Gardner suggested that the few Swift Boat vets supporting Kerry may be hoping for jobs in a Kerry administration...or money.
Kerry said, "All the guys who were with me on my boat, all the guys who were with me in the specific action where they could see it and do it, absolutely document what I said.
Here is what Gardner said:
1. Gardner served more time with Kerry than any other crewman under his command--ever. This was 2 1/2 months out of Kerry's 4 months and 12 days in combat. He was ON THE BOAT as well.
2. Kerry was the worst skipper and officer the man ever served under. Kerry fell asleep at the radar scope in the pilot house or he was negligent in his duty to warn them of an approaching Sandpan while their boat was sitting with its motor off. When the Vietcong-supporter Sandpan caught them by surprise, Gardner had no choice but to fire on a man aiming an SKS rifle at him. During this exchange, Garner admits he inadvertantly shot a small boy crouched in front of the man who was about to fire.
3. Kerry took credit for his boat killing 5 Vietcong militia and taking 2 captives. This was a lie Kerry perpetrated to cover up his negligence on duty--there were only 2 people killed (including the boy). The CIA (Captured in Action) were a mother and her infant crouched at the bow of the Sandpan.
4. Kerry was never in Cambodia in Christmas 1968, or in January 1969. There was not magic CIA hat. Kerry is caught in this lie and wants to ignore it (and hopes the Media does as well).