To: dcwusmc; Travis McGee; NormsRevenge; Xenalyte; Mulder; PhiKapMom; Cathryn Crawford; Dane; ...
A special ping to some random FReepers who's opinions I have grown to respect. We've lost a hell of a great man today.
2 posted on
06/05/2004 5:29:51 PM PDT by
(Help save a life -
To: jmc813
6 posted on
06/05/2004 5:43:15 PM PDT by
(Be polite. Be professional. But, have a plan to kill everyone you meet.)
To: jmc813
Thanks for the ping.
Reagan had so many great quotes, like the one you posted.
12 posted on
06/05/2004 7:04:00 PM PDT by
(Those who would give up liberty for temporary security, deserve neither -- Ben Franklin)
To: jmc813
Thanks for the post... I served under RWR after Jimmy Earl left the place... it was night and day! I also got to see him (from a distance) when he came into MCAS Tustin on Marine One... maybe I still have the pics somewhere.
And I am honored that you think highly of my opinions. Thanks for that, as well.
13 posted on
06/05/2004 10:44:02 PM PDT by
("The most dangerous man, to any government, is the man who is able to think things out for himself.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson