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To: JustPiper; All


7.31.04 - Audio Message from OSAMA Bin Laden

ÑÓÇáÉ ÇáÔíÎ ÇÓÇãÉ ááÃãÑíßÇä- 7-2004
Message From Shaikh Osama to Americans 7-2004

ÇáÍãÏ ááå ÑÈ ÇáÚÇáãíä

Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds

æáÇ ÚÏæÇä ÅáÇ Úáì ÇáÙÇáãíä ÇãÇ ÈÚÏ ¡

Enmity be only upon tyrants and then,

ãä ÃÓÇãÉ Èä ãÍãÏ Èä áÇÏä Åáì ÇáÔÚÈ ÇáÃãÑíßí ÈÎÕæÕ ÃÚÊÏÇÆßã Úáì

From Osama son of Mohammad son of Ladin to the Americans and about your assault on Iraq

ÇáÓáÇã Úáì ãä ÃÊÈÚ ÇáåÏì

Peace be upon who follow the right guidance

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Americans, some people dreams were about you but it turned out that most of you are rabbles and have no ethics

ÊäÊÎÈæä ÔÑÇÑßã ããä ßËÑ ßÐÈå æÞá ÃÏÈå

You elect your villains whom share lot of lies with less morals

íÓÊÚÈÏßã ÃßËÑßã ãÇáÇ æÃÞæÇßã äÝæÐÇð æÅÚáÇãÇ

You are enslaved with whom of you who have much money and strongest penetration and propaganda

æáÇÓíãÇ ÇáíåæÏ ÇáÐíä íÓíÑæäßã ÎáÝåã ÊÍÊ ÎÏÚÉ ÇáÏíãÞÑÇØíÉ áÏÚã ÇáÅÓÑÇÆáííä æãÎØØÇÊåã ãÚÇÏÇÉ áÏíääÇ æÚáì ÍÓÇÈ ÏãÇÆäÇ æÃÑÖäÇ
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Even the Jews who drag you behind them under tricks of democracy to support Israelis and their plans against our religion and on our lives and lands, and also on your lives and economy


Many situations and events has proven this, and one of these proofs is your involvement in Iraq war while you have no benefits in it


And here came Boush with his gangsters with their inclemency whom are great evil on the whole mankind with its lives, money, environment and ethics

ÌÇÁæÇ áíæÌåæÇ ØÚäÇÊ ÞæíÉ ãÊÊÇáíÉ ááÕÏÞ ÇáÐí åæ ÃÓÇÓ ÇáÃÎáÇÞ ßá ãä ãæÞÚå ÍÊì ÕÑÚæå ÇãÇã ÇáÚÇáã


They came to blow strong and repeated strikes on truth which is principal for ethics. Each of these gangsters from his position in turn until truth died in front of the whole world, and with their acts they encouraged hypocrisy, corrupted conscience and blindfold politics for world leaders so bluntly

æÅä åÄáÇÁ æÒÚíãåã íÓÊÓíÛæä ÇáßÐÈ æÇáÍÑÈ æÇáÓáÈ æÇáäåÈ Ýí ÓÈíá ÃØãÇÚåã ÇáÔÎÕíÉ

These gangsters and their boss commit lies, wars, looting, plunder for their own greed.


For their dogteeth trickle with children bloods from Vietnam, Somal, and children of Afghanistan and Iraq

áÐÇ ÝÅäåã ÇÓÊÎÝæÇ Èßã æÇÓÊÛÝáæßã æÛÒæÇ ÇáÚÑÇÞ ãÑÉ ÇÎÑì æßÐÈæÇ Úáíßã æÚáì ÇáÚÇáã ÃÌãÚ æÞÏ Þíá

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They have taken you lightly, taken advantage of your inadvertence and they conquered Iraq for the second time and lied on you and the whole world and in the old say:

