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BODIES IN CLERIC'S COURT (At least 25 Bodies found in basement in Al Sader's court!)
Sky News ^
| 8/27/04
Posted on 08/27/2004 6:23:49 AM PDT by areafiftyone
At least 25 bodies of executed civilians and police have been found in the basement of a religious court set up by rebel cleric Moqtadr al Sadr, according to AFP news agency. Some of the bodies had been mutilated or burned, according to the reports.
The discovery comes after al Sadr officially handed over control of Najaf's Imam Ali shrine.
A representative of Grand Ayatollah Ali al Sistani confirmed the handover as militia loyal to al Sadr handed in their weapons after a peace deal to end the crisis in Najaf.
Thousands of Iraqi Shi'ites have been marching to the shrine to show their support for Ayatollah al Sistani.
The ayatollah had returned to the southern holy city to negotiate the peace deal after medical treatment in London.
Al Sadr agreed to Ayatollah al Sistani's call for his supporters to lay down their arms.
TOPICS: Breaking News
KEYWORDS: insaneclownposse; iraq; murder; muslims; mutilation; religionofpeace; religionofpiece; religionofpieces; torture
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To: areafiftyone
A deal was reached? After weeks of breathless reporting about the siege why haven't I heard anything before now about this deal to end it?? Jeez.
posted on
08/27/2004 7:02:41 AM PDT
To: areafiftyone
Some of the bodies had been mutilated or burned, according to the reports. It is important to note that panties were not used here as a means of torture.
posted on
08/27/2004 7:06:14 AM PDT
(Applications requested: Director, Homeland Security, State of New Jersey. Must be loving, hot)
To: areafiftyone
Dear Lord! NO! Did any of them have panties on their heads?
On a series note, I hope Sistani turns him and his people over to the Iraqi government for trial.
posted on
08/27/2004 7:09:36 AM PDT
(Arm Tibet!)
Comment #24 Removed by Moderator
To: BillyCrockett
I would think the mortaring of the peace marchers would sort of inflame people against him, but I can't say I ever understand the muslim mind, or its capacity for shameless cruelty.
posted on
08/27/2004 7:14:19 AM PDT
(John F'n Kerry: If you have to say you're cool (or a war hero), you're not.)
To: Constitution Day
What was the old joke??....(better said on a cold day when someone would complain about it...)
...Ya think it's bad here??...34 below at Gacy's....
posted on
08/27/2004 7:15:30 AM PDT
To: freedomson
Isn't it the LATE Mr. Gacy?
posted on
08/27/2004 7:15:38 AM PDT
(John F'n Kerry: If you have to say you're cool (or a war hero), you're not.)
To: Indie
If he goes free it sucks but if we can keep him out of that damned Ali Shrine we can come down on him like a ton of rocks next time he gets out of his box.
posted on
08/27/2004 7:17:18 AM PDT
(John F'n Kerry: If you have to say you're cool (or a war hero), you're not.)
To: areafiftyone
At least 25 bodies of executed civilians and police have been found in the basement of a religious court set up by rebel cleric Moqtadr al Sadr, according to AFP news agency. Don't expect to see much coverage (if any) of this embarrassing & inconvenient detail in the MSM.
posted on
08/27/2004 7:20:52 AM PDT
To: areafiftyone
An Iraqi police officer inspects the area where about 10 bodies were discovered in a maverick religious court run by rebel Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr's followers in the southern city of Najaf, Iraq Friday Friday Aug. 27, 2004. Al-Sadr's office in Najaf set up the court, which ordered arrests and meted out punishments outside of religious and legal authorities. Local Iraqi officials have in the past demanded the court be shut down and all prisoners freed. (AP Photo/Khalid Mohammed)
posted on
08/27/2004 7:38:09 AM PDT
(Just because you did not see it or read it, that does not mean it did or did not happen.)
To: areafiftyone
Almost as bad a Abu-Graib?
posted on
08/27/2004 7:39:59 AM PDT
AD from SpringBay
(We have the government we allow and deserve.)
To: BluH2o
Perhaps the good cleric's demands were nonnegotiable.
To: TexKat
How (censored) horrible.
May shi'tead meet his 72 virginians shortly for this horror.
posted on
08/27/2004 7:46:53 AM PDT
(For the record I wouldn't vote for John Kerry if he were the last man on earth. - Notpolcorewrkd)
To: Quilla
Looks like they won't be letting him "lay down his arms and go home."
posted on
08/27/2004 8:15:17 AM PDT
To: areafiftyone
But it's a "holy" court, so it's off limits.
To: skeeter
posted on
08/27/2004 8:28:34 AM PDT
(A Proud member of Free Republic ~~The New Face of the Fourth Estate since 1996.)
To: Indie
Allawi has already said Sad'r will go free. But that was enough to get him out of the Shrine,....and before this gruesome discovery.... I think Allawi could do a change of direction.....
posted on
08/27/2004 8:31:42 AM PDT
(A Proud member of Free Republic ~~The New Face of the Fourth Estate since 1996.)
To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
posted on
08/27/2004 8:33:43 AM PDT
(Ignorance of the truth is no excuse for stupidity.)
To: areafiftyone
He better not get away with this, but he's gotten away with it so far...I'm not holding my breath.
Hang the SOB.
posted on
08/27/2004 8:46:19 AM PDT
("Never let the enemy pick the battle site." - Gen. George S. Patton)
To: Quilla; NormsRevenge; Grampa Dave; blam; Dog Gone; Dog; Coop; Howlin; Mo1; McGavin999; ...
Sounds like a deal buster and cause for the arrest of Sadr.Let's hope so!
Surely, even in the Muslim world this calls for some kind of action against this Devil!
What will Iran now do to protect their agent?
posted on
08/27/2004 8:48:10 AM PDT
(A Proud member of Free Republic ~~The New Face of the Fourth Estate since 1996.)
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