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Hmmm, that was the link to the video, it worked yesterday, they must have taken it down.
I found this on the forums yesterday
@ the madness before the withdrawal :
# the greatest hitting appeared in America or its outside ¿ !
# the coming greatest hitting is its consequences and their traces : do they be dropping or no .
# the hitting influence extent on the directions of the falcons .
Is that what you were asking about?
How we deal with data here occasionally needs to be reviewed against a standard - reality. Since today is the 24th, it provides an opportunity to review a great deal of discussion about what was to have occurred yesterday (23 June) ranging from an astroid impact to a massive terrorist strike. Intelligence circles 'rate' the sources according to their accuracy. Were the sources accurate this time? What needs to be learned to sift out the bogus from the real for the next time? Not trying to cause any flaming or ill feelings but this is an intergral part of the intelligence cycle - evaluating the data.
He had the correct link.
It's just "not found" now.
So go to
They have an article about that subject.