This story needs to be re-enlivened!!!
It was on the talk shows last week, now the Olympics and storm have taken over the news.
How can we invigorate this, or do the swiftvets have more plans to go live?
I sure need some reassurance the swiftvets aren't just letting this drop???????????????????????
Worry not -- this story has legs, as they say in the news business. Especially since Ketchup boy keeps changing his story.
I think a FULL PAGE AD in every major newspaper across the country would be great!!! I wonder if the NYT, etc., would actually allow them to run it in their trashy liberal newspaper! :)
SEnd the swiftvets some money, they need it.
Kerry is the Wizard of Oz! When you go behind the facade there's just a frightened little man pulling the levers. This story has a ways to go before we get there.