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Jamming for Jesus
Jerusalem Post ^ | July 29th, 2004 | Jenny Hazan

Posted on 08/02/2004 5:12:15 PM PDT by missyme

Though officially illegal, the capital's last Messianic Youth Ministry continues to recruit local Jewish teens

When Jerusalem-born Daniel Cohen was 15-years-old, he wanted to become a professional drummer. So when a friend told him about free drum lessons at The Jamm he went straight to the Russian Compound to check it out.

"At first, the people at The Jamm were really nice to me. They even started to teach me how to play the drums," says Cohen.

After two months of hanging out at the coffee bar/youth center, one of Cohen's newfound friends gave him a copy of the New Testament in Hebrew and began to initiate discussions on the subject of Christ. An additional two months passed before Cohen was invited to participate in a youth trip to the Sea of Galilee, where he could join other Jamm youth in a mikveh ceremony.

"He asked me if I knew what Baptism is," recalls Cohen, who is now 17. "He said it wasn't a Christian thing, but a Jewish thing for Jews who knew the 'right way.'"

"I was shocked," he continues. "I was born a Jew and I want to be a Jew and I am not interested in converting away from Judaism. It is horrible when you think you have friends and then you find out that they are actually your enemies."

Cohen isn't alone. The Jamm (Jerusalem Artists, Musicians and Media) Center has been trapping Jewish teens in its messianic web since it was established in 1998. With open mike nights on Wednesdays and Punk concerts on Thursdays, including free coffee, chai tea and snacks, the non-smoking, alcohol-free Jamm provides a clean and tempting atmosphere for Jerusalem youth.

In one of the organization's pamphlets, The Jamm describes itself as "the first and only Israeli Messianic Youth ministry center of its kind in Israel," the main goal of which is "to serve as a safe place for young people to find out about the mercies of the true and living God."

According to Aaron Rubin at Yad L'Achim (Hands to Our Brothers), a Jerusalem-based organization dedicated to helping Jewish brethren escape from the clutches of cults and missionaries, The Jamm is among 100 so-called Messianic Jewish movements across Israel, 20 congregations of which are headquartered in Jerusalem.

Rubin lists the Baptists, the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC) and Caspari near Ben Yehuda Street, where Christians from Norway offer literature and courses to augment the effectiveness of English, Russian, Hebrew and French-speaking missionaries, among the larger missionary communities in the capital city.

Although he estimates the total number of missionaries currently operating in the country at around 4,000, Rubin says their numbers have increased by 100 percent over the past decade and that they continue to grow at an even more rapid pace today.

"The number of congregations are growing," says Rubin, who attributes the boom to several factors: the successful conversion to Christianity of new immigrants from the Former Soviet Union and Ethiopia; an increased number of dissidents who reject the theology of their church in favor of establishing their own individually-run institutions; the circumvention of the Law of Return, which according to a Supreme Court ruling in September 1992 stipulates that "openly-professed belief in Jesus is enough to render a born-Jew a member of another religion and thereby not eligible under Israel's immigration law for automatic citizenship in the Jewish State"; and a general expansion of messianic activity.

Messianic Jews share a belief in the idea that Judaism is the source of Christianity. The New Testament (so-called New Covenant) represents a unified extension of the Old Testament. Main tenets include regarding God as a compound unity of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit and belief in Jesus' virgin birth, sinless life, atoning death, bodily resurrection and ascension to the right hand of God the Father. They await the personal, bodily return of Jesus and believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost - the former to everlasting life, the latter to everlasting judgment and condemnation. It is in this Christian philosophy that the objective of conversion and "soul-saving" originates.

According to Rubin, the most common point of confusion for Jews who are approached by Messianic Jews is their self-definition as Jews. "They say they are Jews, not Christians and that their beliefs have nothing to do with Christianity."

This approach is deceptive, explains Rubin, since one-quarter of Messianic Jewish congregations in Israel are led by Christian-educated leaders.

In addition to their deceiving self-description, initial methods to entice new congregants usually include putting up posters and websites and going to festivals and public places to distribute pamphlets and books bearing Jewish symbols.

The difference between The Jamm and other organizations of its kind is that currently, it is the only active missionary body whose target audience are minors.

"Some movements send their children to speak with Jewish children because it's more delicate," says Rubin, "but most Jewish missionaries try to stay away from kids because it is illegal."

