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To: tmp02; Oorang; drymans wife; MamaDearest; nwctwx; Domestic Church; Rushmore Rocks; Labyrinthos; ...
First summary of new thread.

Summary 8/08/04 thru 8/10/04

Current National Homeland Defense threat level is YELLOW
(8/1/04) Local Threat Level ORANGE for NYC, N. New Jersey, D.C

1. Attack threat windows - (8/3/04) An operative, described as "credible" by British intelligence, told his debriefers that the attack would take place "60 days before the presidential election" which is held on Nov. 2 of this year, according to a former senior National Security Council official. On Sept. 2 (about 60 days prior) President George W. Bush is expected to address the Republican National Convention at Madison Square Garden. It appears that this ‘early September’ attack window is getting more credibility from government sources to the media.

Secondary window: (8/10/04) No change. Between now and Nov 2, 2004. This window is based upon AQ threats to disrupt our national elections. This window could potentially be extended to Inauguration Day in January 2005.

Attack Indicators
8/9/04 Press Trust of India/Agence France Presse High-level al-Qaeda operatives from around the world had been traveling to Afghanistan-Pakistan border apparently to hold summits that had an uncanny resemblance to the Qaeda meeting in Malaysia in January 2000 which firmed up plans for September 11 attacks on New York and Washington, a media report said on Monday.

For several months, it said, the US government had been picking up reports from its spies, electronic intercepts, and "liaison services" (friendly intelligence services) of a Qaeda plot to strike the American homeland before the November elections.

8/6/04 - A drop in so-called "chatter" among suspected terrorists is troubling some counterterrorism officials, who noticed a reduction in intercepted communications before the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, government sources said.
Diminished communication prompted the concern because the counterterror experts don't know why suspected terrorists would be talking less. But they noted that similar reductions have happened several other times during the past few years.
Debka is reporting that there has been a corresponding increase in new jhiadist websites where the content is celebratory. This same activity was allegedly last noted approximately two months before the 911 attack.

(8/8/04) There are rumors that OBL will soon be releasing a new vidio tape.

8/10/04 Al-Sadr on the ropes in Najif. Continue to pray for our troops.

(8/7/04) Debka reports Italy raises terror alert at international airports from Bravo to Charlie (high risk). Some media reports suggest a specific threat towards American and Israeli airlines. They said the threat level has not increased and Italy remains under high state of alert.
8/7/04 - Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades said in a statement Saturday its cells in Italy were ready to strike if the country did not withdraw troops from Iraq before a 15-day deadline given by the group expired this month. On August 1st, Al Qaeda’s Abu Hafez Masry Brigades gave Berlusconi 15 days to withdraw 3,000 troops from Iraq or face terror attack on Rome.
"To our cells in Italian cities in Rome and everywhere in Italy, war is approaching...get ready to strike any target in front of you after the end of the truce," it said.
This is the 6th threat since July 15, the end of a ‘truce’ issued to Europe by OBL. Other threats issued July 2, 16, 26, 28 , 30 and August 5. Some U.S. officials and some terrorism experts believe Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades, lacks credibility and has only tenuous ties to al-Qaida.

8/10/04 WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Nearly 1,000 computer disks were recovered last week as part of a series of arrests in the United Kingdom of alleged al Qaeda operatives, U.S. government sources have told CNN. Both British and American authorities are analyzing the information in the disks for any potential clues to possible al Qaeda attack plans

08/09/04 A terror plot to detonate a bomb inside a Tube tunnel beneath the Thames has been uncovered by MI5 chiefs, it was reported yesterday. The explosion would pierce the bed of the river, leaving tens of thousands of rush- hour commuters to be drowned or trampled underfoot in the panic as people tried to flee. Blueprints for an attack on the Underground and maps of the tunnels were reported to have been discovered at an al- Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan, a Sunday newspaper reported.

8/9/04 VIENNA, Austria (AP) - Iran has told Europe's leading powers that it wants them to back its right to nuclear technology that can be used to make weapons. Diplomats said Monday the move has dismayed the Europeans and strengthens Washington's push for U.N. sanctions against Tehran. Diplomats said Iran's conditions effectively stall the European attempt to convince Tehran to give up the technology that would allow them to make nuclear arms and pushes Europe closer to the U.S. view that Iran should be hauled before the U.N. Security Council for violating the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.

8/9/04 Iran’s defense minister announces test coming shortly of improved Shehab-3 ballistic missile (capable of reaching all parts of Israel.) He warns Israel against striking Iran’s nuclear facilities.

8/8/04 TEL AVIV – Israeli security sources said the Islamic insurgency movement has been monitoring and targeting leading Israeli defense companies. The sources said Hamas decided to target the defense firms as part of an effort to strike a strategic blow to Israeli interests.

08/08/04 Senior al-Qaida Operative Captured in UAE, Associated Press - In a new blow to al-Qaida, authorities in the United Arab Emirates captured Qari Saifullah Akhtar, a senior operative in Osama bin Laden's terror network, who trained thousands of militants for combat, and turned him over to Pakistan, the information minister said Sunday. Akhtar was believed involved in two December attempts to assassinate President Gen. Pervez Musharraf. He has been extradited to Pakistan.

8/8/04 CAIRO – A massive supply of explosives stolen from Egyptian warehouses last week could have found its way to either Al Qaida or Palestinian terrorists. The sources said authorities were concerned that the explosives were stolen to fulfill an order by Islamic or Palestinian insurgents. They did not rule out that some of the explosives could be headed for the Gaza Strip. Another scenario was that the explosives would be used for a major Al Qaida-inspired attack in either Egypt or another North African ally of the United States. Over the last year, Egypt has arrested hundreds of Islamic suspects connected to the Muslim Brotherhood or Al Qaida-inspired groups.

8/9/04 Simultaneous blasts at two small hotels in Istanbul early Tuesday left 2 dead - an Iranian and Turk - and 8 injured. Anonymous call warned of coming explosion in Pars Hotel. Holiday Hotel frequented by Russian tourists. No casualties in third and fourth blasts at a liquefied gas storage site. Police initially suspect Kurdish underground or Chechen terrorists.

United States
8/8/04 Washington Times, Congressional leaders have been told that federal lawmakers and the U.S. Capitol, in addition to five financial centers identified last week, are targets for attack by al Qaeda terrorists. However the Washington DC police chief is currently disputing that claim.

(8/5/04) Portions of the country remain at a heightened level of alert. DHS issued the Level ORANGE alert for key facilities in NY, NJ and DC. According to officials, the alert is based upon multiple sources. LEO sources also indicated that terrorists had updated their target files on these locations as recently as this past spring. There are also indicators that the surveillance of these locations may have been an inside job.

(8/8/04) Recent discussions on TM have speculated on what appears to be a shift of operational control (OPCON) from the ‘high command’ of OBL down to a lower echelon. This has precedent in that Atta received OPCON from OBL, even to the point of designating the day of the attack. This lowers the profile of the communications signature, permitting more secure methods of communications to be used.

One thing is for certain, AQ was planning another operation. Recent communications changes seem to imply that it will occur in the near future.

2. Attack method.
8/9/04 New York Times. Al-Qaeda has been planning to use tourist helicopters to attack New York City. As a result, the officials said, security measures for helicopter operators in New York City will be stepped up in a new directive as early as this week. Among the new measures under review is a requirement for operators to conduct airport-style screenings of passengers for suspicious items, said an official with the Department of Homeland Security who had been briefed on the plan. So far, no groundings of helicopter operators are planned.

(8/8/04) DHS briefing of 8/6/04 indicates the most probable attack method will be using car or truck bombs. As described by DHS, this has the makings for a classic AQ strike – 5 targets in regionally close proximity, somewhat lower on the radar screen than other, high profile locations, thus with the potential to be less well guarded. A coordinated operation involving up to six groups in a regional area (NE U.S.) would fit the MO of AQ. It is possible that this latest information could be related to the briefing given to congress last month, where Tom Dachel said that it was very serious.

