To: NormsRevenge

Democratic presidential nominee U.S. Senator John Kerry (news - web sites) (D-MA) speaks during a campaign stop at Anoka Technical College in Anoka, Minnesota, August 26, 2004. REUTERS/Brian Snyder US ELECTION
2 posted on
08/26/2004 10:36:30 AM PDT by
(Semper Fi ............... 'The New Soldier' in pdf format FRee!!!)
To: NormsRevenge
"When Senator McCain comes out and says he's a hero ... how many Republicans are going to reject it?" Benoit said. "I just think Senator McCain has neutralized that issue in large part."With all due respect to Benoit, what world is he living in?
3 posted on
08/26/2004 10:37:23 AM PDT by
NavySEAL F-16
(Proud to be a Reagan Republican)
To: NormsRevenge
The debate started when a group of critics, the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, raised questions about the Democratic presidential candidate's command during the Vietnam War.
WRONG!!!! The debate started when Kerry made his fraudulent service in Vietnam the cornerstone of his presidential campaign.
6 posted on
08/26/2004 10:45:06 AM PDT by
(Repeal CFR NOW!!)
To: NormsRevenge
Responding to a question at a forum, Kerry said, "All the guys who were with me on my boat, all the guys who were with me in the specific action where they could see it and do it, absolutely document what I said. And as you've seen in the last few days, you're now learning about the lie that's been put out there and how it's been put out there.'
Liar. Steve Gardner was on the boat with Kerry and is out in full force today to dispute everything about Kerry's war record.
8 posted on
08/26/2004 11:12:35 AM PDT by
Republican Red
(Is that a classified document in your pants Sandy or are you just glad to see me?)
To: NormsRevenge
"When Senator McCain comes out and says he's a hero ... how many Republicans are going to reject it?"
Here is one Republican that rejects it. Senator McCain does not have much credibility as far as I am concerned.
10 posted on
08/26/2004 11:20:54 AM PDT by
To: NormsRevenge
The Bush-Cheney campaign hit back at Kerry in a sharply worded letter that criticized Kerry's actions after he returned from war, including his testimony before Congress that U.S. soldiers were committing atrocities in Vietnam. "You accused your fellow veterans of terrible atrocities and, to this day, you have never apologized," said the letter, drafted by the campaign and signed by several veterans. "Even last night, you claimed to be proud of your postwar condemnation of our actions." Well this is interesting. First time I've seen this from the Bush Campaign itself. If Kerry was, as rumored, planning to get air time on 60 minutes to "apologize", this makes it look like he's bending to their demand. Smart...
To: NormsRevenge
13 posted on
08/26/2004 11:45:44 AM PDT by
Mike Bates
(Whadya mean you haven't bought my book yet?)
To: NormsRevenge
"William Benoit, professor at the University of Missouri-Columbia, said McCain, who was a prisoner of war during Vietnam, erased any early advantage that Bush might have had.
McCain has called the anti-Kerry advertisement "dishonest" and "dishonorable."
"When Senator McCain comes out and says he's a hero ... how many Republicans are going to reject it?" Benoit said. "I just think Senator McCain has neutralized that issue in large part."
What world are these guys living in? They think because the media love McCain the GOP does!
They just keep hoping that this story is going to go away but it isn't!
To: NormsRevenge
16 posted on
08/26/2004 11:53:18 AM PDT by
(Semper Fi ............... 'The New Soldier' in pdf format FRee!!!)
To: NormsRevenge
RATs are whistling past Kerry's graveyard. Just because Kerry says Bush is smearing him...when Bush has nothing to do with the Swift Boat vets...who were Kerry's band of warriors thirty years ago...Kerry doesn't gain the high ground. This analysis is ludicrous and for the RATs...a last ditch effort to change the subject away from Kerry's career of lies, ineptness, and waffling. The man is weak and has no integrity, no core set of beliefs. God forbid he should ever be President.
20 posted on
08/26/2004 12:34:34 PM PDT by
To: NormsRevenge
McCain has called the anti-Kerry advertisement "dishonest" and "dishonorable." Hey, McLame, how would you know if the Swiftees are being dishonest?
Which of kerry's Swift boats did you serve aboard?
Oh, you didn't? Then you should have just STFU.
21 posted on
08/26/2004 12:34:51 PM PDT by
To: NormsRevenge
Ramsey Clark to Join Panel for Saddams Defense
arabnews press release 25 August 2004
Ramsey Clark is pictured below with Kerry and
Vietnam phony vet Al Hubbard
Who was head of the
Vietnam Veterans Against the War movement.
FReeper smith288 has an online version of
Kerry's "The New Soldier"
You can read it without downloading pdf files!
From Kerry's "The New Soldier":
Al Hubbard Sgt., 22 Troop Carrier Squadron Aug. 65-June 66
Emotions: Walking down the flight line at Saigon past stacks of aluminum cases containing American bodies and past stacks of aluminum luggage containing American currency. Seeing the tight, sad face of an Airman loading the bodies aboard a dirty Air Force Transport and the wide smiling face of a stewardess greeting the passengers aboard a clean Pan American Clipper Jet. Hearing a Vietnamese beg you to leave his country and an American colonel tells you to bomb his country. Hearing a Vietnamese invite you to live in his home, after the war and an American explain why you cant live in his block, after the war. Flying over barren, brown, safe American held terrain and over lush, green unsafe enemy terrain. Feeling happy to be leaving a country in which you do not belong and sad to be returning to a country in which you are not allowed to belong. Sacrificing a portion of your consciousness so you wont have to deal with being there and building mental blocks so you wont have to deal with having been there.
- Al Hubbard, proven fraud who never set foot in Viet Nam. The only Vietnamese he ever met was when he was collaborating with the North Vietnamese in Paris
on the American Communist Party's nickel.
John Kerry's explanation: "He (Hubbard) simply exaggarated his particular position.
But nobody knew it at the time. And those things happen."
The New Soldier, (46 pages)
By John Kerry
and Vietnam Veterans
Against the WarPART I (pdf file)PART II (pdf file)PART III (pdf file)
Kerry hopes everyone
in the USA gets this book!
Without question,
we were held captive longer
because of the anti-war people,
the Kerrys, the Fondas and Haydens,
the names we knew over there -
they encouraged the enemy to hang on.
Excerpt from Stolen Honor website
- Leo Thorsness
Former Vietnam POW

Send this url for the online version
Send this url for the Stolen Honor website
Print this out (46 pages) and disribute it,
especially to the liberals you know.
Copy and paste the links to everyone you know.
25 posted on
08/26/2004 1:10:45 PM PDT by
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