Iraq is out of the way now, so it wasn't Iraq. Afghanistan is out of the way too, so it wasn't the Afghans.
Could be Syrian. Could be North Korean. Could be Iranian.
But Bush's strategy of knocking off one at a time rather than taking on two established governments at once seems to be the prudent way to handle this matter.
It does raise the question of which nation will be the next to fall to our wrath, though.
Southack, maybe I'm being terribly naive about this, but I honestly think the FBI does not know where the anthrax came from. I think they put blinders on themselves almost immediately by so hastily profiling the perp as some crazed lone, white male and disconnecting the anthrax mailings from the 9/11 attacks. The trail is now very cold and getting colder.
The posted article closes with a statement that suggests they don't believe this case will be solved. The gist is: "Well, we may not solve this case, but we're learning a lot and inventing a new forensic field."