Additional recent discussions on TM have looked at a number of attack option rankings. Hopefully I’ve been able to summarize HipShot and Exsoldier’s discussions - please let me know if I’ve misstated anything The highest ranking (LEVEL 1) would consist of massive, high casualty attacks potentially involving WMD. Due to the high value resources in trained personnel and equipment, these would be under relatively close control of OBL
The second level (LEVEL 2) would consist of more conventional attacks - car and truck bombs or other explosives placed to cause significant causalities or terror. Because AQ’s MO is to coordinate these attacks, a degree of control appears to be passed down to a local/regional commander to select sites, dates and times.
The lowest (LEVEL 3) would consist of cells/groups attacking targets of opportunity with little coordination. This is a significant portion of the insurgent operations currently in Iraq. If applied in the US, it would be conceived as bombings, sniper attacks, kidnappings and the sort.

Finally TM discussions have evaluated the potential scope / size of the attack. This has ranged from a 4-6 high value coordinated target / high casualty attack to a full spectrum of the three levels in the range of dozens of attacks. There are indicators for the possibilities. The LEVEL 1 / LEVEL 2 attack scenario appears to be what our government is anticipating. However, with the influx of ME coming in via Mexico, there is an additional concern about LEVEL 3 incidents that could occur in conjunction with a major attack. The LEVEL 3 would be harder for our national assets to identify and must rely upon LEO and citizen tips to id terrorists before any attack. B. Discussion in TM, internet and from national news sources indicate continued AQ interest in aircraft hijacking.

(8/3/04) IMHO, AQ nuclear option, though still rumored, does not appear to be as strong given the intel surrounding the 8/1 DHS alert, which indicates a more traditional truck bomb approach.

8/9/04 U.S. government policy requires that young Middle Eastern men who are caught crossing illegally into the United States from Mexico be treated the same as illegal aliens from elsewhere in the world--meaning that if they don't have criminal records, don't appear on government watch lists and are not deemed to be suspicious by the federal law enforcement officers who interview them, they most likely will be released into the U.S. population.

All 19 of the Sept. 11, 2001, hijackers were young men from Saudi Arabia and Egypt. None of them had criminal records, not all were on watch lists, and few apparently raised significant suspicions among American border or visa authorities.

In just the McAllen, Tex., sector of the Southern border, 19,460 nationals other than Mexicans (OTMs) were apprehended between Oct. 1, 2003, and July 28, 2004, according to a local Border Patrol spokesman. One of those was Farida Ahmed, a Muslim woman with a South African passport on her way to New York. Astute Border Patrol agents detained her at McAllen International Airport on July 19. She is charged with entering the country illegally, possessing an altered passport, and lying to investigators.

ICE does not keep central statistics on OTMs apprehended crossing the Southern border. Eddie Flores, spokesman for the McAllen sector of the Border Patrol, said that in his sector, foreigners of numerous nationalities have been caught sneaking into the country from Mexico. After Mexicans, he said, Hondurans and El Salvadorans are the most numerous. But he could not provide a precise breakdown, he said, because he wasn't supposed to give one out and also because he didn't have one anyway. "Washington told me to hold that back, but I don't have a breakdown," he said.

One purpose the infiltration of ME men in to the US could serve would be to supply more people for more initial and follow-on car/truck suicide bomb attacks. The effect of dozens of simultaneous car-bomb attacks at soft targets (malls, amusement parks, sporting events, etc) would create substantial panic as this would reveal to the American people that we are far more vulnerable than the general person on the street thinks we are.

A second reason is that the US Moslem community is absent martyr complex and substantial cultural ‘brain washing’ prevalent with the Middle East jihadists and not inclined to commit suicide, thus the bulk of people needed to commit suicide bombings are having to be ‘imported’. With the exception of 911, the suicide car bomb has been the weapon of choice, needing only willing martyrs and the careful accumulation of explosive material (fertilizer, etc).

8/7/04 Reuters learned from Pakistani intelligence sources on Friday that computer expert Mohammad Naeem Noor Khan, arrested secretly in July, was working under cover to help the authorities track down al Qaeda militants in Britain and the United States when his name appeared in U.S. newspapers. This hasn’t been confirmed by other sources.

8/6/04 Last summer, U.S. troops discovered Yassin Muhhiddin Aref's name, telephone number and address in a book left behind in a vacated terrorist training camp, a U.S. official told FOX News. The book also revealed that Ansar al-Islam, the group running the camp, had given Aref a title: "the commander." Aref, 34, is the Imam of the Masjid As-Salam mosque in Albany, N.Y.

4. Significant meetings canceled:

A. (8/2/04) None I am aware of.

5. Security has been heightened in specific cities
(8/1/04) NYC, N. NJ and D.C. are now at threat level ORANGE. International Monetary Fund and World Bank in D.C.; Prudential Financial in Northern New Jersey; and Citigroup buildings and the New York Stock Exchange in New York

Additional security has also been implimented the American Stock Exchange, Nasdaq, Morgan Stanley, Lehman Bros., Goldman Sachs, the Federal Reserve Bank, Bear Stearns, the UN, Wachovia, AIG, MetLife and JP Morgan Chase. The TransAmerica building, the well-known pyramid-topped skyscraper and the Bank of America Bldg in San Francisco also were on the computer files captured. However, threat levels were not raised by the DHS for these buildings.

(8/5/04) New security procedures are being put in place for the Federal Reserve in DC. Police in Washington DC are blocking all traffic flow around the Capitol, and to search some of the vehicles, to ensure that explosives do not get near the building.

(8/02/04) Until further notice, trucks are now banned from taking the Williamsburg Bridge into Lower Manhattan. The Holland and Brooklyn-Battery tunnels are now closed to all in-bound commercial traffic.

GENERAL: (8/01/04) New Mexico officials also decided to raise the threat level for banking and financial companies there, and Massachusetts officials planned to send a letter advising financial institutions to review security measures.

Boston, Philly, Seattle, LA. Trains and buses searched - Significant development in east coast towns. Some of this is in response to the upcoming republican convention. Other major financial office centers in many cities are taking additional precautions.

Ports are getting a lot more security scrutiny. Diving teams are activity looking for mines, Coast Guard turning away ships as necessary. However, this appears to be in part in line with scheduled increased security posture and not necessarily in response to a specific threat.

6. Military operations.

The fleet is deployed conducting various maneuvers and exercises.

The F-117s are still deployed in S. Korea.

(7/29/04) Elements of the 2nd Infantry division stationed in Korea are deploying to Iraq as scheduled.

7. Dept of Homeland Scty. The following is worth repeating!
8/6/04 This is a joint FBI and DHS Information Bulletin. Below are excerpts of key points

State Homeland Security Advisors, Facility Security Managers, Emergency Services Sector, Real Estate ISAC, Highway/Trucking ISAC, and Car, Truck and Limousine Rental Companies

As demonstrated by recent attacks in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and elsewhere, terrorist operatives worldwide continue to rely on vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (VBIEDs) as a method of attack. This tactic has been used here in the past, notably in the 1993 World Trade Center and 1995 Oklahoma City bombings. The World Trade Center and Oklahoma City attacks were carried out with rented vehicles, highlighting the need for awareness among the car, truck, and limousine rental community of the potential for vehicle-borne attacks in the United States.

There is no standard type of vehicle associated with VBIEDs. Terrorists appear to select vehicles based on an assessment of vehicles common to and available in a region, vehicles possessing routine access to the target area or the security posture of the intended target. Vehicles of any type or size can be utilized in vehicle bombings, although the size of the explosive charge may, to some degree, dictate the size of the vehicle required. In the 1993 World Trade Center attack, approximately 1,200 pounds of improvised explosives were placed in a rental van which had been reported stolen by one of the conspirators. Other large vehicles-such as limousines-should also receive consideration as potential VBIEDs, since limousines have larger storage capacity than regular passenger vehicles. In addition, limousines often convey an impression of authority or prestige, which may facilitate their access to specific locations in a building or facility denied to the general public.