Article 368 of the Israeli Penal Code awards a maximum six-month incarceration for attempting to convert minors under the age of 18. Article 174(A) prohibits the offering and receiving of material benefits as an inducement to conversion of anyone, including those above and below the age of 18. Anyone who gives material benefits in exchange for a commitment to change one's religion can be sentenced up to 5 years in prison and fined a maximum of NIS 50,000.

According to Yoram Sheftel, a Ramat Gan-based criminal lawyer who volunteers on behalf of Yad L'Achim, the problem is that both the prosecution and the law enforcement authorities do not enforce the law.

"They rarely enforce the laws pertaining to missionary crimes," says Sheftel, who estimates that only one or two cases are actually brought to court every year.

No legal precedent exists because both crimes are dealt with at the lowest level, the Magistrate's Court, with appeals going to the District Court.

"There is no practical chance that a case like this would make it to the Supreme Court," adds Sheftel, who in 2000 drafted a bill that to date has neither been accepted nor rejected by the Knesset, which would make any attempt to persuade anyone to change his religion an offense against the law. "As it stands, the issue is not a priority in the eyes of the Jerusalem Police and the prosecution. These cases, therefore, are generally neither investigated nor prosecuted."

Rivka Cohen, Daniel's mother, who conditioned her interview on the changing of both her and her son's names, testifies to that fact.

Once she found out what was really going on at The Jamm in April 2003, she filed a report with the Jerusalem Police, who closed the case about a month later. They reopened the file in December 2003 after she filed a letter of complaint to the minister of justice.

"I have not heard anything about it since the case was reopened eight months ago," says Rivka. "From the very beginning, the police didn't want to take me seriously."

Besides the testimony of her son and the publications he was given at The Jamm that included a copy of the New Testament, a workbook about Jesus, a CD with Christian songs and a copy of the coffee house's publication 'Youth Speak ' a collection of personal stories by Israeli youth who became 'believers' in the Messianic movement, her report consisted of a video depicting incriminating discussions between Jamm members, shot by 18-year-old Yossi Levinson, a volunteer for Yad L'Achim who went undercover to investigate the place.

"It was disgusting. The place is dedicated to making Israeli youth believe in Yeshua," says Levinson, who disguised himself as a believer looking to make a video for fundraising purposes in America, in order to unveil the true philosophy behind The Jamm. "It's not maybe yes, maybe no. It's black and white. The best thing a believer can do is to make a non-believer believe in Christ. It's an even bigger 'mitzvah' if they convert a Jew."

Levinson reveals that two days after he handed the video over to the Jerusalem Police, he got a call from friends at The Jamm inquiring how the video got into the wrong hands. "I was shocked. Until now, I don't know how they found out about the video so quickly."

The police didn't call him in for questioning until three weeks later. At the same time, Richard Ayal Frieden, owner of The Jamm, was approached by police immediately.

Frieden is proud to define himself as a Jewish believer in Yeshua, but denies that the purpose of his establishment is to convert Israeli youth.

"The Jamm," says Frieden, a former narcotics detective at the Jerusalem precinct who left his job in 1994, "is a non-profit organization that exists to promote local arts and to encourage youth and young adults in their respective musical talents. There is nothing illegal going on at The Jamm. We are not actively proselytizing young people."

"There is a witch-hunt going on," continues Frieden who, in addition to The Jamm, runs an annual week-long music camp for messianic kids and oversees the Jamm Academy of Arts, which holds after-school fine arts, multimedia and computer graphics classes taught by believing professionals and Heart Rock TV (HRTV), which produces TVY2, a 30-minute Hebrew music video program for central public access channel Tevel (Arutz Mekomi Merkaz), national public access channel 25 (Arutz Zahav Artzi), Matav Digitali and Yes 90 (Artzi Arutz Hapatuach).

"If I've committed a crime in sharing the love of God through the good work that we are doing at the Jamm," says Frieden, "then put me on the stand."

On the HRTV website, Frieden writes: "The youth of Israel are key to the future of Israel and to the expansion of the indigenous body of believers. Many Israeli youth are walking in darkness. We are here to inform them of 'the one whom they have not believed ' and introduce them to 'the one whom they have not heard' (Romans 10:14)."

Frieden explains that The Jamm holds one faith-based worship service per week, meant exclusively for members of the Jerusalem Youth Cell Group. "Each person under the age of 18 who comes on Monday night needs permission from their parents."

Minors, claims Frieden, are given a waiver that clearly indicates what the service is about, for parents to sign. "This is something that we're quite strict about."

Shmulik Ben-Rubi, spokesman for the Jerusalem Police, concurs. "We have talked to both kids and their parents and we have found that parents allow their kids to be in this place."

Ben-Rubi notes that the investigation surrounding The Jam is still open. "If we find any sign of conversion, we will act according to the law. But as far as we know, they are not trying to convert kids."

The police might have missed Cohen, who says he was invited to a worship night without being given a waiver. "I was never asked to have my parents sign a permission form. I just came on a Thursday night and they invited me to come on Monday. They invite all the people who come on Thursday to the prayer meeting. That's how I got there. I wouldn't have known about it otherwise."

According to Cohen, believer meetings are the prime time for circulating missionary literature.

"I personally don't hand out anything," says K., a 28-year-old Jamm volunteer from Germany. "I cannot hide what I believe in, but I would never force it on anybody or give someone a pamphlet."

Cohen has a different version. "They gave me workbooks and the New Testament and said that Jesus gave his life for us and we need to give our lives to Him."

Cohen, whose parents divorced a couple of years before he started spending time at The Jamm, realizes in retrospect that he was the perfect candidate for missionary activity. "It was a very rough time in my life. I needed friends and the people at The Jamm were nice. They listened and talked to me."

The believers, he says, also offered him a place to stay at their shared boys' house. "They go to the weak people and they try to take them in."

Rubin says that Cohen's assessment is accurate. "It is very difficult to change the mind of someone who doesn't have any problems in his life. That's why they are going to lonely people or people with financial or family problems. There are a lot of people out there who are in trouble and these missionaries give them hope."

Levinson asserts that awarding hope is The Jamm's most cherished technique.

"They act nice to people who don't have someone who will listen to them at home, or who don't have a nice home," he says. "The Jamm is a nice, warm place for people who don't have a nice, warm place to go."

Rubin claims that the current economic crisis in Israel and in the capital in particular, provides the missionaries with more opportunities than usual, since many Israelis are particularly needy at this time.

"It's a business," says Rubin and emphasizes that all of the messianic congregations in Israel receive money from Christian churches abroad to help them conduct their activities. "When they are speaking with Jews, they are Jews. When they try to get money from Christians, they are Christians. Basically, they are liars."

The Jamm fits the mold. Not only does the organization have affiliates in both Franklin, Tennessee and the Netherlands, it is sponsored in part by Gratefully Grafted Ministries International, headquartered in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, which offers financial support to some 40 messianic ministries in Israel, including congregations, worship centers and "outreach programs" like The Jamm.

Says Rubin, "The Jamm aims to target youth in the street and they don't have a problem getting the money to do it from abroad."

"The Jamm is a Christian fundamentalist group and nothing more than that," adds Binyamin Kluger, head of advocacy for the anti-missionary department at Yad L'Achim.

"Why are Israeli authorities doing nothing to stop them?" asks Rivka. "I just don't understand. If the law clearly says that what they are doing is wrong, why isn't anything being done about it?

"I just try to imagine what would happen if a couple of religious Jews started trying to convert Christian boys to stop believing in Yeshua. I'm sure it wouldn't hold for one week."

She then offers one reason the Israeli justice system has neglected to deal with the issue. "Perhaps Christians in America have a very big influence here, but unless we are willing to sacrifice our own Jewish kids for the donations and tourism money of Christians, our first obligation is to protect our own youth."

A letter written by then-Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in which he expressed his disagreemet with the 1997 Proposed Bill on the Prohibition of Inducement for Religious Conversion, supports Cohen's suggestion.

"It has come to my attention that a bill before the Israeli parliament concerning possession of missionary literature has created a stir among our many Christian friends," wrote Netanyahu in response to the private member bill proposed by then-Labor Party opposition member Nissim Zvilli and Rabbi Moshe Gafni of the Yahadut HaTorah Party, which would have made the printing, distribution and possession of missionary material a crime punishable by up to one year in prison. "I would like to assure you that this bill does not have the support of the Israeli government...the government strenuously objects to this bill and will act to ensure that it does not pass. Israel deeply values your support, and we appreciate your friendship and commitment."

The reason for the legal authorities' lack of action against missionary organizations remains obscure. In the meantime, The Jamm, which has a link on the Jerusalem Municipality website, has plans to expand its horizons to include an indoor skateboarding park on Ben Yehuda Street, a project their pamphlet describes as "a [potential] harvest field for the Lord."

