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The Top 10 Democratic Lies ^ | John Kanelous 

Posted on 06/21/2004 10:07:15 PM PDT by mastercylinder

The Top 10 Democratic Lies by John Kanelous 

   ''In 50 years New York City is going to be underwater from global warming,'' – 2002, former president Bill Clinton.

       Democratic leaders, who profess the importance of education, are constantly lying to the American people, and particularly to their base, the ignorant and ill-informed who are eating this stuff up and spreading it like wildfire.  Watch C-Span, and you will get the picture too.

Lie #1:  Global Warming, caused by the emission of greenhouse gasses, will melt the ice caps and cause massive global flooding.

Truth:  In 400 years of measuring global temperatures, the temperature has only increased 3/4 of one Degree.

Truth:  Ice expands when it freezes, that’s why ice floats above the water’s surface, and contracts when it melts. Thus, any floating ice (like the entire North Pole) when it melts, will not add any volume whatsoever to the oceans.

Truth:  Only land-based ice can add to the volume of water in the oceans.

Truth:  The overwhelming majority of land based ice is on the continent of Antarctica, where the average year around temperature is more than 60 degrees below zero.  The average temperature would have to rise by more than 60 degrees to melt the Antarctic ice cap.  Hardly something we need to worry about in the near future.

Truth:  Natural Global Warming, and Global Cooling, has been documented by scientists over millions of years. In general it runs in 10,000-year cycles.  We are currently at the end of one of those cycles. We are soon, within a hundred to a thousand years, to enter a period of thousands of years of Global Cooling, a far more dangerous prospect to life on Earth than Global Warming.

Lie #2:  Bush stole the election through the Supreme Court. Gore had more votes, and should have won. Bush is an illegitimate president.

Truth:  Gore, not Bush, contested the results of the election in Florida, filing a complaint to be settled in the courts, not the ballot box, where George Bush won the vote count.

Truth:  It was Gore, not Bush, who placed the fate of the election into the courts.  Bush had already won Florida.

Truth:  Two subsequent state-wide recounts, after the election, one by the left wing St. Petersburg Times, proved that George Bush won the popular vote in Florida.

Truth:  Under our system of electing our leaders, the popular vote is not the determining factor. Each state gets allotted electoral votes loosely based on state populations. Then whoever wins the popular vote in the state, gets all of the electoral votes.

Lie #3:  The only reason for Bush going to war with Iraq is to get their oil, and line his own pockets.

Truth:  This slanderous Democratic allegation was totally un-American, bordering on treason, and was never backed up by any evidence or supporting facts.  It insinuated the President of the United States was a liar and a criminal.

Lie #4:  Bush wants to abolish Social Security

Truth:  Another slanderous Democratic lie designed to scare senior citizens.

Truth:  Bush wants to help make Social Security more efficient by allowing people some control over the money that is deducted from their pay.

Truth:  The Democrats don’t want this because the payroll taxes currently go into the general fund and are used, at least partially, for discretionary spending.  If enacted, Democrats will have to either raise taxes, or reduce spending, to maintain their spending habits.

Lie #5:  Bush is dumb.  He is not smart enough to be president.

Truth:  Bush has both an undergraduate degree and a master’s degree from Yale, an Ivy League college.  He is only the second president in the history of our country to have such a degree.

Truth:  It is impossible to be dumb, and be elected President of the United States.  Even an idiot should know that.

Lie #6:  Bush is a liar.

Truth:  Bush is one of the most honest, forthright presidents in history.

Truth:  Democrats can’t recognize Bush’s sincerity because they think lying is what all Presidents do to stay in power.

Truth:  Democrats have to lie to the American People.  If Democrats told the truth about what they really want the people would throw them out on their ear.

Truth:  Democrats want to raise taxes, but they won’t admit it.  Democrats want to scale back our military superiority, but they won’t admit it.  Democrats are against developing an anti-ballistic missile shield, but they won’t admit it.  Democrats are against getting tough with our enemies, but they won’t admit it.  Democrats are agnostics, but they won’t admit it.  Democrats are against civilian ownership of guns, but they won’t admit it.  Democrats fear patriotism, but they won’t admit it. Democrats prefer socialism, but they won’t admit it.  Democrats think the American people are dumb, but they won’t admit it.  Democrats are hoping the economy goes into the tank, but they won’t admit it. Democrats are hoping things in Iraq go badly, but they won’t admit it. They have to lie, they know they will never get back the power they lost, if they tell the truth to a now right-leaning public.

Lie #7:  Bush tax cut was only for the rich.

Truth:  To a Democrat, rich is anyone making a decent living.

Truth:  Everyone who pays taxes, got a tax cut.

Truth:   The rich are the only ones who can afford to hire employees. 

Truth:  The rich are the only ones able to afford new technologies, providing a test market for new products. Products such as Television, Cell-phones, Computers, Fax Machines, etc., etc., were all made possible by the rich.

Truth:  The rich form companies and provide employment.

Truth:  The rich are the backbone of our economic and military strength.

Truth:  The rich provide the majority of funds for charities and foundations.

Truth:  The rich provide an incentive to become rich, a possibility and a dream of every American.

Truth:  Democrats are constantly demonizing the rich, but they are the goose that laid the golden egg. Kill the goose, and that’s the end of the eggs.

Truth:  Democrats would rather have no tax cut than one that would help the rich, but since the rich pay 90% of all U.S. taxes, it’s pretty hard to design a tax bill that would not help them. Therefore, with Democrats in power, there were never any tax cuts for anybody.

Lie #8:  This is the worst economy since Herbert Hoover – John Kerry, 8/6/03, Presidential Candidate and current U.S. Senator. An outrageous lie, that is reiterated on a daily basis, by the Democratic Leadership.

Truth:  The stock market is up 23% this year.

Truth:  The recession that started in the last year of the Clinton Administration has been declared over by the think tank that keeps track of these things.

Truth:  The GDP (gross domestic product), the leading indicator of economic activity in the U.S. is higher than it has ever been.

Truth:  The economy is effected by consumer confidence.

Truth:  Frightening the Americans about the state of the economy could, in itself, create an economic downturn.

Truth:  Democrats are not only hoping the economy falters, but are trying their best to make it happen.

Truth:  Democrats are only interested in their return to power, and will say or do anything to get it back.

Lie #9:  Bush lied about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction. (His only reason for going to war with Iraq.)

Truth:  Everyone thought Iraq had biological and chemical WMDs, and were seeking nuclear weapons, including former President Clinton, and still presumably Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Truth:  It was not only WMDs, but the fear that a man of Saddam Hussein’s character and hatred for the United States, would not hesitate to assist terrorist determined to hurt the United States.

Truth:  Other reasons were cited by the President, included the tortures to Iraqi citizens, like throwing screaming people into tree shredders, sometimes feet first to prolonging the inhumanity. And Saddam Hussein’s support of Hamas, a known terrorist group, by paying the families of suicide bombers a bonus of $25,000.

Lie #10:  Bush squandered a 300 billion dollar surplus.

Truth:  The event of 9/11, the collapse of Enron, the collapse of .com companies, Gore challenging the election in the courts, and the subsequent war on terrorism all contributed to the deficit we now face.

Truth:  Bush had no control over the devastating economic loss caused by 9/11.

Truth:  Bush had no control over Al Gore’s challenge to the election causing an immediate 20% drop in the stock market.

Truth:  Bush had nothing to do with the collapse of Enron and other corporate giants.

Truth:  Bush had nothing to do with the collapse of .com companies.

Truth:  9/11, an act of war against the United States, required a military response.

Truth:  Even Democrats know, but won’t admit, that tax cuts stimulate the economy and represent only a small portion of the current deficit.

Lie #11:  Bush's Tax Cuts haven't worked.

Note:  The lies keep piling up, so now there is more than 10.

Truth:  Thanks to Democratic action in the U.S. Senate, Bush's first round of tax cuts to the "rich" were set to begin in the year 2005. (How could they work if they were not in effect?)  His second round of tax cuts changed the effective date retroactive to 2003, and did not take effect until May of 2003.  We are now in August, and to the Democrat's dismay, in this short period of time, the economy is starting to react to these cuts. The stock market is up, the housing market is at an all-time high, inflation is under control, the GDP is at record levels, and consumer confidence and spending is on the upswing.  The only thing left, is for the Democrat's to prey for higher unemployment – an unlikely scenario under the circumstances.

Lie #12:  "Bush turned a 5 trillion dollar surplus into a 5 trillion dollar deficit." Wesley Clark 9/17/03

Truth:  The projected deficit for 2003 is 450 billion dollars. Evidently, the general has trouble with billions and trillions, or he knows the difference, but believes Democrats don't.

Truth:  There never was a 5 trillion dollar surplus.

Lie #13: "Bush's failed policies has caused a 2.7 million job loss" Wesley Clark 9/17/03

Truth:  9/11 caused the job loss, along with a downturn in the economy that started in the last year of the Clinton administration. 9/11 also caused a 370 billion loss to the economy, plus a three trillion dollar capital loss in the stock market crash that immediately followed this disaster.

Truth:  Bush's policies since 9/11 has caused a rebound in the economy which eventually will result in more jobs for people.

Truth:  At the peak of Clinton's administration the unemployment rate was 3.7 percent.  Our unemployment rate is 6.1 percent and dropping. The difference is only 2.4 percent.  During the Hoover administration the rate was 35 percent unemployed.  This is hardly a good comparison, but the Democrats keep using it anyway.  Either they are ignorant, or they think we are.

TOPICS: News/Current Events; Political Humor/Cartoons
KEYWORDS: dems; lies; topten
Just thought i chould contribute somthing funny
1 posted on 06/21/2004 10:07:16 PM PDT by mastercylinder
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To: mastercylinder
Just thought i chould contribute somthing funny
...AND Truth

2 posted on 06/21/2004 10:15:58 PM PDT by Wolverine (A Concerned Citizen)
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To: Vic3O3; triplmilo

I'll save this and use it as ammunition while arguing with the liberals in the union.