Analysis of terrorist preparations for past attacks overseas and in the United States suggests that preoperational indicators may be present in the days or weeks prior to an attack. The following indicators may point to possible planning to use rental vehicles in a terrorist attack. Alone, each indicator can result from legitimate commercial activity or criminal activity not related to terrorism; however, multiple indicators can suggest a terrorist threat.

* Customers who attempt to give vague or unverifiable references or employment information on rental agreements, who insist on paying in cash and/or who seem overly concerned about privacy.
* Attempts to expedite collection of deposits made on rental vehicles reported as "stolen."
* Suspicious inquiries concerning whether vehicles can be modified to handle heavier loads, create additional storage areas or increase fuel capacity or vehicle speed.
* Suspicious inquiries concerning the use of limousines by private drivers or a limousine's exact length, height or interior volume.
* Reports of rental vehicles parked for prolonged periods of time near sensitive facilities such as government, military, utility or other high profile sites.
* Suspicious attempts to gain employment at vehicle dealerships and/or rental agencies.
* Customers displaying burns or chemical exposure symptoms who provide vague or illogical explanations as to the circumstances surrounding the injuries.
* Returned rental vehicles with altered company logos, Department of Transportation numbers, or structural or appearance modifications.

The U.S. Government remains concerned that al-Qaida or other terrorist organizations are planning to carry out terrorist attacks in the United States during the summer and fall 2004 time frame. Although the FBI and DHS possess no specific information indicating terrorists plan to use rental vehicles, rental company personnel are encouraged to remain alert for indicators of preoperational activity and immediately report any situation that appears to constitute a terrorist threat to the FBI and DHS offices listed on the first page.

8. Domestic Terror Currently Not Linked to Jihadists
8/6/04 Scranton - The Chamberlain Manufacturing Corporation makes ammunition shells. Scranton police and the F.B.I. have information that two men were asking questions about the plant and investigators want to know why. They're said to be of middle eastern descent and traveling in a green sport utility vehicle without license plates. One may have a British accent.

(8/5/04) Lansdale resident Mark Shotwell found the object that resembled a surface-to-air missile on the Pennsylvania Turnpike earlier in the evening when he pulled over for a moment’s rest. “I was traveling back from Wilkes Barre and I pulled over to the side of the road to take a leak‚” Shotwell said. “I didn’t realize it was real until I got it here.” Shotwell said he found the device‚ which he initially thought was just a toy‚ leaning up against a trash can on the turnpike‚ not far from the Allentown exit. The object weighed about 5 pounds and was about 2 feet long. Bomb squad members later examined the device and determined that it was inert.

(8/5/04) Law enforcement officials said that searches were under way in the town of Wellsville, New York, which is near Buffalo close to the border with Canada and in another house in Lavallette, New Jersey, 85 miles east of Philadelphia. These searches are in connection with the spread of the anthrax bacteria in the mail in 2001 that killed five people.

69 posted on 08/10/2004 7:23:04 AM PDT by Godzilla (I agree with the Swifties!!!! Flush the Johns)
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To: Godzilla; JustPiper; Kinetic; All

zillia....thanks for the ping. Excellent summary as always!

Piper & Kinetic, AWESOME thread. Great job!!! Thank you both.

Additional thanks to all the TMers who work to collect information which could save lives! You folks are the best!

Here's A_D's survival list again. As always, this is just a basic list. Please add or delete things to suit your individual needs.

Pre Event Actions:

1. Learn about the natural disasters that could occur in your community from your local emergency management office or American Red Cross chapter. Learn whether hazardous materials are produced, stored or transported near your area. Learn about possible consequences of deliberate acts of terror. Ask how to prepare for each potential emergency and how to respond.

2. Talk with employers and school officials about their emergency response plans.

3. Talk with your household about potential emergencies and how to respond to each. Talk about what you would need to do in an evacuation. If someone in the family has a critical job, expect them to be gone.

4. Plan how your household would stay in contact if you were separated. Identify two meeting places: the first should be near your home—in case of fire, perhaps a tree or a telephone pole; the second should be away from your neighborhood in case you cannot return home.

5. Pick a friend or relative who lives out of the area for household members to call to say they are okay.

6. Draw a floor plan of your home. Mark two escape routes from each room.

7. Post emergency telephone numbers by telephones. Teach children how and when to call 911.

8. Make sure everyone in your household knows how and when to shut off water, gas, and electricity at the main switches. Consult with your local utilities if you have questions.

9. Take a first aid and CPR class. Local American Red Cross chapters can provide information. Official certification by the American Red Cross provides “good Samaritan” law protection for those giving first aid.

10. Reduce the economic impact of disaster on your property and your household’s health and financial well-being.

• Review property insurance policies before disaster strikes—make sure policies are current and be certain they meet your needs (type of coverage, amount of coverage, and hazard covered—flood, earthquake)

• Protect your household’s financial well-being before a disaster strikes— review life insurance policies and consider saving money in an “emergency” savings account that could be used in any crisis. It is advisable to keep a small amount of cash or traveler’s checks at home in a safe place where you can quickly gain access to it in case of an evacuation.

• Be certain that health insurance policies are current and meet the needs of your household.

11. Consider ways to help neighbors who may need special assistance, such as the elderly or the disabled.

12. Make arrangements for pets. Pets are not allowed in public shelters. Service animals for those who depend on them are allowed.

If you have a disability or special need, you may have to take additional steps to protect yourself and your household in an emergency. If you know of friends or neighbors with special needs, help them with these extra precautions. Hearing impaired may need to make special arrangements to receive warning. Mobility impaired may need assistance in getting to a shelter. Households with a single working parent may need help from others both in planning for disasters and during an emergency. People without vehicles may need to make arrangements for transportation. People with special dietary needs should have an adequate emergency food supply. Find out about special assistance that may be available in your community. Register with the office of emergency services or fire department for assistance, so needed help can be provided quickly in an emergency.

Create a network of neighbors, relatives, friends and co-workers to aid you in an emergency. Discuss your needs and make sure they know how to operate necessary equipment.

Discuss your needs with your employer.

If you are mobility impaired and live or work in a high-rise building, have an escape chair. If you live in an apartment building, ask the management to mark accessible exits clearly and to make arrangements to help you evacuate the building. Keep extra wheelchair batteries, oxygen, catheters, medication, food for guide or hearing-ear dogs, or other items you might need. Also, keep a list of the type and serial numbers of medical devices you need.

Those who are not disabled should learn who in their neighborhood or building is disabled so that they may assist them during emergencies. If you are a care-giver for a person with special needs, make sure you have a plan to communicate if an emergency occurs.

Preparedness Overview:

You may need to survive on your own for three days or more. This means having your own water, food and emergency supplies. Try using backpacks or duffel bags to keep the supplies together. Assembling the supplies you might need following a disaster is an important part of your disaster plan. You should prepare emergency supplies for the following situations:

A disaster supply kit with essential food, water, and supplies for at least three days—this kit should be kept in a designated place and be ready to “grab and go” in case you have to leave your home quickly because of a disaster, such as a flash flood or major chemical emergency. Make sure all household members know where the kit is kept.

Consider having additional supplies for sheltering or home confinement for up to two weeks.

You should also have a disaster supply kit at work. This should be in one container, ready to "grab and go" in case you have to evacuate the building.

A car kit of emergency supplies, including food and water, to keep stored in your car at all times. This kit would also include flares, jumper cables, and seasonal supplies.

Stockpiling Water Safely

Stocking water reserves should be a top priority. Drinking water in emergency situations should not be rationed. Therefore, it is critical to store adequate amounts of water for your household. Individual needs vary, depending on age, physical condition, activity, diet, and climate. A normally active person needs at least two quarts of water daily just for drinking. Children, nursing mothers, and ill people need more. Very hot temperatures can double the amount of water needed. Because you will also need water for sanitary purposes and, possibly, for cooking, you should store at least one gallon of water per person per day.

