Well, I gotta admit, they haven't quartered troops in my house!
Hold on, be right back. Doorbell.
LOL!! I don't think they'll use a doorbell...
Well, I gotta admit, they haven't quartered troops in my house!Naw - it can't be, can it?
Another member of the 'I don't care to live civilly amongst humanity' and 'don't impose on me one iota for my time, my assistance or cooperation' club?
Hyperbole, used tactically, can refreshingly get a 'point' across -
-but hyperbole used excessively and continually reveals you may have hold of no other forms of logical/argumentative ammunition ...
All this 'crying' about 'my rights' are being infringed is pathetic; if, in the course or your ordinary life you could make the case how your 'constitutional rights' have been grevioulsly violated THAT might be the argument you should put forth ...