If a civilian airliner accidentally crashed in the ocean, why wouldn't U.S. Navy ships assist in searching rather than quickly bugging out?
What was the point of the Navy's initial deception of their presence that night?
The only reason a Navy shoot dowen could possibly occur would be the budget cuts under Clinton that effectively killed effective training.
I don't know the likelyhood of a Navy origin shoot down as I was Army Artillery.
We had the "dash tens" on the Stingers, and I read them and everything else we had.
(Even how to clean, inspect and maintain night visioo goggles. *ugh* mind numbing.)
I only know the likelyhoood of a Stinger or similar slamming flight 800, or a Richard Reid type blowing ahole in the side.
I'd ask Navy types about the lieklyhood of a Navy shoot down under clinton funding with minimal training, but everyone I know from the Navy hasn't been over blue water for awhile.
(Plus, being that I'm not Navy myself, I wouldn't know what to ask or how to word it.)