Store water in thoroughly washed plastic, fiberglass or enamel-lined metal containers. Don't use containers that can break, such as glass bottles. Never use a container that has held toxic substances. Sound plastic containers, such as soft drink bottles, are best. You can also purchase food grade plastic buckets or drums. Containers for water should be rinsed with a diluted bleach solution (one part bleach to ten parts water) before use. Previously used bottles or other containers may be contaminated with microbes or chemicals. Do not rely on untested devices for decontaminating water.

If your water is treated commercially by a water utility, you do not need to treat water before storing it. Additional treatments of treated public water will not increase storage life. If you have a well or public water that has not been treated, follow the treatment instructions provided by your public health service or water provider. If you suspect that your well may be contaminated, contact your local or state health department or agriculture extension agent for specific advice.

Seal your water containers tightly, label them and store them in a cool, dark place. It is important to change stored water every six months.


If activity is reduced, healthy people can survive on half their usual food intake for an extended period or without any food for many days. Food, unlike water, may be rationed safely, except for children and pregnant women.

You don’t need to go out and buy unfamiliar foods to prepare an emergency food supply. You can use the canned foods, dry mixes and other staples on your cupboard shelves. Canned foods do not require cooking, water or special preparation. Be sure to include a manual can opener.

Keep canned foods in a dry place where the temperature is fairly cool. To protect boxed foods from pests and to extend their shelf life, store the food in tightly closed plastic or metal containers.

Replace items in your food supply every six months. Throw out any canned good that becomes swollen, dented, or corroded. Use foods before they go bad, and replace them with fresh supplies. Date each food item with a marker. Place new items at the back of the storage area and older ones in front.

Food items that you might consider including in your disaster supply kit include: ready-to-eat meats, fruits, and vegetables; canned or boxed juices, milk, and soup; high-energy foods like peanut butter, jelly, low-sodium crackers, granola bars, and trail mix; vitamins; foods for infants or persons on special diets; cookies, hard candy; instant coffee, cereals, and powdered milk.

Buy a box of MRE entrée’s – 72 packages of main course MRE meals and keep them at home. They will fee a familty of four for about a week. It’s no frills eating.

You may need to survive on your own after a disaster. Local officials and relief workers will be on the scene after a disaster, but they cannot reach everyone immediately. You could get help in hours, or it may take days. Basic services, such as electricity, gas, water, sewage treatment and telephones, may be cut off for days, even a week or longer. Or you may have to evacuate at a moment’s notice and take essentials with you.

You probably won’t have the opportunity to shop or search for the supplies you’ll need. Your household will cope best by preparing for disaster before it strikes.

First aid:
· Sterile adhesive bandages in assorted sizes
· Assorted sizes of safety pins
· Isopropyl alcohol
· Hydrogen peroxide
· Antibiotic ointment
· Latex gloves (2 pairs)
· Petroleum jelly
· 2-inch and 4-inch sterile gauze pads (4-6 each size)
· Triangular bandages(3)
· 2-inch and 3-inch sterile rolled bandages (3 rolls each)
· Cotton balls
· Scissors
· Tweezers
· Needle
· Moistened towelettes
· Antiseptic
· Thermometer
· Tongue depressor blades (2)
· Tube of petroleum jelly or other lubricant
· Sunscreen
· Aspirin
· Anti-diarrhea medication
· Antacid
· Tagamet
· Decongestant
· Cough Suppressant
· Space Blanket
· Mole Skin & Foam
· Epi-pin
· Snake Bite Kit