"There are few cases that are as black and white as The Jamm," says Rubin. "The case is very clear. Why aren't they being properly investigated or prosecuted? It's a very good question."

TOPICS: Israel; Philosophy
KEYWORDS: messianicjews
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To: missyme

Thanks, anyway, Missyme, but I am not an anthropologist. There's so much to learn in Judaism that I don't have the time or, franky, the interest to learn about the doctrines of the myriad of Christian faiths that you mention.

41 posted on 08/02/2004 6:39:55 PM PDT by Piranha
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To: Piranha

The won't leave the Jews alone as they won't leave anyone alone who does not know the message of Jesus Christ WHY?
Because Jesus commanded to go and spread the GOSPEL to ALL Nations after his resurrection.

He did not say preach only to Gentiles he said EVERYONE and that includes the JEWS...

42 posted on 08/02/2004 6:40:00 PM PDT by missyme
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To: Piranha
feel if your brother or sister had been hanging out at a coffeehouse with people who lured them in, then slowly induced them

Wow that what happend?.....

43 posted on 08/02/2004 6:43:35 PM PDT by joesnuffy (Moderate Islam Is For Dilettantes)
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To: missyme

To the Jew first and also the 'Greek'

44 posted on 08/02/2004 6:44:56 PM PDT by cyborg (
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To: missyme

That's the most arrogant attitude I have ever heard!

You should go visit Rome. There is a church just inside of the gates of the old Jewish ghetto, where the Jews who lived there were herded in against their will and forced to listen to sermon after sermon by Christian religious leaders who believed that it was their business to convert the Jews.

Precious few Jews converted, but every one is a loss to the Jewish people.

45 posted on 08/02/2004 6:45:56 PM PDT by Piranha
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To: Piranha

When did that happen?

46 posted on 08/02/2004 6:47:02 PM PDT by cyborg (
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To: Piranha

Christianity is a faith? THIS IS WHAT YOU SAID RIGHT?
So is Christianity the same faith as Jehovah Witnesses are?

ISLAM also acknowledges Jesus Christ so is this also Chrisitianity to you?

47 posted on 08/02/2004 6:48:24 PM PDT by missyme
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To: missyme
In addition to their deceiving self-description, initial methods to entice new congregants usually include putting up posters and websites and going to festivals and public places to distribute pamphlets and books bearing Jewish symbols.

Sounds like my church. We fully embrace the Jewishness of our faith.

I guess I'm a Messianic gentile.

48 posted on 08/02/2004 6:48:47 PM PDT by ovrtaxt (The Fleet Center? Isn't Fleet an enema company?)
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To: Piranha

I sense that you believe that Christians and Messianic Jews are trying to "hurt" Jews by "converting" them. I must most strenuously disagree. If someone gave me information that made some sense to me, I would be grateful. If it made no sense to me I would reject it. It is up to me to decide for myself. I wouldn't hate the person who tried to inform me. Yes, this would include a Jew who "converted" someone I love.

49 posted on 08/02/2004 6:53:44 PM PDT by boop
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To: Piranha

Do you think your immortal, everyone will loose someone it's called "DEATH" If someone told me that they were offering me a way to achieve eternal life by the one TRUE living GOD of the Universe, I would be more than happy to listen.

For every Jewish person that is blown up by a terrorist I would think it would be comforting to hear that Jesus was there to welcome there loved ones into eternal Peace, Love and Happiness which we call HEAVEN...

50 posted on 08/02/2004 6:54:25 PM PDT by missyme
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To: joesnuffy
feel if your brother or sister had been hanging out at a coffeehouse with people who lured them in, then slowly induced them

Wow that what happend?.....

I think so. (Sorry, Joe. For some reason I can't get rid of this italic font.)

The article states that Daniel Cohen was lured in by a "friend" who told him that he could get free drum lessons. They were really nice to him and started to teach him how to play the drums. Then, after two months, they felt that the time was right to strike, and they gave him a copy of the Christian bible and started bugging him with conversations about Jesus.

Probably trained to go slowly, they waited two months more before inviting him to be baptized. However, they called it a "mikveh ceremony", adopting Jewish nomenclature. Even at the moment of baptism, they tried to trick him into believing that he was engaging in "a Jewish thing for Jews who knew the "right way."'"

It sure seems like they lured him in and then slowly induced him

Or is all fair in love, war and religion?

51 posted on 08/02/2004 6:54:42 PM PDT by Piranha
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To: missyme
What is highly offensive?

I am a believer in Y'shua [Jesus], but I am also very aware of the LONG list of atrocities done to Jews by "Christians". "Jesus" did not offend, but 1900 years of some of His "followers" did more than just offend. Maybe you are not aware. Here are but a few examples - this only scratches the surface... study up, there will be a test later.:

306 CE: The church Synod of Elvira banned marriages, sexual intercourse and community contacts between Christians and Jews.

315: Constantine published the Edict of Milan which extended religious tolerance to Christians. Jews lost many rights with this edict. They were no longer permitted to live in Jerusalem, or to proselytize.

325: The Council of Nicea decided to separate the celebration of Easter from the Jewish Passover. They stated: "For it is unbecoming beyond measure that on this holiest of festivals we should follow the customs of the Jews. Henceforth let us have nothing in common with this odious people...We ought not, therefore, to have anything in common with the Jews...our worship follows a...more convenient course...we desire dearest brethren, to separate ourselves from the detestable company of the Jews...How, then, could we follow these Jews, who are almost certainly blinded."

337: Christian Emperor Constantius created a law which made the marriage of a Jewish man to a Christian punishable by death.

339: Converting to Judaism became a criminal offense.

343-381: The Laodicean Synod approved Cannon XXXVIII: "It is not lawful [for Christians] to receive unleavened bread from the Jews, nor to be partakers of theirimpiety."

351: Gallus, Roman ruler of the east, lead a campaign against Jews remaining in Israel.

363: After the death of Emperor Julian, Christians attacked the Jews of Israel.

367 - 376: St. Hilary of Poitiers referred to Jews as a perverse people who God has cursed forever. St. Ephroem refers to synagogues as brothels.

379-395: Emperor Theodosius the Great permitted the destruction of synagogues if it served a religious purpose. Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire at this time.

380: The bishop of Milan was responsible for the burning of a synagogue; he referred to it as "an act pleasing to God."

395: Jews were expelled from Alexandria by Christian authorities.

415: The Bishop of Alexandria, St. Cyril, expelled the Jews from that Egyptian city.

415: St. Augustine wrote "The true image of the Hebrew is Judas Iscariot, who sells the Lord for silver. The Jew can never understand the Scriptures and forever will bear the guilt for the death of Jesus."

418: St. Jerome, who created the Vulgate translation of the Bible wrote of a synagogue: "If you call it a brothel, a den of vice, the Devil's refuge, Satan's fortress, a place to deprave the soul, an abyss of every conceivable disaster or whatever you will, you are still saying less than it deserves."

489 - 519: Christian mobs destroyed the synagogues in Antioch, Daphne (near Antioch) and Ravenna

528: Emperor Justinian (527-564) passed the Justinian Code. It prohibited Jews from building synagogues, reading the Bible in Hebrew, assembling in public, celebrating Passover before Easter, and testifying against Christians in court.

535: Emperor Justinian I ordered the closing of all synagogues, forced conversions and other repressive decrees against the Jews.

535: The "Synod of Claremont decreed that Jews could not hold public office or have authority over Christians."

538: The 3rd and 4th Councils of Orleans prohibited Jews from appearing in public during the Easter season. Canon XXX decreed that "From the Thursday before Easter for four days, Jews may not appear in the company of Christians." Marriages between Christians and Jews were prohibited. Christians were prohibited from converting to Judaism.

561: The bishop of Uzes expelled Jews from his diocese in France.

576: Five hundred Jews of Cleremont-Ferrand in France were forced to convert.

582: Frankish King Chilperic forced many Jews to convert.

613: Very serious persecution began in Spain. Jews were given the options of either leaving Spain or converting to Christianity. Jewish children over 6 years of age were taken from their parents and given a Christian education

629: The Byzantine Empire conquered Israel and killed or expelled many Jews.

692: Cannnon II of the Quinisext Council stated: "Let no one in the priestly order nor any layman eat the unleavened bread of the Jews, nor have any familiar intercourse with them, nor summon them in illness, nor receive medicines from them, nor bathe with them; but if anyone shall take in hand to do so, if he is a cleric, let him be deposed, but if a layman, let him be cut off."

694: The 17th Church Council of Toledo, Spain defined Jews as the serfs of the prince. This was based, in part, on the beliefs by Chrysostom, Origen, Jerome, and other Church Fathers that God punished the Jews with perpetual slavery because of their responsibility for the execution of Jesus.

