To: NormsRevenge
"When Senator McCain comes out and says he's a hero ... how many Republicans are going to reject it?" Benoit said. "I just think Senator McCain has neutralized that issue in large part."With all due respect to Benoit, what world is he living in?
3 posted on
08/26/2004 10:37:23 AM PDT by
NavySEAL F-16
(Proud to be a Reagan Republican)
To: NavySEAL F-16
I repeat once again , Look out for Mccain, he cant be trusted. He helped write the the Bill allowing 527's.
McCain is playing both sides of this fence.
Kerry complians of the lies put out there, We have to decide who is lying. I vote with the Swiftee's
7 posted on
08/26/2004 11:09:55 AM PDT by
(I aint wrong, I aint sorry , and I am probably going to do it again.)
To: NavySEAL F-16
You have to ask? He's an ivory tower academic. Most likely a tower with no window to the outside world.
23 posted on
08/26/2004 12:42:53 PM PDT by
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