Nations lasts as long as ethics lasts If their ethics gone they are gone

æÞÏ ÏÝÚ ÈæÔ ÈÃÈäÇÆßã Ýí Êíå ÇáÃÓÏ áíÐÈÍæÇ æíÐÈÍæÇ ãÏÚíÇ Ãä Ðáß ÏÝÇÚÇ Úä ÇáÓáÇã ÇáÚÇáãí æÚä ÃãÑíßÇ

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Bush has thrown your children in the lions lair, to slaughter and being slaughtered pretending he is defending peace in the world and in America, hiding truth

On one side, he is fulfilling Zionism lobby requests which has helped him to enter the white house, to destroy Iraq's military strength which is near Jewish in occupied Palestine

ÛíÑ ãÈÇáí ÈÑÏæÏ ÇáÝÚá Úáì ÏãÇÆßã æÅÞÊÕÇÏßã

This is with no concerns of him to your lives and economy

æãä Ìåå ÃÎÑì íÎÝí ØãÚå æØãÚ åÐÇ ÇááæÈí Ýí ÇáÚÑÇÞ æäÝØå

On the other side, he is hiding his, and this lobby greed in Iraq's oil

æåæ ãÇÒÇá íÝßÑ ÈÚÞáíÉ ÃÌÏÇÏå ÇáÐíä ßÇäæÇ íÞÊáæä ÇáåäæÏ ÇáÍãÑ áÃÎÐ ÃÑÇÖíåã æäåÈ ÎíÑÇÊåã

He still thinks as his grandparents who killed Indians to take and plunder their lands


Thinking that this time it will be a cold booty and short trip that will not be discovered

æáßä Çááå ÞíÏ áå Ýí ÈÛÏÇÏ ÏÇÑ ÇáÎáÇÝÉ ÃÓÏ ÇáÔÑì ØÚã ÇáãæÊ Ýí Ýãåã ÃáÐ ãä ÇáÔåÏ

But Allah put in Baghdad our Khelafa stronghold lions who prefer taste of death on anything


And with Allah blessing these lions changed their gains to loses

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So thanks be to Allah who unveiled Bush's lies and made his times disastrous on you

æÅäí ÃÞæá áÈæÔ

And I say to Bush as the old saying

ÝÅä ÊäÌæÇ ãäåÇ ÊäÌæÇ ãä Ðí ÚÙíãÉ æÅáÇ ÝÅäí áÇ áÍÇáß äÇÌíÇ

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And I say to him, your appealing to the world around you and begging for mercenaries from every where even little countries have destroyed your pride, made you small and showed your weakness after you were pretending defending the whole world and your situation has changed as the saying:

æßÇä íÌíÑ ÇáäÇÓ ãä ÓíÝ ãÇáß ÝÃÕÈÍ íÈÛí äÝÓå æãä íÌíÑåÇ

He was protecting people from the sword now he is looking for protection

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And those tyrants should know that we preserve our rights to reply in the time and place we choose, and this is for every country participating in this unjust war and this includes Brittan, Spain, Australia, Holland, Japan, and Italy

æáÇ íÓÊËäì ãä Ðáß ãä íÔÇÑß ãä Ïæá ÇáÚÇáã ÇáÅÓáÇãí æÎÇÕÉ Ïæá ÇáÎáíÌ æÃÈÛÖåã ÇáßæíÊ ÞÇÚÏÉ ÇáÅäØáÇÞ *** ááÞæÇÊ ÇáÕáíÈíÉ

Also not apart, all countries from Islamic world especially gulf countries and the disgusting Kuwait the departure base of crusaders army

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And I say to American soldiers in Iraq and after the new morning and the big liar is uncovered, your stay on Iraqi lands are oppression for sure, and also foolishness as you trade your lives for another's one life

ÝÊÓÝß ÏãÇÆßã áíÑÊÝÚ ÑÕíÏ ÚÕÇÈÉ ÇáÈíÊ ÇáÃÈíÖ æãä ãÚå ãä ÊÌÇÑ ÇáÓáÇÍ æÃÕÍÇÈ ÇáÔÑßÇÊ ÇáßÈÑì ÇáãÊæÇØÆÉ æÅä ãä ÃÍãÞ ÇáäÇÓ ãä ÈíÚ ÏäíÇå áÏäíÇ ÛíÑå

Your blood is shed for the rise of white house gangsters bank accounts and whom with them from weapon traders and owners of big companies involved in this war. And it’s the most stupid person who trade his life for another's one life.

æÅä ãÇ ÊæÇÌåæäå ãä ãæÊ Úáì ÃíÏí ÃÈØÇá ÇáÅÓáÇã Ýí ÇáÚÑÇÞ åæ ÌÒÇÆßã ÇáÚÇÏá æÞÏ Þíá

And the death you are facing in Iraq from the Islamic heroes in Iraq is the just punishment, and as the saying

ÇáÈÛí íÕÑÚ Ãåáå æÇáÙáã ãÑÊÚå æÎíã

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We instigate our brothers to fight you and strike you

æíÑßÈ íæã ÇáÑæÚ ÝíåÇ ÝæÇÑÓ ÈÕíÑæä Ýí ØÚä *** æÇáßáì

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And in the end I would like to say to the American people that we, with Allah welling, will continue fighting you and blow martyrdom operation inside the US and outside it until you stop your oppression and foolishness and interdict your fools

æÃÚáãæÇ ÇääÇ äÍÕí ÞÊáÇäÇ ÑÍãåã Çááå æáÇ ÓíãÇ Ýí ÝáÓØíä Úáì ÃíÏí ÍáÝÇÆßã ÇáíåæÏ æÓäÞÊÕ áåã ãä ÏãÇÆßã ÃäÊã ÈÅÐä Çááå ßíæã äíæíæÑß æÊÐßÑæÇ ãÇ ÞáÊå áßã íæãåÇ Úä ÃãäÇ æÃãäßã

And keep in mind that we count our killed people Allah bless them, and even in Palestine on the hands of your Jewish allays and we will avenge them from your blood with Allah welling as New York day and remember what I have said that day about your safety and our safety

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As for Baghdad the Khelafah stronghold, you will not take it with Allah welling and we will fight you as long the weapon sticks in our arms and if it falls it will fall in our children arms and to bereave us our mothers if we left a single habitat of you on our lands

æßíÝ íäÇã Çááíá ãä ßÇä åãå ÞÊÇáßã ÍÊì ÊÒæá ÇáãÙÇáã


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We count on Allah our Lord and you have no lord.

I have the AUDIO if anyone wants it. This cannot be a good sign folks!

Specializing in Steganography and Gathering Intelligence

II: Internet Intelligence

3,132 posted on 07/31/2004 8:43:10 PM PDT by DAVEY CROCKETT (There is no such thing as coincidence, GOD is in control.)
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Where is the audio? I believe this is the same as the as Sahab video I typed out the transcript for, lemme check.

3,138 posted on 07/31/2004 9:09:25 PM PDT by nwctwx
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Yes, this is the same wording used in the re-release of the as-Sahab video from July, 19. I'm going to check IH, do you have a direct link to the thread?

3,140 posted on 07/31/2004 9:12:57 PM PDT by nwctwx
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Could you please post the original source url?

Thanks DC.

3,146 posted on 07/31/2004 9:24:47 PM PDT by Cindy
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Did they say who/how/what/where got this tape?!

3,159 posted on 07/31/2004 9:41:25 PM PDT by JustPiper (God's truth may offend some - but NOT the righteous !!!)
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Or, without the non-displaying arabic characters:

Quote: Message From Shaikh Osama to Americans 7-2004

Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds

Enmity be only upon tyrants and then,

From Osama son of Mohammad son of Ladin to the Americans and about your assault on Iraq

Peace be upon who follow the right guidance

Americans, some people dreams were about you but it turned out that most of you are rabbles and have no ethics

You elect your villains whom share lot of lies with less morals

You are enslaved with whom of you who have much money and strongest penetration and propaganda