722: Leo III outlawed Judaism. Jews were baptized against their will.

850: Jews of Iraq were required to wear a yellow patch.

855: Jews were exiled from Italy

932: Forced conversions and massacres of Jews took place in Italy.

1012: Jews were forced to convert in Mainz, Germany.

1050: The Synod of Narbonne prohibited Christians from living in the homes of Jews.

1066: Four thousand Jews were massacred in Granada.

1078: "Pope Gregory VII decreed that Jews could not hold office or be superiors to Christians." The Synod of Gerona forced Jews to pay church taxes

1096: The First Crusade was launched in this year. Although the prime goal of the crusades was to liberate Jerusalem from the Muslims, Jews were a second target. As the soldiers passed through Europe on the way to the Holy Land, large numbers of Jews were challenged: "Christ-killers, embrace the Cross or die!" 12,000 Jews in the Rhine Valley alone were killed in the first Crusade. This behavior continued for 8 additional crusades until the 9th in 1272.

1099: During the First Crusade, crusaders forced all Jews in Jerusalem into a synagogue which they then set on fire. Those who tried to escape were forced back into the burning building. The Christian “Kingdom of Jerusalem’ was established.

1144: The first recorded blood libel took place. Jews in Norwich, England were accused of drinking Christian blood at Passover.

1146: The Second Crusade began. A French Monk, Rudolf, called for the destruction of the Jews.

1147: The Second Crusade attacked Jewish communities in their path.

1179: Canon 24 of the Third Lateran Council stated: "Jews should be slaves to Christians and at the same time treated kindly due of humanitarian considerations." Canon 26 stated that "the testimony of Christians against Jews is to be preferred inall causes where they use their own witnesses against Christians."

1181: Another blood libel occurred in St. Edmund, England. Many Jews were held for ransom in Paris.

1189: Jews were massacred in London. The Crown claimed all Jewish possessions. Most of their houses were burned.

1190: Jews across Europe were massacred in the Third Crusade.

1192: A blood libel took place in Winchester, England.

1196: Fifteen Jews were killed in Vienna by Crusaders.

1197: Many Jews were killed in Neuss, France.

1205: Pope Innocent III wrote to the archbishops of Sens and Paris that "the Jews, by their own guilt, are consigned to perpetual servitude because they crucified the Lord...As slaves rejected by God, in whose death they wickedly conspire, they shall by the effect of this very action, recognize themselves as the slaves of those whom Christ's death set free..."

1215: The Fourth Lateran Council approved canon laws requiring that "Jews and Muslims shall wear a special dress." They also had to wear a badge in the form of a ring. This was to enable them to be easily distinguished from Christians. This practice later spread to other countries.

1216: Pope Innocent III ordered the Jews to wear a badge in order to distinguish them.

1221: Many Jews were killed in Erfurt, Germany. Jews of Italy and Sicily were ordered to wear blue badges.

1225: Jews were expelled from Cremona and Pavia, Northern Italy.

1227: The Synod of Narbonne required Jews to wear an oval badge. This requirement was reinstalled during the 1930's by Hitler, who changed the oval badge to a Star of David.

1229: The Spanish inquisition starts. Later, in 1252, Pope Innocent IV authorizes the use of torture by the Inquisitors.

1230: Jews of Wiener-Neustadt, Austria were attacked for 11 days. Many Jews were killed or forced to convert in Astorga, Spain.

1236: Pope Gregory ordered that church leaders in England, France, Portugal and Spain confiscate Jewish books on the first Saturday of Lent. Two thousand five hundred Jews were killed in France.

1240: Pope Gregory IX ordered burning of Talmud and other Jewish books. Jews were expelled from Brittany, France.

1241: Most Jews of Frankfurt Am Main were massacred and the Jewish quarter was destroyed. Many Jews were killed in Bohemia by invading Tartars. Jews in Christian Spain were forced to attend conversion sermons.

1242: Twenty-four wagons loaded with copies of Talmud and other Jewish books were burned in Paris.

1243: Jews of Belitz, Germany were burned to death in first recorded libel of ritual desecration (desecrating of the ‘host’ of communion).

1244: Pope Innocent IV ordered more burnings of Talmud.

1255: Many prominent Jews of England were killed after another blood libel in Lincoln.

1257: Jews of Rome were required to wear badges. In 1259, Jews of Mainz, Germany were required to do the same.

1259: A "synod of the archdiocese in Mainz ordered Jews to wear yellow badges."

