday he was placed on leave by the Clackamas County District Attorney's office. It wasn't for his statements against Kerry, but for lying about an extra-marital affair. Reports say French misled his former boss ten years ago to avoid getting fired.
French has faced a great deal of scrutiny since the ad first aired, with veterans calling for his resignation. He said in the spot that he had served with John Kerry, and that Kerry exaggerated his war record. He also signed an affidavit, swearing to tell the truth during the taping. French later admitted he had not served with Kerry, but relied on accounts from his friends.
That irked local veterans, who complained to the Oregon Bar Association. They say French violated his duty as a state official by lying on the affidavit, and can no longer be trusted.
Newsweek magazine and the Washington Post hounded a full Admiral (Mike Borda) for a similar offense.
He killed himself because of it.
Highly deceptive. He never affirmed eyewitness status in the affidavit. See the affidavit with analysis by our own xzins here.
That's going too far. See his affidavit, linked in my previous post. French may have been a poor choice for the commercial, since he didn't actually witness any of the Kerry incidents called into question, but I don't see where he lied. After all, nobody witnessed Clinton sliding a cigar into Monica. Did that make Linda Trip a liar?
Maybe the reporter is right- problem is, the reporter didn't provide any evidence, and the reporter lied as well, not to mention left out critical information, so who am I to believe?
Very good piasa, all such articles as these must be dissasembled, parsed and translated with ClintonSpeak 3.0 software. Upon closer examination, things are indeed not what they are designed to look like at a brief glance.
I believe French served in Kerry's UNIT. Which means this article should be taken with a box of salt.
This will never be confirmed. French DID serve with Kerry in his unit.
That's a good analysis you've done. The fact is, based on the deliberately slipshod reporting by the article's author, we can't tell diddly about what actually happened to French.
But of course, they won't touch Kerry's. Well, MAYBE they will. Depends. That Dobbs guy who writes for the Post says he did FOIA something like 250 pages of military documents of Kerry's and was only able to obtain around 20.
OK ... why the conflicting statements? is the article in error? (for whatever reason)
Do you think it's an error or a lie? French served in Kerry's UNIT, not on the same swift boat, but in the same UNIT. He therefore interacted with Kerry daily and was capable of forming conclusions about Kerry's fitness as an officer and his integrity.
A Coastal Division was a group of about 15 Swift Boats.
Kerry and French served together in Coastal Division 11 if I remember correctly. After Kerry left CD11 and went to CD13, Kerry and French were still in the same group....probably of about 45 Swift Boats....I'd guess 3 divisions. This would be the equivalent of being in the same tank company and then switching to another company in the same battalion.
It will not be possible to convict French for not being in the "same unit."
They were in the same units.
If true, we don't need or want this.
The reporter is lying in saying that French "had not served with Kerry," and lying contemptably in putting the claim into French's mouth.
French DID INDEED serve with Kerry, overlapping for a couple months or thereabouts. What French did "admit" was that he hadn't personally witnessed any of the particular incidents that the Swift Vets have singled out for comment, but knew of them from friends who were witnesses.
French, French, he's our man!
French for President!
Bastards.... utter bastards.
I saw a news report about them calling for French's resignation somewhere yesterday but didn't post it here. I should have.
The article pointed out that French's critics claimed he lied on his affidavit when he said he "witnessed" certain events, but then the article admitted that French never stated in his affidavit what they are accusing him of stating.
I've searched and searched but can't find where I saw the blasted thing :-(
There will be a backlash for this. There is no doubt in my mind. The Media and the Demoncrats are wounded and angry. The Swift Vet Heroes have destroyed them---and the slime fest is just beginning.
I think the people who did this are despicable beasts... they try to savage and destroy anything that gets in their way while they claw their way into power.
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