Even the Jews who drag you behind them under tricks of democracy to support Israelis and their plans against our religion and on our lives and lands, and also on your lives and economy

Many situations and events has proven this, and one of these proofs is your involvement in Iraq war while you have no benefits in it

And here came Boush with his gangsters with their inclemency whom are great evil on the whole mankind with its lives, money, environment and ethics

They came to blow strong and repeated strikes on truth which is principal for ethics. Each of these gangsters from his position in turn until truth died in front of the whole world, and with their acts they encouraged hypocrisy, corrupted conscience and blindfold politics for world leaders so bluntly

These gangsters and their boss commit lies, wars, looting, plunder for their own greed.

For their dogteeth trickle with children bloods from Vietnam, Somali, and children of Afghanistan and Iraq

They have taken you lightly, taken advantage of your inadvertence and they conquered Iraq for the second time and lied on you and the whole world and in the old say:

Nations lasts as long as ethics lasts If their ethics gone they are gone

Bush has thrown your children in the lions lair, to slaughter and being slaughtered pretending he is defending peace in the world and in America, hiding truth

On one side, he is fulfilling Zionism lobby requests which has helped him to enter the white house, to destroy Iraq's military strength which is near Jewish in occupied Palestine

This is with no concerns of him to your lives and economy

On the other side, he is hiding his, and this lobby greed in Iraq's oil

He still thinks as his grandparents who killed Indians to take and plunder their lands

Thinking that this time it will be a cold booty and short trip that will not be discovered

But Allah put in Baghdad our Khelafa stronghold lions who prefer taste of death on anything

And with Allah blessing these lions changed their gains to loses

So thanks be to Allah who unveiled Bush's lies and made his times disastrous on you

And I say to Bush as the old saying

And I say to him, your appealing to the world around you and begging for mercenaries from every where even little countries have destroyed your pride, made you small and showed your weakness after you were pretending defending the whole world and your situation has changed as the saying:

He was protecting people from the sword now he is looking for protection

And those tyrants should know that we preserve our rights to reply in the time and place we choose, and this is for every country participating in this unjust war and this includes Brittan, Spain, Australia, Holland, Japan, and Italy

Also not apart, all countries from Islamic world especially gulf countries and the disgusting Kuwait the departure base of crusaders army

And I say to American soldiers in Iraq and after the new morning and the big liar is uncovered, your stay on Iraqi lands are oppression for sure, and also foolishness as you trade your lives for another's one life

Your blood is shed for the rise of white house gangsters bank accounts and whom with them from weapon traders and owners of big companies involved in this war. And it’s the most stupid person who trade his life for another's one life.

And the death you are facing in Iraq from the Islamic heroes in Iraq is the just punishment, and as the saying

We instigate our brothers to fight you and strike you

And in the end I would like to say to the American people that we, with Allah welling, will continue fighting you and blow martyrdom operation inside the US and outside it until you stop your oppression and foolishness and interdict your fools

And keep in mind that we count our killed people Allah bless them, and even in Palestine on the hands of your Jewish allays and we will avenge them from your blood with Allah welling as New York day and remember what I have said that day about your safety and our safety

As for Baghdad the Khelafah stronghold, you will not take it with Allah welling and we will fight you as long the weapon sticks in our arms and if it falls it will fall in our children arms and to bereave us our mothers if we left a single habitat of you on our lands

We count on Allah our Lord and you have no lord.

3,160 posted on 07/31/2004 9:42:55 PM PDT by null and void (Nothing like a near-death experience to change bad habits...)
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Thank you for that post and your efforts in getting it posted here - much appreciated!!!

3,170 posted on 07/31/2004 9:57:10 PM PDT by MamaDearest (Land of the free - because of the brave!)
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Is this supposed to be a new warning from OBL?

3,184 posted on 07/31/2004 10:57:09 PM PDT by HipShot (EOM couldn't cut the head off a beer with a chainsaw)
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Nope, this not good.

3,266 posted on 08/01/2004 6:53:47 AM PDT by Velveeta
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