1261: Duke Henry III of Brabant, Belgium, stated in his will that "Jews...must be expelled from Brabant and totally annihilated so that not a single one remains, except those who are willing to trade, like all other tradesmen, without money-lending and usury."

1264: Jews of Arnstadt, Germany were attacked and massacred .

1267: The Synod of Vienna ordered Jews to wear horned hats. Thomas Aquinas said that Jews should live in perpetual servitude.

1269: Jews of Poland, Austria, and Silesia were required to wear special hats.

1275: Jews of Worcester, England were expelled.

1277: Jews of Pamplona, Spain were attacked and their houses burned.

1278: Pope Nicholas III ordered Jews to attend conversion sermons.

1281: Jew were killed after another blood libel in Mainz, Germany.

1283: Another blood libel took place in Mainz and one in Bacharach, Germany. Many Jews were killed in the ensuing massacre.

1290: Jew were expelled from England. About 16,000 left the country. Jews of Naples, Bari and other cities in southern Italy were massacred or underwent forced baptism.

1294: Some Jews were killed, the rest expelled from Berne, Switzerland. 1298: As many as 100,000 Jews were massacred over the course of a few years in Germany during the Rindfleish massacres. Jews were massacred in Wiener-Neustadt, Ifhauben, and Morgentheim, Austria and Wurzburg and Bischofsheim, Germany. Jews were persecuted in Austria, Bavaria and Franconia. 140 Jewish communities were destroyed.

1303: Jews of Barcelona were ordered to kneel when passing Christian priests.

1328: Six thousand Jews were killed in the province of Navarre, Spain.

1332: Three hundred Jews were killed after another blood libel when a mob set the synagogue on fire in Uberlingen, Germany.

1336: One hundred and twenty Jewish communities were ravaged by Armledder Bands in Germany and Alsace. Fifteen hundred Jews were killed in Ribeuville, and all the Jews of Deggendorf were killed after a ritual desecration libel.

1337: Many Jews were killed in Bohemia.

1338: Jews were burned at the stake in Pulkau, Austria after a ritual desecration libel.

Skipping 600 years of VERY bad stuff simply for brevity…

1920's, 1930's: Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf: "Today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord." The Protocols are used by the Nazis to whip up public hatred of the Jews in the 1930's.

Widespread pogroms occur in Greece, Hungary, Mexico, Poland, Rumania, and the USSR. Radio programs by many conservative American clergy, both Roman Catholic and Protestant, frequently attacked Jews. Reverend Fr. Charles E Coughlin was one of the best known. "In the 1930's, radio audiences heard him rail against the threat of Jews to America's economy and defend Hitler's treatment of Jews as justified in the fight against communism." Other conservative Christian leaders, such as Frank Norris and John Straton supported the Jews. Discrimination against Jews in North America is widespread. Many universities set limits on the maximum number of Jewish students that they would accept. Harvard accepted all students on the basis of merit until after World War I when the percentage of Jewish students approached 15%. At that time they installed an informal quota system. In 1941, Princeton had fewer than 2% Jews in their student body. Jews were routinely barred from country clubs, prestigious neighborhoods, etc.

1940’s: 6 million Jews killed by Nazi Germany. Using Martin Luther’s own words as a basis:

"What shall we Christians do with this rejected and condemned people, the Jews?

First to set fire to their synagogues or schools and to bury and cover with dirt whatever will not burn, so that no man will ever again see a stone or cinder of them. This is to be done in honor of our Lord and of Christendom, so that God might see that we are Christian.

Second, I advise that their houses also be razed and destroyed. For they pursue in them the same aims as in their synagogues. Instead they might be lodged under a roof or in a barn, like the gypsies.

Third, I advise that all their prayer books and Talmudic writings, in which such idolatry, lies, cursing and blasphemy are taught, be taken from them.

Fourth, I advise that their rabbis be forbidden to teach henceforth on pain of loss of life and limb.

Fifth, I advise that safe-conduct on the highways be abolished completely for the Jews. For they have no business in the countryside, since they are not lords, officials, tradesmen, or the like.

Sixth, I advise that usury be prohibited to them, and that all cash and treasure of silver and gold be taken from them and put aside for safekeeping. The reason for such a measure is that, as said above, they have no other means of earning a livelihood than usury, and by it they have stolen and robbed from us all they possess.