· A portable, battery-powered radio and extra batteries
· Flashlight(3), extra bulbs(6) & batteries(12)
· Oil Lamps (Hurricane)
· Signal flare(6)
· Candles
· Matches
· Lighters
· Waterproof Matches
· Magnesium Fire Starter
· Paraffin
· Leather-man Tool(2)
· All Purpose Knife(2)
· Duct tape
· Scissors
· Plastic sheeting
· Whistle
· Small canister, A-B-C-type fire extinguisher(2)
· Compass(2)
· Work gloves (2)
· Paper, pens, and pencils
· Needles and thread (2)
· Wrist Watch
· Honing Stone & Oil
· Hatchet
· Shovel

Kitchen items:
· Manual can opener
· Mess kit
· Fork & Spoon
· Knife
· Frying Pan
· Pots
· Plastic Forks, Spoons, Knives
· Heavy Duty Paper Plates
· PUR Drinking Water System
· Water Bottles
· Extra filters for PUR Water Filter
· Propane Stove
· Propane Grill
· Extra Case(s) Propane
· Heavy Duty Tin Foil
· Trioxane Stove
· Trioxane Fuel
· Sterno Fuel
· ZipLoc bags (Lg & Sm)
· Cooler

· Vitamins.
· Summer Sausage
· Hard Candy
· Freeze Dried Dinners
· Cup of Noodles
· Canned Veggies
· Canned Meats
· Canned Soups & Stews
· Coffee
· Tea
· Sugar
· Salt & Pepper


Sanitation and hygiene items:
· Washcloth and towel
· Towelettes
· Soap
· Hand sanitizer
· Liquid detergent
· Tooth paste and toothbrushes
· Shampoo
· Deodorant
· Razor
· Shaving cream
· Lip balm
· Sunscreen
· Insect repellent
· Heavy-duty plastic garbage bags (to go potty in)
· Toilet paper
· Medium-sized plastic bucket with tight lid
· Disinfectant
· Chlorine bleach
· Shovel (for a latrine)

· Personal identification
· Cash
· Emergency phone numbers
· Map of the area

· Extra pair of prescription glasses
· Candles
· Carton of Cigarettes
· Tequila
· Extra set of car & house keys
· Reading material, books, etc.

Clothing (no cotton):
· Heavy Boots
· Wool Socks
· Rain gear
· Hat w/ visor
· Gloves
· Sunglasses
· Capelin Pants (4)
· Wind pants
· Polypro Shirt (2)(short sleeve)
· Polortech Shirt (2)(Long sleeve)
· Polartech Pants (2)
· Polypro Boxers(5)
· Gortex/Thinsulate Parka
· Gortex/Thinsulate Bibs

· Sleeping bag
· Sleeping pad
· Tent
· Small Tarps
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72 posted on 08/10/2004 8:18:23 AM PDT by appalachian_dweller (Threat Level: HIGH -- For a list of survival gear go to my FR Homepage.)
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To: Godzilla

Thanks zilla! We should have been keeping track like this in thread one. Thanks for grabbing the bull by the horns!

73 posted on 08/10/2004 8:24:16 AM PDT by tmp02
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To: Godzilla

Great summary. Thanks.

76 posted on 08/10/2004 8:42:05 AM PDT by Labyrinthos
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To: Godzilla

Great summary. Thanks.

77 posted on 08/10/2004 8:42:05 AM PDT by Labyrinthos
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To: Godzilla

excellent summary! I'm all caught up now.

94 posted on 08/10/2004 9:39:04 AM PDT by CJ Wolf
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To: Godzilla

Thanks Godzilla. :)

95 posted on 08/10/2004 9:47:16 AM PDT by nwctwx
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To: Godzilla

Thanks for all your hard work.

98 posted on 08/10/2004 9:52:45 AM PDT by Velveeta
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To: Godzilla

Thank you Godzilla for that summary.

144 posted on 08/10/2004 1:15:23 PM PDT by Cindy
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To: Godzilla

BTTT and thanks!

339 posted on 08/10/2004 8:29:47 PM PDT by JustPiper (Obama- No More Free Ride to the Illinois Senate !!!)
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To: Godzilla


436 posted on 08/10/2004 9:58:11 PM PDT by bitt
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