Posted on 08/17/2004 3:29:02 PM PDT by Pikamax
August 17, 2004 Posted at 2:35 PM, Pacific
The May 8, 2000 article from U.S. News & World report reproduced below begins by stating that John Kerry conducted clandestine forays into Cambodia during the Vietnam War to deliver weapons to anticommunist forces. Because that statement isn't a direct quote of Kerry, I contacted the reporter, Kevin Whitelaw, this afternoon. Whitelaw still works at U.S. News & World report where he covers foreign affairs and intelligence matters.
Hugh: "Did John Kerry tell you that he ran guns into Cambodia?"
Kevin Whitelaw: "That's exactly what he told me."
Mr. Whitelaw declined my invitation to appear on my radio program, explaining that he doesn't report on or comment on the presidential campaign.
Can we now agree that John Kerry has engaged in wild claims about his service? Since he told that tale to Mr. Whitelaw, who else has he told it to?
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I agree..
More from the secret life of "Walter Mitty" Kerry.
"or the most delusional person to seek that office."
It's such a close run-off between Kerry and algore that when pictures aren't included, I'm not sure which one is being quoted.
it is possible that john kerry is ollie north's love child.
didn't they do the same thing?
what did ketchup boy say about ollie?
If national partisan reporters refuse to ask Kerry if he was REALLY a gun runner in Cambodia, it's time to Freep all campaign stops with the sign, "DID YOU RUN GUNS TO CAMBODIA, OR NOT??
It's time to get agressive if the CBS lackeys of the world refuse to do so.
Maybe such a tactic will at least spark some attention.
It seems as if the dems are looking to pull the pin on this loser. His dead cat bounce from the convention made it rather obvious, nobody is enthused about the candidates.
It's like somebody is selectively leaking more and more damaging crap from his FBI files.
beware of hillary?
Bill had the good sense to see that it wouldn't fly and dropped it immediately. Kerry hasn't.
thai sticks.
what can I say?
Ditto. Kerry's credibility is starting to remind me of Howard Dean. And the Clinton's haven't even added their "help", yet, if you know what I mean? At this rate Hillary won't have to squash him, since he's doing a pretty fine job all on his own.
The only things he probably actually was, was the self-admitted war criminal, and collaborator with the enemy after he came home.
This story keeps getting better.
Next up: Kerry will be a SE Asian drug kingpin working under diect orders from Spiro Agnew.
Because I do find it hard to believe that a major party nominee for President would lie so flagrantly for decades about such a thing.
If the secret gun-running missions are true, Kerry needs to explain why he feels he can chat about military secrets with reporters. And why someone who does that would still be a fit C-in-C.
Best post of the day nominee!
It makes a whole lot of sense. Hillary doesn't want to run against an incumbent Republican, especially in wartime. If Kerry loses the election, then 2008 is up for grabs-and that's what she wants. If he were to win, she'd have to wait until 2012. So she makes a show of supporting Kerry for the kool-aid drinker's consumption while undermining his bunny-suited butt behind the scenes at every opportunity. You watch- she'll be the Dem's nominee in '08.
You left out his role in the Addams Family playing Lurch.
can you see the sh*t eating grin on hellary's face ?
No, no, no!!!....this is just another silly mix-up! Kerry didn't say "I ran guns to Cambodia"...he said "I chewed gum in Freedonia"...yeah, yeah, that's the ticket!
Hugh is on a roll today! he has women calling who are all intrigued to the max with the Kerry / Cambodia tales!
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