Semper Fi

3 posted on 06/22/2004 6:33:06 AM PDT by dd5339 ("We came to change a nation, instead we changed a world" President Reagan.)
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Keep documenting truths! I want to see more answers for some of these lies - convert to Word, and distribute freely.

4 posted on 06/22/2004 6:46:53 AM PDT by Tigercap
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To: mastercylinder
Lie #7: Bush tax cut was only for the rich.

We don't tax wealth. We tax income. Anyone who links the tax code to wealth is showing abysmal ignorance.

Example: Theresa Heinz Kerry is fabulously wealthy but paid a fairly low rate of income tax. Her wealth is not even considered, just her income.

Of course those who favor higher taxes can't call it a "tax cut for high income earners" because calling it "earned" would be admitting the money actually belongs to the taxpayer and the government is taking it away. Plus "income earners" projects an image of someone who works hard and contributes to society. "Rich" implies fat cats - like Ted Kennedy.

5 posted on 06/22/2004 8:27:06 AM PDT by Dilbert56
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To: mastercylinder
Lie #5: Bush is dumb. He is not smart enough to be president.

Truth: Bush has both an undergraduate degree and a master’s degree from Yale, an Ivy League college. He is only the second president in the history of our country to have such a degree.

President Bush received a Master of Business Administration from Harvard Business School in 1975.
Biography of President George W. Bush

6 posted on 06/22/2004 8:32:03 AM PDT by thackney (life is fragile, handle with prayer)
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To: mastercylinder
Democrats are against developing an anti-ballistic missile shield, but they won’t admit it.

Check out the Seante floor today...

SA 3338. Mr. LEVIN submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2400, to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2005 for military activities of the Department of Defense, for military construction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe personnel strengths for such fiscal year for the Armed Services, and for other purposes; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the end of subtitle E of title X, add the following:


(a) REDUCTION.--Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the total amount authorized to be appropriated by section 201(4) for research, development, test, and evaluation, Defense-wide activities, is hereby reduced by $515,500,000, with the amount of the reduction to be allocated to amounts available for the Missile Defense Agency for Ground-based Midcourse interceptors.

7 posted on 06/22/2004 8:35:37 AM PDT by OXENinFLA
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To: mastercylinder; StriperSniper; Mo1; Peach; Howlin; kimmie7; 4integrity; BigSkyFreeper; ...


8 posted on 06/22/2004 8:36:28 AM PDT by OXENinFLA
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To: mastercylinder
Truth: Gore, not Bush, contested the results of the election in Florida

I don't blame Gore at all for contesting the results in such a close race.
It was the way the recount was executed that was outrageous. If the Dems had immediately called for a recount of the entire state instead of focusing on a handful of counties I believe the entire controversy could have been avoided.

9 posted on 06/22/2004 8:42:32 AM PDT by GSWarrior
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To: mastercylinder
Truth: ...Then whoever wins the popular vote in the state, gets all of the electoral votes.

Actually, that's not true. It's up to the state how its electors are selected.

10 posted on 06/22/2004 8:44:33 AM PDT by krb (the statement on the other side of this tagline is false)
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To: krb

Colorado may be revising the way they award electoral votes, giving proportional e/c votes based on popular vote %'s.

11 posted on 06/22/2004 8:47:38 AM PDT by petercooper (Now, who's this Joe Mayo everyone's talking about?)
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To: petercooper

Maine and Nebraska already do that.

12 posted on 06/22/2004 8:48:24 AM PDT by krb (the statement on the other side of this tagline is false)
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To: krb

In my best Johnny Carson voice--- I did not know that

13 posted on 06/22/2004 8:50:40 AM PDT by petercooper (Now, who's this Joe Mayo everyone's talking about?)
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To: petercooper
Check this out...
14 posted on 06/22/2004 8:53:03 AM PDT by krb (the statement on the other side of this tagline is false)
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To: mastercylinder

Here are some I copied off of another message board:

Bush went against the U.N.
Bush broke international law.
Bush broke the Geneva convention.
Bush and Cheney have both lied about almost everything.

15 posted on 06/22/2004 8:53:50 AM PDT by Rebelbase ( aka Gassybrowneyedbum)
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To: mastercylinder
Truth: The stock market is up 23% this year.


16 posted on 06/22/2004 9:00:51 AM PDT by Protagoras (government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem." ...Ronald Reagan, 1981)
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To: Rebelbase
Of course:

Forgive my un-Christian thoughts but I hope the President is reelected in a landslide and half the Bush-haters leave the country and the other half die of heart attacks.

17 posted on 06/22/2004 10:02:15 AM PDT by Dilbert56
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To: Dilbert56

UN resolution 1511 authorized the US to use force in Iraq, restore stability and arrange for a new Iraqi October 2003.

18 posted on 06/22/2004 10:06:44 AM PDT by Rebelbase ( aka Gassybrowneyedbum)
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