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CA: Governor puts weight behind Gardner (Buh Bye, Nicole Parra/"Baghdad Bob" Mulholland weighs in)
Bakersfield Californian ^ | 8/11/04 | Vic Pollard

Posted on 08/11/2004 1:09:49 PM PDT by NormsRevenge

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger endorsed Republican Dean Gardner in his race to unseat Democratic Assemblywoman Nicole Parra Tuesday, a move seen as a serious blow to Parra's re-election drive. It also came as a surprise to some people in both parties, apparently including Gardner.

"We weren't sure," he said Tuesday, "that he was going to endorse in any races against an incumbent."

An endorsement of a Republican candidate by a GOP governor would normally be routine. However, an aide said earlier this year that the governor had agreed to appear at just a few fund-raisers for Republican legislative candidates.

"There has been a lot of talk that he would not go after Democrats who supported him on the budget and other things," said Allan Hoffenblum, publisher of the Target Book, which analyzes legislative races.

Parra defeated an underfunded Gardner in the 30th Assembly district two years ago by fewer than 300 votes. The GOP considers the west valley district its best chance to cut into the Democratic majority in the Assembly.

Assembly Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy of Bakersfield, who is coordinating GOP Assembly races, said he "talked to the governor" about endorsing Gardner, although he could not claim all the credit for the decision.

Schwarzenegger's gubernatorial and campaign staff did not respond to requests for comment on the Gardner endorsement Tuesday.

Parra had no immediate comment, either, but her campaign manager, Gale Kaufman, downplayed it.

The endorsement "isn't big news," Kauffman said. "We think, however, that when the governor gets to know Dean Gardner and his background as well as we have, he will be embarrassed by the endorsement."

Outside observers agreed that the endorsement by the popular celebrity governor could play a big role in tipping undecided voters toward Gardner and attracting new campaign contributors.

"If the governor decides to hold a fund-raiser in the district, or two or three, that could have a huge impact," said Anthony York, editor of the nonpartisan political newsletter Political Pulse.

Gardner said he has no commitment from the governor to make an appearance in the district but he said he will issue an invitation as soon as possible.

Some people were also surprised that Schwarzenegger, decidedly a moderate on social and environmental issues, would endorse a hard-line conservative like Gardner.

Gardner said that doesn't bother him a bit.

"We can't agree on everything," Gardner said. "We agree on the things that are important. My focus is going to be getting California back on its wheels."

Some Democrats had harsh things to say about Schwarzenegger actively opposing a Democratic assemblywoman who voted for his budget when a number of Republican lawmakers did not. Parra also appeared with Schwarzenegger at a rally in Bakersfield to push for his deficit bond issue to appear on the March 2 ballot.

"I've warned Democrats," said Democratic party spokesman Bob Mulholland. "Arnold Schwarzenegger has lied all his life, and he hasn't stopped since he became governor."

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Government; Politics/Elections; US: California
KEYWORDS: gardner; governor; nicoleparra; puts; weight
Some Democrats had harsh things to say about Schwarzenegger actively opposing a Democratic assemblywoman who voted for his budget when a number of Republican lawmakers did not. Parra also appeared with Schwarzenegger at a rally in Bakersfield to push for his deficit bond issue to appear on the March 2 ballot.

"I've warned Democrats," said Democratic party spokesman Bob Mulholland. "Arnold Schwarzenegger has lied all his life, and he hasn't stopped since he became governor."


1 posted on 08/11/2004 1:10:03 PM PDT by NormsRevenge
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To: Saundra Duffy


2 posted on 08/11/2004 1:11:24 PM PDT by NormsRevenge (Semper Fi .. Proud member of the FR Special Ops manuremovers crew .. moving manure&opinion since '96)
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To: NormsRevenge
An endorsement of a Republican candidate by a GOP governor would normally be routine. However, an aide said earlier this year that the governor had agreed to appear at just a few fund-raisers for Republican legislative candidates.

"There has been a lot of talk that he would not go after Democrats who supported him on the budget and other things," said Allan Hoffenblum, publisher of the Target Book, which analyzes legislative races.

Parra defeated an underfunded Gardner in the 30th Assembly district two years ago by fewer than 300 votes. The GOP considers the west valley district its best chance to cut into the Democratic majority in the Assembly.

Like 'Rats deserve consideration anyway, after damn near bankrupting this state..

No mention of the fact that a Grand Jury found numerous voter fraud irregularities in Parra's election.

3 posted on 08/11/2004 1:16:40 PM PDT by NormsRevenge (Semper Fi .. Proud member of the FR Special Ops manuremovers crew .. moving manure&opinion since '96)
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To: NormsRevenge
Democratic party spokesman Bob Mulholland

Human oil slick #2 (Terry McAwful being #1) has slithered up out of the goo again.

4 posted on 08/11/2004 2:55:13 PM PDT by Inspectorette
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To: NormsRevenge

Good for Arnie
showing some party loyalty
hope he makes some good gains

5 posted on 08/11/2004 3:16:07 PM PDT by DM1
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