Seventh, I commend putting a flail, an ax, a hoe, a spade, a distaff, or a spindle into the hands of young, strong Jews and Jewesses and letting them earn their bread in the sweat of their brow, as was imposed on the children of Adam. For it is not fitting that they should let us accursed Goyim toil in the sweat of our faces while they, the holy people, idle away their time behind the stove, feasting and farting, and on top of all, boasting blasphemously of their lordship over the Christians by means of our sweat. No, one should toss out these lazy rogues by the seat of their pants.

But what will happen even if we do burn down the Jews' synagogues and forbid them publicly to praise God, to pray, to teach, to utter God's name? They will still keep doing it in secret. If we know that they are doing this in secret, it is the same as if they were doing it publicly. For our knowledge of their secret doings and our toleration of them implies that they are not secret after all and thus our conscience is encumbered with it before God."

Martin Luther. From Luther's Works, Volume 47: The Christian in Society IV, (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1971). pp 268-293

We have much to be ashamed of… and you ask about how someone is offended?

BTW, this comes in part from a document called “Litany” at
52 posted on 08/02/2004 6:56:01 PM PDT by safisoft
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To: safisoft
We have much to be ashamed of… and you ask about how someone is offended?

Speak for yourself. I have nothing to be ashamed of. Those acts were committed by control freaks and murderers who used religion as justification for their actions.

Kind of like Caiaphas and the boys.

Or the Taliban.

Not Yeshua.

53 posted on 08/02/2004 6:58:57 PM PDT by ovrtaxt (The Fleet Center? Isn't Fleet an enema company?)
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To: cyborg

That happened in the middle ages. I forget the name of the Church, but it is identifiable by the Hebrew language carved onto its exterior front wall.

More recently -- in the 19th century -- a Jewish boy named Edgar Mortara who was ill was supposedly baptized by his family's maid. Later she squirreled him away into the shadows of the Catholic church and, despite the efforts of his family and governments from around the world (including America) the Church refused to release him back to his family. Eventually he was found living as a Monk.

But good news for Missyme: He kept to his adopted faith for the rest of his life.

54 posted on 08/02/2004 6:59:16 PM PDT by Piranha
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To: missyme
Christianity is a faith? THIS IS WHAT YOU SAID RIGHT? So is Christianity the same faith as Jehovah Witnesses are? ISLAM also acknowledges Jesus Christ so is this also Chrisitianity to you?

You're the Christian theologian here. You tell me. Is Islam, which (as you say) acknowledges Jesus Christ, a form of Christianity? If not, why not?

55 posted on 08/02/2004 7:00:51 PM PDT by Piranha
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To: ovrtaxt

When a christian truly adheres to the Bible, the world is better off. I have on my profile page, two stellar examples of just that.

56 posted on 08/02/2004 7:01:07 PM PDT by cyborg (
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To: ovrtaxt

If you are not trying to convert Jews to your faith, I have no issue with your church at all. Best wishes to you and your brethren in your faith.

57 posted on 08/02/2004 7:02:04 PM PDT by Piranha
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To: Piranha

I'd hate to die and find out the messiah already came the first time myself. Your views on this issue are your own business most definately. You have your own life to live and when you die you have to answer to God not me or missyme even. I'd say there are plenty things to think about other than things that happened in the Middle Ages. There were many Jews like Tovia Singer predicting pogroms with the release of the Passion of Christ and it didn't happen.

58 posted on 08/02/2004 7:05:27 PM PDT by cyborg (
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To: safisoft

Jesus" did not offend! And that is my whole Point...

I do understand what evil human beings have done through-out history to the Jewish People, and I totally understand their dis-trust, but the point of the matter is the world is in a terrible state and it is getting worse.

Should we abanadon GOD's message to us for the sake of history's atrocities?

If we left the JEWS alone, what would GOD think of us and our salvation if we decided it was more impotant not to preach the GOSPEL in Israel because we did not want to offend some of the Jewish people?

Would GOD bless us with that kind of attitude?

Why would Jesus say spread the GOSPEL to all? he never said leave the Jews alone?

59 posted on 08/02/2004 7:05:49 PM PDT by missyme
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To: Piranha
We are preaching to EVERYONE.

And you better pray that we convert billions of Muslims, for your sake, and ours.

We are the best friends you have, and you don't even know it.

And yes, there are plenty of Jews in my church.

60 posted on 08/02/2004 7:06:31 PM PDT by ovrtaxt (The Fleet Center? Isn't Fleet an enema company?)
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